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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I have bottles of wine that must be 40 years old. The fact is that I drink very little alcohol if at all and they have simply been forgotten about. They have been stored in a cool environment, less than 17 degrees on their sides to keep the corks moist. Problem is if I opened one and the contents turned out to be OK I'd still end up throwing most of it away.
  2. Only problem is that its a freight engine. Though you could make a heritage railway layout, especially if your passenger cars are not British outline.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been speaking to my niece this afternoon, my brother goes down for his op tomorrow morning. It looks as if he's going to remain in hospital for the next three months.
  4. This has just been posted on another thread:>> I can't see how they connected them in the first place. Pullman corridor connection on the locomotive and the old LMS one on the Stove R. For that matter why bother connecting them when on a preserved railway?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Mike. A bit late on parade this morning, didn't even wake up until quarter past eight. Donk and others will be pleased to know that I will not be giving the soft toys to the SFYT's (Small Furry Yapping Terrorists) so they will have to carry on biting peoples ankles. Instead they are being added to the items to be donated to the B17 trust. The soft toys are 'Angry Birds' characters from a movie of the same name (that I haven't even heard of). Hears wishing all of you a happy and prosperous new year, bye for now.
  6. There's plenty of railway modelling groups on there as well. Pity that they've deemed fit to make it such a PITA to look up your groups.
  7. Its been very slow over the holidays. Some other forums and Farcebook have also been slow. It was particularily slow at noon when the last New Year celebrations occured (in the Mid Pacific) but since then it seems to have behaved itself.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Done sod-all today apart from a trip down to Tess Coes for the papers. All the Christmas stuff is reduced but one can only suffer so many mince pies even at 20p for half a dozen. Found a couple of items in the 'bent boxes/dented tins' shelf including for a few pennies a box of biscuits with only a torn corner of the box. Also a couple of soft toys that I intend to give to my friends terrier dog and a chihuahua that they are caring for. The soft toys had been attached to some chocolates but the chocolates had disappeared. I wonder how long the soft toys will last?
  9. The same applied to the older (pre-1948) Ford E83W vans. You soon learnt which was the brake and which was the accelerator.
  10. Me too, logging on for 2020.
  11. Its now 2020 throughout the world. I tried to post this on the hour but the internet slowed right down.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I thought the 21st. Century began with the year 2000 so today should be the first day of the roaring 20's. If it isn't then what was all the fuss about 20 years ago? Perhaps its because of the change over from BC to AD, when we went from 1 BC to 1 AD. Should there have been a year zero inbetween? I will leave you to ponder that while I catch up on the rest of RMweb.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land The Battle of the Somme. Spoke to my friend on the phone, eventually. As it turns out his new phone is very quiet and he can't hear it ring unless he's in the room. The young man found the missing part of his scooter in the packaging but it doesn't seem to want to go back in so its still back to the toy shop with it. Happy new year to all, have a good one.
  14. The driver of a Routemaster or trolleybus. On a trolleybus the right hand pedal operated the controller and the left hand pedal the brake. The Routemaster was intended to replace the trolleybuses in London so the pedals were arranged to mimic those of a trolleybus. The later Routemasters had a more conventional pedal arangement and I believe all were converted.
  15. The Consul was the basic model (quite often used as a taxi) and the Granada was the top of the range model with a V6 engine and extra trim. The Consul 3litre GT was a basic trim model with the extra power of a 'breathed on' V6 for the police. At the time Ford had a good deal of the market in police patrol cars.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Didn't take the young man down to exchange his scooter after all. Every time I phoned his dad there was no answer. He has not mentioned going out today and he recently had a new phone. If I get no reply tomorrow I might pop round to see whats wrong. Not much else to report so I'll be back later.
  17. Growing old is like living in a haunted house. There are sounds and smells that cannot be explained.
  18. Give them time Baz, give them time. (Preferably 20 years minimum.)
  19. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Today would have been my mum's 100th birthday, happy 100th mum, allways thinking of you. KZ, talking of celebs passing away in the last year remember that quite a few of the younger ones are on their way with the aid of illegal substances. Also the most recent one to go, June Whitfield was 93, a good innings by any measure. Time to drink that muggatee, check my social media and then take the young man down to the toyshop to exchange his faulty scooter.
  20. Apparently the Jag used in the Morse series was something of an old banger. It had the smaller and less popular 2.4 litre engine and the body was full of filler. No doubt when it was disposed of it was at a profit being a 'star car'.
  21. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spoke to my niece this evening. My brother is now in Barts awaiting his heart op. They have decided on the full open heart surgury as they have to replace two valves. I understand that its practically routine nowadays. Now going to complete the journey on the West Highland line on channel 5.
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