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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My neighbours three doors down, a forty something woman and her two teenage daughters over the past couple of weeks have managed to lock themselves out of their house twice. Each time they have asked to borrow my ladder which I'm quite happy to lend to them. They locked themselves out again this evening and the only window left open was the bathroom fanlight which was only just big enough for one of the daughters to clamber through. She was wearing a pair of very brief hot pants so tight that they could have been painted on. Being a gentleman I held the ladder for her as she climbed up to the window. Perhaps someone came home drunk and decided to clear his drive, but it wasn't his drive.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. When I was in Tess Coes this afternoon I had a check on the 'bent and battered' reduced items stand. There was a magazine box with slight damage to one corner for 22p. I quickly snaffled it, just what I need to store sheets of card and plasticard. Got to catch up on a lot of things now, although the lurgi has almost disappeated it seems to have slowed me down somewhat. Tea to be drunk, be back later.
  3. I have some lead obtained when the old Redifusion cable was removed from my property. There was about 50 yards of cable in all attached to the house, the garden wall and the block of garages that intrude into the back garden. The system was abandoned many years ago and the cable started to deteriorate. I then found that it was attached to the walls by lead straps every couple of feet. So when I removed the cable (sold to the scrapman) I kept the lead straps, about half a kilo of lead.
  4. Yes your right, by stopping the frame you could see that its a standard bodied example. Whats unusual about it is that its the petrol engined version with the flat grill and no bulge in the bonnet (like the EFSI model).
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Decimalisation was first considered in 1849, hence the introduction of the florin (2/-) coin in that year. IIRC the 3d coin was withdrawn before decimal day. I also remember there being a news item on Big Ben just before the recent refurbishment showing old pre decimal pennies being used to adjust the pendulum. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full song this morning including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon, back to their normal day this week. Thats it for now, be back later.
  6. The STD was an all Leyland Titan TD7 introduced c. 1937. The Leyland bodies were modified to resemble an STL.
  7. The is also a Transit Mk. II parcel van in the second half about 5:14 on the right.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear Sherry and Ian's good news. A friends daughter was born on decimal day, 15th Feb 1971. Hard to believe that she will be 50 next year. I have half a dozen old pennies, mostly if not all dug out of the garden where they had been dropped/lost, they are enormous compared with todays coins. I also remember when working behind a post office counter in 1966 looking out for certain pennies that were worth more than their face value. Some coins at certain times were produced by other than the Royal Mint and were marked with a letter beside the date. They were legal tender and were sought after by coin collectors and if we found one in our tills we put them aside until a dealer or collector came in and asked if we had any. The rarest coin in circulation was some Edward VIII pennies. For obvious reasons Edward VIII coins are extremely rare but some pennies got into circulation before the abdication and about five or six were unaccounted for. I never found an Edward VIII penny but I did come across a George III halfpenny but that was quite badly worn and was worth only half a penny.
  9. I spotted a Mk. I Escort as well. There is approximately four minutes of film, then it goes on to a second 1.5 minutes that appears to different with brighter colours. This latter part is where all the later models and the reflective number plates appear so its possible there are two separate films made some time apart? Also the earlier part had several vehicles that would have become rare by the late 60's, I spotted a couple of sit up and beg Fords and one would expect to see a few Transit vans around in the late 60's early 70's and theres none to be seen in the earlier film.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi has almost disappeared and I hope its the same for other sufferers. Arthur Itis keeps wanting to join in though but he's quiet at the moment. Club night tonight, missed the last two for various reasons so I'd better show my face.
  11. We cut out the middle man, the crematorium.
  12. The first thing I would do is replace the flat wagon body with a hopper body. Is that a pump fitted to the hopper wagon? The one being produced by Hornby is the Express Daries shunter based at Morden.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still wet and windy in this corner of the UK but clearing rapidly. A couple of years ago I had a problem with the car pulling to one side. The cause of the pulling to one side could not be identified as everything such as tracking was correct. While the car was on the lift I did notice that the tyres which by then were six or seven years old were feathering at the sides of the tread so I booked to have them replaced. When the old tyres were removed the cause of the pulling to one side was revealed, the internal reinforcement of one of the front tyres was split across the width of the tyre which distorted once it was removed from the wheel. It is recomended that tyres be replaced every five years here in the UK irrespective of wear due to deterioration of the rubber. Thoughts are with Sherry and Ian, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good illustrated talk at the SEERS meeting by one of our members who visited the Hartz Bahn and Fraggle Rock last year. The company who organise the trips even include organise photographic run pasts as part of the itinary. They even organised a special parallel running trip on the Manx Electric Railway. I would like to go on one of these trips myself but understandably they are rather expensive and a bit beyond my wallet. The name of the company is Inside Track if anyone is interested. Ian, best wishes to Sherry and yourself and I hope things turn out ok.
  15. They used the engine/gearbox from the Ford Consul.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear about Sherry's heart attack Ian. Best wishes and keep us posted as and when you can. Its currently blowing a Hooley outside with a few showers whipping through. The lurgi is now down to the odd sneeze or cough but I'm beating it into submission. Thats it for now, be back later.
  17. What about installing traffic lights for the cyclists.
  18. I see the hand of Sustrans in this. The path is just wide enough as a footpath, but their attitude is that all other road users have to defer to cyclists.
  19. Interesting. opposed piston 2-strokes, like the Commer TS3 (and the Napier Deltic) are very efficient in diesel form. If they can make them work in petrol or synthetic version thereof they have a great potential.
  20. Cycling on the footpath is illegal anyway so the cyclist would be at fault.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Catch the weather report and then run a bath, be back later.
  22. The open back ST's were the Tilling ones that were mostly confined to south of the Thames. The first 50 LGOC LT's had open staircases but the ones after that were fitted with the straight staircase bodies the same as the ST's. The LT's lasted longer as some were later fitted with diesel engines whereas the ST's kept their petrol engines.
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