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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Its here on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65DvWJOUvhk
  2. It started but kept buffering then the notice came up 'Not available'.
  3. Best, and safest way to remove tampo printing is a dab of T-cut on a cotton bud. Rub gently using a circular motion and clean the area thoroughly afterwards before adding paint, glue or nameplates. DO NOT USE nail varnish remover or other acetone products as this can affect some plastics.
  4. Yes they were, another even better make of diecasts that are still going strong is Tomica. They have the advantage of printing the scale on the boxes of most of their models and that is usually pretty accurate. They can be found on E-bay.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Q, is it ok to give dogs blue cheese? Not that it is liable to do them any serious harm but the results could be a bit messy. Talking of Stilton cheese, I found an unopened packet of Stilton hidden at the back of the fridge the other day. It looks perfectly OK despite a sell by date of 2017. Its wrapped in greaseproof paper so should be OK. Smiffy, sorry to hear of your accident and wishing you a speedy recovery. Ian, I hope you can make it back for Christmas despite the travel problems in France. C&C's wherever neccessary, be back later.
  6. Majorette is more like the French Matchbox. Small die-cast models to 'fit-the-box' scale.
  7. My understanding is that New Zealand has a compensation scheme that is quite generous. The lawyers don't get a look in which is probably why a small country with a small population can afford it.
  8. Not only cyclists but pedestrians do not seem to like making themselves visible at night. Is it only me that thinks that the new LED streetlights make those wearing dark clothing even less visible?
  9. There were some H0 plastic models from Spain, IIRC the name of the manufacturer was Eko. They included several British models in the range such as the Rover P5 and BMC LD van. One to look out for is the Jeep Wagoner station wagon, it is very close to 00 scale not H0 scale like the rest of the range.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have met a few ugly women in my time. I recall one in particular when I went on a Club 18-30 holiday over 40 years ago. I managed to escape her clutches unlike one poor chap who she dragged into her room. Some of the other antics would raise a few eyebrows today and the younger generations just wouldn't believe what went on. Now to catch up on other matters on RMweb, be back later.
  11. I think that was the whole idea.
  12. I was taught the same except when I passed my test, 52 years ago many cars still had only three gears including my first car (Ford 100E). Not that it mattered so much as the car was barely capable of 60mph.
  13. According to the news reports warnings were given against landing on the island. Also reported is five dead and eight missing and an unknown number injured.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Dom and family and I hope that Alison is well enough for Ian to continue with his holiday plans. I've got to find out later if my brother will be able to come home for Christmas. He will now be on dyalisis for the rest of his life as his one remaining kidney has been knocked out by drugs that are supposed to reduce blood pressure. When I last spoke to him he was a bit dopey from some of the drugs he had been given so it would be good to have a chat if he comes home. Jamie speaking about microwaving butter reminded me of my mate Brian (Wheels) who is a fellow railway modeller who is known to some members of this parish. One day he decided to boil an egg in the microwave................. It cost him a few modelling tokens for a replacement microwave.
  15. New employees must be costipated?
  16. Thoughts are with those caught up in the eruption of Whakaari in New Zealand. Five confirmed dead and many missing including a group filmed inside the crater minutes before the eruption.
  17. Morning (yet again) from Estuary-Land. Sadly the death toll from the Whakaari eruption has risen to five with a number still missing including a group that were inside the crater when it erupted. New Zealand is the most geologically active place in the world, there was an earthquake only a day or so ago that cut a town off completely, whether its to do with the eruption I can't say.
  18. Morning all from Estuary=Land. Up early this morning, fortunately my 'old' computer is behaving itself this morning, I remembered to switch the battery saver off before switching on the mains power. Switched the TV on and got the weather forecast (wet & windy, cold & windy and repeat) other than that there was not much else. That is except for the Whakaari (White Island) volcano eruption in New Zealand. One dead and at least twenty missing and conditions are too dangerous for any rescue attempts. Thats it for now, I'm off to bed for a bit more shut-eye.
  19. A quick note before I go to bed. My number 1 computer is up and running. Apparently it dislikes the mains being switched on before switching off the battery saver.
  20. Evening all from Estuary-Land. One thing about this new computer is its more powerful than the old one and a lot quicker. The drawback is that it takes a lot of battery power so it is now almost permanently plugged in when in use. KZ, Baz is not a Yorkshireman, I made the same mistake a couple of weeks ago at Warley. I have assessed the Oxford Diecast lorries I purchased yesterday. There are four tractive unit/trailer combinations and two spare tractive units. One of the four trailers was attached to a damaged unit that didn't match the trailer so it was replaced with one of the spare units that also matched the trailer. The trailers all have different loads, quite professionally made though I think one load might be loaded incorrectly. I will ask a fellow member of the model railway club who is a truck driver for his advice. Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to switch my 'old' computer on and the screen remained blank, just as well I have my new computer but there is a lot of stuff on my old computer that needs to be recovered. I will have to take my old computer in next week to see what can be rescued. I have just installed Firefox on this computer as some of my stuff is only on there.
  22. I have a Hyundai that seems to be very high geared, it struggles on hills when I'm carrying more than one passenger. Also the fourth and fifth gears are of very similar ratios barely 50 rpm per 10 mph. In top gear at 30 mph the revs are only 1500.
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