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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've managed to avoid the politics today and I intend to keep doing so until tomorrow when the dust has settled. Thanks Brian, thats the one that I had. I Googled it and discovered that it was introduced as early as 1938 but in a larger scale (1/27). It was reintroduced in the late 40's in 1/48 scale and production ceased about 1960. It was made by Spears, better known for board games (Ludo, Snakes and ladders.) The roofing for the Brickplayer was made of the same glossy coated board as used in the games. Now to catch up on the rest of RMweb.
  2. The biggest problem with burns is infection, which causes more deaths than the actual burns themselves.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Stocked up when I went to Tess Coes, now I have enough to last me at least until Sunday. I see some of the Christmas carp items you allways wanted for Christmas is being offered at reduced price. Nothing there to interest me as despite the reductions it was still expensive. My preference is to go in shortly before closing on Christmas Eve or on Boxing day to hunt for bargains. I hope Ian gets back to Sherry in good time.
  4. I looked at the image on Google. The Google image was taken in the early morning and the sun was shining straight into the Google camera. Though the Google image was taken in June this incident took place at 09:10 so the sun would be in a similar position. Perhaps it would be a good idea to fit a bar with the neccessary warnings to the arched bridge at the same height as the lower bridge.
  5. Regretably external injuries are only part of the problem. Many inhaled in superheated air and gas that caused internal injuries.
  6. Apparently polling has been very high in some areas. Marginals in particular and mostly younger voters.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I voted over a week ago, by post. I have had a postal vote seemingly forever as I more often than not I worked as a poll clerk in a different constituency to where I lived. Interesting point re. what GDB said about how busy his polling station was. After the initial voters waiting for the poll to open it goes quiet until a mini rush between 7 and 8 as some people vote on the way to work. Then it goes quiet until lunchtime when there is a mini rush of people voting in their lunch hour. Then there is a small pause before 3-4 pm when the mums picking their kids up from school arrive, the most hectic time, not because of the number of voters but the number of little darlings running around. Then the next rush about 6 when people going home from work cast their votes. From about 8 there is very rarely a voter to be seen until after the soaps have finished and then the last rush. Its then pretty quiet until closing time when theres a few who wait until the last minute. I'm sure Jamie will confirm that as soon as the polling station is about to close the local beat bobby arrives to grab a last mug of tea and any cakes or biscuits left over.* *It is normal practice for the person in charge of the station to provide tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits for the clerks.
  8. Matchbox describe most of their models as 1/64 scale even when they patently are not. The prototype in this case is 19 feet long. The Matchbox model is 3 inches long which makes it spot on 1/76 scale.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Quite a crowd at the club this evening but as I summised not a lot got done. I can't remember the name of the one with the real bricks either and I had a set when I was about 8/9 years old. The mortar was a form of PVA, if you wanted to demolish a building you had to put it into soapy warm water. The one I had had the doors and roof components to make a detached house with built in garage. The garage doors were metal and the roof was cardboard with a glossy coating. The problem was as Jamie said was that once the cement ran out you couldn't build anything and the roofs got a bit tatty. They were only produced for a year or two, I suspect that they weren't very successful sales wise. One building kit of the 60's that can still be found is Triang Arkitex. Produced in 1/76 scale to match Triang trains and Minic Motorways and 1/42 to match Spot-on toys. I have collected some of the 1/76 bits including a set or two, they are not very expensive and I have even seen it used on an exhibition layout. EDIT Mick posted as I was typing this post.
  10. Discovered today in Tesco's. Matchbox Nissan Titan Warrior pick-up, looks near to 1/76 scale but at only £1 you cant go wrong.
  11. The A roads were numbered from London in order of importance and numbered anticlockwise. Hence the great north road as the busiest became the A1. The Dover road the A2. The road to the West Country the A3. The road to South Wales the A4. The road to Birmingham the A5 and the A6 to the Northwest.
  12. The rail structure serving Felixstowe has been much improved in the last 30-40 years. Not obvious improvements, mostly loading gauge enhancements to allow larger containers to be moved by rail.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorting through my pile of offcuts. Being mostly ply and MDF I'm not going to chance leaving them in a damp garage. Some of the pieces were cut for the young mans layout but are no longer required now that the £10 layout has been acquired. Club night tonight but I don't expect much doing this side of Christmas. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Except for jig saw blades for cutting plywood. They are reversed so that they don't rip the wood.
  15. I spotted that the other day when I drove past it.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning if a bit breezy. In the article about plants screaming there was a possible explaination in that the cells that hold the plants water also contain a minute amount of air that vibrates when any changes take place. As some insects and even mammals such as bats can hear them makes me wonder if the purpose is to tell them if they are under attack from insects. For example if a plant is attacked by aphids it sends out a message that predators of aphids interpret as 'dinners ready'. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. Oops nearly forgot, I hope Ian can now look forward to Christmas with Sherry. C&C's to all other ER's who require them.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I haven't put up Christmas decorations for years, living alone why bother? I have purchased Christmas lights of the plain white LED variety as they are useful for model railways. Strung along behind model buildings they illuminate the buildings nicely.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hooley outside at the moment but not much wetness. Various evergreen shrubs that I planted many moons ago are doing a splendid job as a windbreak, most are now about 8 feet high and merged into each other and seem to attract the local wildlife as they form a convenient 'tunnel' down one side of the garden. Time to get dinner ready, liver and bacon tonight, be back later.
  20. Pedestrians hereabouts tend to dart out of the shadows into the roads.
  21. Death toll has now risen to six with more expected from 27 being treated for severe burns (70%). Two British women are among the injured but it is not known how badly. Another Brit is reported to be among the missing.
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