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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. It was the Eastern Region internal user one, someone beat me too it anyway.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Dave. Slept in a bit this morning so a bit behind. A bit of good news this morning, the parcel I'm expecting passed through Heathrow this morning and is now in the care of the Royal Mail. No mention of the dreaded VAT and Royal Mail charges so hopefully it will not acquire the same before it arrives. Tea has now to be drunk, be back later.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The latest Bylines dropped onto the mat today. I now only need to go down to Smiffs for one magazine now so to save myself the bother I'll take out a subscription on that in the new year. No more news of my brother so I'm assuming that theres no change. Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I thought that I had posted on ER's this afternoon but I posted on the Wacky Signs thread by mistake. I deleted it and now I've forgotten what I wrote so it wasn't important. I have to go in to town soon as I have to go to the building society. I refuse to do internet banking, I keep my accounts well away from the internet except the one opened specifically to use on the internet that contains about thirty bob. Just listening to the London news, A lot about the travel problems south of the river but a mention of the idiot who parked his car under a train, he's being done for drink driving. She didn't wear any petticoats in Walkabout?
  5. I received the January 2020 edition of Railway Bylines this morning. In an article about Clee Hill there is an illustration of a brake vehicle intended for use on an incline. Basically a low sided open wagon fitted with footboards and a brake standard. My thoughts are with the Ruston being a lightweight it might be found neccessary to add some more brake force. So I am now considering adding such features to the match wagon together with a toolbox and a few other additions.
  6. My wife was overjoyed when I told her I'd booked a table for Christmas day. I didn't even know she could play snooker.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Wet and dismal here this morning but predicted to be gone by lunchtime, we'll wait and see. I have managed to keep my BP below about 120/70, still a bit high but not dangerously so. My niece was telling me that it was the BP medication that was largely responsible for my brothers kidney problems. It was when I was taking Ramopril that I had a kidney stone so I'm glad that I decided to stop taking it. Did you offer to demonstrate what a reamer does?
  8. The best way to remove tampo printing from a diecast is with a small amount of T-cut on a cotton bud. Rub it gently with a circular motion and watch it disappear. Clean the surface afterwards before applying paint/transfers. Some people may suggest nail varnish remover but this can cause damage to plastic parts such as windows.
  9. It depends on your definition of beer.
  10. Indeed, having witnessed someone having a major mental breakdown I agree entirely. Fortunately in this case he wasn't suicidal and help was at hand in the form of a social worker. Just as well as I felt absolutely helpless.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Earlier this evening I got a call from my niece. At first I feared the worst with regards to my brother but he's still in the land of the living. Unfortunately the infection has now affected his heart and as soon as a bed is available he will be going into Barts to have a replacement heart valve. Its almost certain that he will be in there over Christmas and I discussed with my niece how would we be able to visit him over the holiday. Fortunately I can drive my car in the LEZ without incuring any charges though I wouldn't want to drive in London unless its absolutely neccessary.
  12. Isn't there a Cowans-Sheldon steam crane similar to the one on the LMR due for release soon? Would make an interesting diorama of 807 being lifted.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still got to test my new acquisition. Rather unusual for Hattons the box it arrived in although still rather large was not too much so. There was an item on TV a few days ago about an experimental machine that laser scans the item to be boxed and then cuts and bends a sheet of cardboard to make a box the required size. Talking of lighting up http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/smoker-blows-up-car-lights-21103625 As Ian said.
  14. Further to what I was saying about 100th birthdays. A lot of my contemporaries also have parents who would have reached the ton recently and one or two actually made it. A lot more are in their 90's and rapidly approaching their 100th. We sometimes forget that a baby boom followed the First World War as well as WW2. What is also forgotten is the enormous contribution and sacrifice that that generation made for us, the NHS for one.
  15. Depends on whether they are standing up or laying down.
  16. Thanks Colin, there is a Sentinel on E-bay for £99, I might grab it before someone else does. My army Ruston arrived this morning and will be tested later. I might consider re-numbering it to 807 (Caen) the LMR one and try sourcing nameplates for it. I looked it up in the book on the LMR and it was almost certainly painted green as in all the photographs it is in matt finish and all the LMR blue locomotives were gloss. On the LMR it seems to have spent a lot of time in the air being used for demonstrating the LMR steam crane.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning as there was a Virgin Media engineer down the street this morning and the internet went down for an hour while he fixed something. I know it went down because I was watching an interesting item on BBC breakfast about some adventurers who repeated a long distant trip of 60 or so years ago using the original Land Rovers. I will now have to look at I-player. Best wishes to Chris and John and have a good time. Chris's mentioning of it being his dad's 100th birthday reminded me that last month would have been my dad's 100th if he was still alive and my mum would have been 100 on this coming new years eve. I was hoping to arrange a family get together to mark them both but my brothers illness put the kybosh on that and my sister is away over Christmas/new year. The postman has just delivered the first of my Christmas presents, one that runs on parallel bits of metal so it needs to be played with tested .
  18. I worked in a payroll department for 30 years. We had four armoured Transit vans for delivering wages to various sites. The vans only lasted two or three years before they were knackered due to the weight of the armour. One of the vans had the front suspension collapse, fortunately it wasn't carrying any cash. The local Ford dealer sent another Transit breakdown truck to tow it in. The tow truck driver got a shock when the front of the tow truck started lifting off the ground. In the end they had to use a heavier tow truck.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Decided to give the club a miss tonight. Still got the cold hanging on, its not full man-flu but a Lem-sip fortified with a bit of Caledonian falling down water is in order before bed tonight. Bin day tomorrow so have to get them out before bedtime.
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