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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Plenty of eateries in Portsmouth but the only one I have experienced is the pub on the corner right outside the dock gates (can't remember its name). Food was pretty good and quite reasonably priced, well it was 6 years ago when I took a party down there to visit the Mary Rose.
  2. Interesting selection of other cars as well. Mk II Zephyr, Mk I Cortina, Sunbeam Rapier, Mk III Zephyr, ADO16, Princess Limo, Rover P5, Ford Corsair and LAD cabbed lorry.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No ones mentioned two methods of power generation that are in one case renewable and the other nuclear but far safer in many ways. The first is tidal power, a lot more expensive to build than wind generators but reliability is guaranteed (if built properly in the first place). The second is thorium, a nuclear fuel but far safer than uranium. If Fukushima had been thorium powered it could have been switched off before the tsumani hit. Tidal power stations would naturally have to be built offshore and where there is a strong tidal race, the East Coast and Bristol Channel the first already has the infrastructure for bringing the power ashore from the wind turbines which in turn could be moved to the artificial islands built around the tidal generators. Thorium generates energy in the same way as uranium but whereas uranium gives off energy in the form of radiation naturally and in a nuclear power station is controlled by carefully (and slowly) inserting graphite rods thorium only gives off energy when it is bombarded with electrons. Another advantage is it does not produce dangerous by products such as plutonium. As for DC domestic supply many devices that run on DC have the power and voltage changed at the socket via the plug connected to the power supply. For many such appliances its a simple case of exchanging the plug.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been busy this afternoon/evening, knocked over another pile of old and not so old magazines. I piled them temporarilly on my bed so I've had to sort them out or sleep in the armchair tonight. They are now sorted and I have a bulging pink sack for the recycling. The lurgi hasn't troubled me much today, the coughing seems to be over, just the odd sniffle, but still taking the Lem-sip/whisky tonight.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi is still in retreat but theres still a sniffy nose and now a ticklish cough. I have comunicated with my energy supplier re the absent gas meter recordings and await developements though from past experience I'm not holding my breath. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. 1066 and all that is not all that reliable>> http://www.britannica.com/topic/Hengist
  7. PS It was very windy but it seems to have dropped, but the sun is shining though its rather cool.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like 81C I decided to lay in bed until 10. When I did get up I spotted a particular book I had been looking for under a pile of magazines. So I attempted to remove it from under the pile of magazines (you all know where this is going). Inevitably the pile of magazines collapsed taking another pile of magazines that was leaning on them with them. I have managed to open up a path through them but it looks as if its going to take the rest of the day to sort them out. Most of them will probably end up in the pink sacks for the bin men to collect. I did find a few other books that were on the 'missing' list however, I will have to resist the temptation to sit and read them instead of sorting the magazines.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi is still hanging around so shortly the Lem-sip/Caledonian falling down water will be applied.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Lurgi is still making itself felt but if I keep battering it it should eventually submit. Can awls fly? If they can I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.
  11. The LT one's were the least worn out ones only purchased as a stop gap measure. As soon as the boiler certificate ran out they were replaced. Railway bangernomics in other words.
  12. Occupying two parking bays when a parking area is busy is just plain selfish. Though one selfish idiot got his come uppance at the local Tesco's a few months ago. He had parked his BMW straddling the white line demarking two bays so one chap parked his car at 90 degrees close to the back of the BMW trapping it in the (two) parking bays. He was most put out at having to wait fifteen minutes for the other driver to let him out.
  13. I've seen that video, very funny. The (woman) driver ended up getting into her car via the hatchback and with some difficulty climbing over the seats and just as she made it into the drivers seat the two 4x4's were driven away.
  14. I have the Vauxhall kit and I only paid £20 for it not so long ago. That is because the sprue with the transparent parts, glazing and headlamps is missing and the bodyshell has been crushed distorting the windscreen pillars. If I had the glazing I could use it to correct the windscreen pillars. Someone had started it but only got as far as the 'luggage' that was included in the kit.
  15. A small amount of T-cut on a cotton bud rubbed gently on the branding should do the trick. But dont rub to hard and wash the residue off afterwards. DO NOT use nail varnish remover on plastics.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Well just about anyway, laid in to gone 9 this morning and then a good soak in the bath. The lurgi is still hanging on but doesn't stay around for the Lem-sip + Caledonian falling down water. That means that I get a good nights sleep anyway. The young mans layout (£10 layout) is penciled in for the SEERS on show mini exhibition in four weeks time so theres a bit of work needs doing to it. Some of the track is inaccessible but requires cleaning. We may have to cut a hole in the backscene. I think we will both have to use a muddy hollow down Telford way to store the excess.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I use a substance called Oust to de-scale my kettle and very effective it is too. Also it is available in most supermarkets. I usually have to descale my kettle every other month. My paternal grandmother spent her last years living in Thornton Heath, GDB's and a couple of other ER's neck of the woods. The water was so hard that an electric kettle would only last for about three months before it was so scaled up that it had to be thrown away. Oust can also be used on coffee makers and steam irons. The main ingredient is formic acid that is the stuff that makes stinging nettles sting and is also squirted by ants.
  18. I detered the cats from using a particular area as a latrine by scattering berberris prunings.
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