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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I use a substance called Oust to de-scale my kettle and very effective it is too. Also it is available in most supermarkets. I usually have to descale my kettle every other month. My paternal grandmother spent her last years living in Thornton Heath, GDB's and a couple of other ER's neck of the woods. The water was so hard that an electric kettle would only last for about three months before it was so scaled up that it had to be thrown away. Oust can also be used on coffee makers and steam irons. The main ingredient is formic acid that is the stuff that makes stinging nettles sting and is also squirted by ants.
  2. I detered the cats from using a particular area as a latrine by scattering berberris prunings.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The lurgy is now subdued a bit after I took a trip out for newspapers, it doesn't like the fresh air. Not much else happening, be back later.
  4. The moulds were damaged early in the production run and only a small number of kits were produced.
  5. What in the USA is called V-scale. A virtual layout created inside a computer.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi is still in retreat but its left me with a wunny dose, I'm going through tissues like nobodys business. I've managed to lose nearly three kilo's since Christmas, mainly down to cutting my bread consumption by half. This is achieved by replacing the four slices at breakfast with a bowl of porridge made with skimmed milk. I wonder what bad news will be sneaked out behind this?
  7. But that figure is only one dimensional and you are talking of the turntable that is 3 dimensional. If you cubed the figure you would come to a more reasonable 24/25 seconds.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi is still trying to hang on by its fingertips but I think I've got it beat. Had a good evening at SEERS though it was a bit crowded being the first time the test track was up after Christmas and a lot of people wanted to test their new presents. I did manage to get a slot to test my new locomotive which ran superbly.
  9. The answer to a rat problem would be a Jack Russel terrier. They were bred specifically as 'ratters'.
  10. Off to the SEERS meeting shortly. Lurgi is keeping quiet at the mo. Be back later.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi is still in retreat, now down to the odd sniffle and cough. I might chance going to the SEERS meeting tonight if I feel any better. Tea is awaiting, be back later.
  12. The catalogue only shows drawings of this and the Scammells, probably because they are still on the drawing board.
  13. We don't have problems with rats and not a lot with squirrels for that matter. We have foxes that keep the rat population down and discourages the squirrels. They don't usually bother the birds.
  14. On the subject of wagons and coaches there are two interesting vehicles in photographs in the book 'R-O-D on the Western Front 1915-1919' by William Aves. The first is a 6-wheel passenger brake van that although belonging to the French Nord company was very British in appearance and size but with a pair of strange ventilators on the roof rather like large pent roof dog kennels with louvred sides. The other is even more interesting as it shows the German rail gun captured by the Australians. Attached to the rear of the gun was a modified open goods wagon. The wagon was fitted with a pent roof raised above the sides and appears to be used as a magazine wagon. It started out as a high sided wagon fitted with central cupboard doors about 4-5 feet wide, is about 22-24 feet long with a wheelbase of about 15-16 feet. The pent roof is raised above the sides (5-6 feet) by about a foot or so and completely covered in except for 4 square windows/loopholes cut in the sides.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Good news this morning about my brother, he has been deemed fit enough to be moved from Barts to his local hospital (Queens, Romford). He must be getting better as my S-i-L tells me he's moaning about all and everything. Q, for your Burns night speech what about using the Cutty Sark connection, (Tam O'Shanter). That also has a nautical connection for the yachting types as well. You could do worse than recite the poem. The lurgi is still with me but retreating slowly and I'm sorry to hear that Chris is also now afflicted with it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Normally the ones with the three speed column change gearbox had a bench seat and those with the floor change four speed box had separate seats. The one I had (1969 saloon) was unusual as it had the four speed floor change and the bench seat. I had to be careful if a young lady was sat in the middle of the front seat when changing gear.
  17. It does need the special ammo wagon to go with it.
  18. The reason that I accepted a smart meter was that I was getting (over)estimated bills it was a bit of a buqqer reading the meter.
  19. I had a chance to browse the 2020 Airfix catalogue today. There was not much for model railways as you might expect but listed is a 1/72 kit for a Case tractor towing a roller. This is basically a civilian vehicle used by the USAAF for airfield construction. Slightly overscale perhaps for 00 but a prototype that was imported during the war years to help in food production.
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