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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ian, if you make a duplicate post you only have to click on the report button top right and then click on duplicate post. Don't worry I've done it for you. Making arrangements for the 'SEERS on show' this Saturday. The £10 layout will be there but I can see the owner being distracted by some of the other exhibits and I expect myself or the owners dad to be operating it. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. To keep the numbers right there would have to be two persons per bed. So if she didn't have a man in her bed it must have been a woman.
  3. She could have had another female in her bed?
  4. I like the bit about two Invacars being pulled over by the police on the M5 in 1978. They had overtaken a police car doing 70 mph! My grandmother had one c. 1960 and was booked doing 40 mph in a 30mph zone.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I bought my new tyres through Black Circles http://www.blackcircles.com . Most of the tyres with names that you don't recognize are made by the big name companies. If you compare them you will see that the only difference is the name moulded on the carcass, and the price which can be as little as half of the big name tyres. My car is on Pirelli's but that isn't the name on them. Had a look again today at the 'battered boxes' at Tess Coes' and came away with a HDMI lead for half price. Now time for dinner, be back later.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As Tony said its sunny here but C-O-L-D. Breakfast is eaten and now for muggatee 2, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I must have just missed Tony in Basildon as I went in to town to get some things from Wilko's, only to find they were out of stock. The two weights are now being put to good use straightening out a piece of MDF that was getting a bit curly. The lurgi is still a bit reluctant to go so the Lem-sip and Caledonian falling down water will be deployed soon.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Managed to break another mug just now. Not to worry it was already chipped/cracked and was due to be binned anyway. I was making tea which is now ready to be drunk, be back later.
  9. Or lay an egg? That would cause a bit of a scramble.
  10. There could be many reasons. Possibly it was being loaded/unloaded from a transporter that is out of picture.
  11. Good morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to do today so why am I up so early (been up three hours already). They're in their natural environment. Domestic chickens are decended from wild jungle fowl.
  12. The car is a late 20's Austin 12* and does have a reverse gear. There might be a very good reason for parking that way but we can omly speculate as to why the car is parked so. *It could be a 14 or a 16. Austin produced more than 20 different models at any one time rangeing from the 7 up to luxury limousines.
  13. Traction engines had hp and lp cylinders on a common crankshaft but they also had large flywheels.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Interesting item on my Farcebook feed, Diss in Norfolk has a problem with feral chickens! Apparently the local council are trying to stop the locals from feeding the birds as what they don't eat is attracting vermin such as rats. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-51300917 He could also use them to stop the marquee from blowing away.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. All thats been done today is a bit of shopping. Cast my eye over the 'bent and battered boxes' trolly at Tess Coes I found a pair of 4kg exercise weights at half price minus their packaging. Before anyone thinks I'm going to take up a fitness regime (stop laughing at the back), I will be using them to weigh down things such as laminates until the glue dries. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  16. And the drivers paying attention.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was surprised that I heard no fireworks at all last night especially as from here up to The Wash is known as the B****t Coast. No further comments from me but Dominic has posted on Facebook and many other ER's have commented there. Which reminds me, we haven't heard much from Debs lately, hope everythings OK at Collie Towers? I hope ChrisF's lurgi behaves itself, mine is trying to make a comeback but I'm beating it back. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to catch up on my Farcebook and a couple of TV programs quite early this evening. Whatever date we joined the EU, or the Common Market as it was then the 70's for me personally were quite enjoyable. Being young and single I was able to take holidays in what was then quite exotic places. One year I went to Malta with a mate and the rage was swimwear that allowed the sunlight through to give an all-over tan. It was on that holiday that we became aware of one big drawback of the material that the swimsuits were made of, when wet it became transparent, we watched the young ladies getting out of the pool very closely! Another holiday to Greece was with Musical Beds Club 18-30. Lets just say that I was in a different bed almost every night.
  19. Could someone create some background sounds from the archive and post it here?
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. 1970? That was the year I started with an employer who I stayed with until my retirement thirty seven years and seven months later. Ironically I was very unhappy with my previous job due to a manager whose behavior was much the same as that endured by Andy Ram. In fact the pay was slightly better and the place of work was within walking distance.
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