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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Grey and windy this morning but rather warm for the last day of January. One thing is that it makes a nonsense of the predictions in several national newspapers recently that we are expecting blizzards. Tomorrow week (8th) is the SEERS open day so I've got to get a few things ready. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. The Escort looks a bit rusty, below the back window in particular, and the missing petrol cap won't help either. As for the BMW, looks as if its doing service as a Christmas tree.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a good evening at the SEERS meeting tonight, with a very interesting talk by Julian Drury the MD of Trentalia C2C. I found what he said about the moving block (cab signaling) that would give a 20% improvement in line capacity. He also spoke at length about ticketing systems where you can 'tap in/tap out' when you take a journey.
  4. I know of someone who fitted a 2.6 litre V6 from a coffin nose Zephyr into a Corsair. Went like stink but used to eat half shafts if you let the clutch out to quick.
  5. A bit of a kerfuffel in my back garden this afternoon. I was alerted by a magpies cawing. When I looked out I saw a small brown bird, not sure what species possibly a sparrow cowering in the shrubbery. The magpie was sitting on next doors roof eyeing up the small bird. Once it was obvious the small bird wasn't coming out the magpie flew off.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Got to get ready for the SEERS meeting tonight. The speaker is the MD of a local rail franchise so should be interesting. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  7. I saw a car sticker yesterday, it said "I'm a vet so I can drive like an animal." There must be a lot of gynaecologists driving around.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just as well I put the bin bags out last night. They have to be out by 07:30, this morning by 07:35 the pink recycling bags had gone! The bin wagons dawn chorus was rather muted this morning despite the lesser spotted glass & bottle wagon being present. Time to get on with the household chores, be back later.
  9. Pat is on his final question from Chris Tarrant to win a million pounds. The question was "Which bird doesn't make a nest, a sparrow, a starling, a blackbird or a cuckoo?" Pat decides to call his mate Mick. Mick says "A cuckoo of course." and Pat wins a million pounds. Afterwards he thanked Mick for his help and said "How did you know the answer was a cuckoo?" Mick answered "I thought everyone knew that cuckoo's lived in clocks."
  10. One motor on the auction site looks in remakably good condition for its age. Thats the 1993 Toyota Liite-Ace van with just 55,000 on the clock. Just the job for a camper van, or for lugging exhibition layouts about.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Club night tonight, we are still sorting out all those little jobs that resulted from the clubhouse alterations. Helped to install a shelf/drawer unit, a couple of the members carefully measured up and checked the levels. Once the shelf was installed we stood back to admire our handiwork only to realise that there was something wrong. After checking it turned out that the shelf unit was warped. After we expressed our feelings vocally we decided in the best model railway tradition to leave it as it was. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Hark, do I hear the sound of an awl being sharpened! Some ER's better be careful, the lady of the awl may well be watching.
  13. Reliant engines were quite often used in trials cars. This followed on from Reliant taking over the Austin 7 engine which in turn was replaced by Reliants own all aluminium unit. These were allowed in trails cars to replace the Austin 7 units that were getting a bit long in the tooth.
  14. I sometimes do the same when turning into my road and for the same reason*. Fortunately the road is wide enough for a middle lane with cross hatching demarked with broken white lines. *Except that despite the yellow lines cars are usually parked right up to the corner leaving only a one cars width on a blind bend.
  15. The cream/green car could be a 1930's Standard Flying 8. The clues are the suicide doors and the shape of the roof at the rear. A pre-1938 model I might add with the chrome radiator surround.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning but still a bit chilly. The lurgi like Chris's is still hanging on, only fortunately I don't have a cough just a blocked nose. I had to look biophilia up. It sounds like a similar offence to Muffin the mule. Did SWMBO cut you out, to the spare room?
  17. Mk. III Ford Zodiac. They differed from the Zephyr in having the extra small triangular windows behind the doors.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I was rushing around like a blue-@r$ed fly earlier as I was under the impression that it was a Seers meeting tonight. I was wrong, this week its Thursday. What confused me was it was Thursday last week and normally it alternates Tuesday/Thursday. At least its given me some time to catch up on things.
  19. I can see a rusty Riley straight ahead, an Austin 10 across the road but any thoughts on the cream coloured car on the right?
  20. I had one like that this afternoon who compounded it by signaling the driver waiting to pull out of the turning to go first.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Bob, if you duplicate a post all you have to do is click on 'report post' in the top corner. When the options come up click on the second one down 'duplicate post' and the mods will deal with it. Andy, I think Polly's orange juice was placed on top of the microwave and there was no intention to heat it. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
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