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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I went bald but I still keep my comb, I can't part with it.
  2. Someone's just posted on that thread so if you go into Wheeltappers it will be near the top of the list of posts.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ian, sorry to hear of Alisons travails, and I hope its not as serious as it sounds and it doesn't interfere with your own plans. Without you who can she turn to? I had a good sort out of the Oxford Diecast trucks that I purchased yesterday, they are all code 3's, mainly converted from Eddie Stobart models. They need a bit of fettling as some have damaged mirrors etc. but I purchased a couple of spare cabs with those features intact so its either swap the cab units or use the spare cabs as 'Christmas trees'. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorted most of todays acquisitions, only the Oxford trucks to be sorted but that can wait until tomorrow. Like Baz I'm feeling a bit frazzled so its goodnight all.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A successful day at the Brentwood toy fair if the number of modelling tokens disposed of is anything to go by. First item purchased was a very rare and sought after diecast of a Bedford Dormobile. As soon as I went to a particular table the trader accosted me and asked if I was still looking for this particular model. I said I was and he produced it from under the table. The price was a very reasonable £60 as opposed to the going rate of £75. I'm well chuffed. Most of my other purchases were also of the diecast rubber tyred variety including some Oxford Diecast truck trailers with added loads ideal for some code 3's. Another interesting model I acquired was of a Thames lighter, about 00/H0 scale and it appears to be of solid wood. It carries the name 'Albion' and is mounted on a stand, not bad for £8.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Getting ready for the Brentwood toy fair and on my way shortly. Thats about it, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Teas made, now for the crossword and sudoku. Mentioning hair this came up on facebook. http://youtube.com/watch?v=2wHgB1uCT9w
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I enjoyed Johns blog about Wodney the wiendeer, the comments about the human equivalent of WW brought back memories of before I retired and makes me so glad that I did. Can't be bothered to cook anything tonight so a trip down to the chippy shortly.
  9. I'm well aware of that, too many drivers do not concentrate on their driving. If they did there'd be far fewer accidents and a lot less polution.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad wet last night but the rain has now departed and so has Arthur Itis. Must remember to stock up with modelling tokens for tomorrows toy fair. Other things to do so I'll be back later.
  11. No overhead, I assume they are on battery power. Will the lines be wired in future?
  12. Its on quite a busy road also used by three bus routes. The only alternative is several minor roads through residential areas. I do try to avoid times when the school is turning out but thats not allways possible.
  13. The main cause of worry with LPG or any other fuel be it hydrogen or petrol is not collision damage but fire. Being kept in sealed containers the danger is explosion which in that respect hydrogen is probably no worse than the others and possibly safer.
  14. Not neccessarily increasing fuel consumption if you think and plan ahead and anticipate. As in the case of the second school at lunchtime and turning out time I ease off when approaching and passing the school and ready to brake if I have to. I might have to drop into fourth gear to get up speed afterwards but only for a few seconds, with a negligble effect on fuel consumption.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Getting warmer in Estuary-Land, and windier. In fact its warmer now than it has been over the last couple of days during the day. Had a look at the rubbish reduced box at Tess Coes today and found a ream of HP computer printer paper reduced to £1 from £4 due to a grubby mark on the wrapper. Also two dozen coloured marker pens for 62p marked down from £2:50, No apparent fault with them or the packaging. I'd tell them that I'm going to another company and that I have a quote from them lower than the original quote that they gave you.
  16. When I go to visit a friend I pass a junior school that has a 20mph limit outside of the school. Fair enough but I usually go past the school of an evening long after the pupils have gone home. In fact the school is locked up and this time of year is in darkness. Another junior school near to where I live although it doesn't have a speed limit has an electronic 'reminder' sign of the (30mph) speed limit. At the former school very few stick to the 20mph limit, at the latter most drivers slow down when they see the sign. As for economy when travelling at less than 30mph, most cars that I have driven will happily pootle along at 30mph/50kph but going slower than that usually involved changing down. The only solution to excessive speeding on rural roads has to be by traffic calming measures such as chichanes, but not speed bumps.
  17. By doing his job out of hours he would have been in breach of health and safety regulations (not supervised) and almost certainly uninsured. If he had been assaulted by someone, quite possible in the circumstances his employer might be held responsible even if he was 'unofficial'. However I think that gloating over getting someone the sack is completely out of order.
  18. But batteries can be re-processed and the materials re-used to make new batteries. Some batteries such as those used in electric buses have a 'second life' as storage of energy when they are no longer capable of being rapidly re-charged. Then when they are no longer usable for that they can be broken down and most of the elements re-processed, often into new batteries. Much of the steel produced in the UK is made from scrap and likewise new batteries can be produced from scrap ones.
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A tad chilly this morning and it is just warming up. It got cold very early last night, I even had to scrape the ice off of the car last night before going to the club. Bank statement arrived yesterday, WFA was on there, about 2 weeks earlier than usual. Thats all for now, be back later.
  20. Indeed they do, there is a stretch of road near me (the old A13/Vange High Road) that cyclists often exceed the speed limit going downhill.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. AGM went well and then we retired for tea and mince pies. Still looking for a venue/date for next years show which will probably be later in the year (Oct/Nov) and likely as not a one day show. Thats it for now, be back later.
  22. If you can have crocheted trees why not have a backscene in the style of the impressionists.
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