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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When I purchased this house the bathroom suite was a colour known as ox-blood. I had it changed about 10 years ago not long after I retired and the current suite is a light cream colour.
  2. Interesting amphibious aircraft in the first pic. Piaggio?
  3. I had a similar experience with a cyclist as Q did. What is more he was obviously doing it deliberately because he gave the two finger salute to a few drivers and looked very pleased with himself. Then we came to a set of lights with a high kerb topped with railings on the n/s. There I deliberately pulled as far to the left as I could and stopped. There was not enough room for him to squeeze by on the left and he found that the driver behind me had cottoned on to what I was doing and had pulled up close behind me so that the cyclist couldn't get through.
  4. Tonights forecast suggests Norway is more likely.
  5. Not quite a Renault (12?) but one of those Romainian clones thereof, (I can't remember the name at the moment).
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spent an hour cleaning out the garage, the up-and-over door only fits where it touches, especially at the bottom where one side is close to the sill and the other side there is a two inch gap. First job was sweeping out the dead leaves and litter blown under the door. That was after removing about 8 months of spiders webs. After all that effort there was no apparent difference. Tea is made so its I'll be back later.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Only just in time to count as an ER, time seems to have flown. My mum and dad had only one brother each and both were fortunately to young to take part in the war but both were called up for national service after the war. My mothers brother was medically discharged quite quickly though he always seemed very fit and lived until his 80's. My other uncle was an apprentice engineer when he was called up and after the initial square bashing carried on until he got his degree and his national service finished. My mums cousin, an RAF bomber pilot was lost in a mid air collision on a night flying exercise off the coast of Wales. Thats if the gremlins don't find them first. They hide them and then replace them in the same spot when your not looking.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Only a few months ago I had a parcel delivered when I was out and it was left with a neighbour six doors away. When I went to collect it the lady asked me which number I was as she had parcels for three other neighbours lined up in her hallway. As it turned out the other neighbours were genuinely not at home for one reason or another.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorting out the stuff for Saturdays show just need to pack it now. Doing my family history has thrown up quite a few interesting facts. I am distantly related to a current cabinet minister but politically I'm even more distant. That branch of the family originated from Dorset but the minister comes from a more distant branch that moved to Warwickshire about 300 years ago. Thats on my mums side of the family, on my dads side I have one possible ancestor hung at Wapping for piracy but a lot of records were lost in the Great Fire of London. Other branches of the family came from Pembrokeshire and the Isle of Purbeck, and I allways thought I was an Essex boy.
  10. I have a Pavla 1:72 Bell 47 kit with a similar problem. Only in this case the etched fret for the tailboom was absent. Though there was four vac-formed cockpit canopies! Like your kit it was second hand and not having seen any Pavla kits for a long time its possible they are no longer produced.
  11. Yes, but it is contained in most places even in China. What is not needed is thousands of F1 fans spreading the coronavirus. What if the Chinese GP went ahead and half of the competitors went down with the disease? I can't think of any quicker way to spread the virus than a large group of people visiting different countries every other week. The nature of the virus is also a consideration with symtoms not showing until two weeks after infection.
  12. I seem to recall that a blanket 55 mph limit was imposed during one of the fuel crisises. As has been said above there are environmental advantages in reducing speeds even for private cars.
  13. Near the start he drve past our (model railway) club house.
  14. That only means that you have posted on ER's or Wheeltappers. None railway/modelling posts are not counted.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have been on TV once to my knowledge, I took some stuff to an Antiques Road Show. My items were not deemed of sufficient interest to be filmed but I appeared in the background of some televised shots. My dad was on 'Take Your Pick' about 1958/59, he failed miserably in the yes/no interlude but picked the box with the £50 treasure chest. That might not sound much now but add a couple of noughts on the end to get todays values. It was shortly before Christmas and my brother and I both got new bikes for Christmas. One other thing I remember was my dad was quite tall, just a tad under six feet but the presenter Michael Miles towered over him. I have never lived more than forty miles from were I was born and currently, and for the last 30 years at my current house only twelve miles. My brother can even beat that, for almost 73 years he has allways lived within five miles of were he was born.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My dad was sent to India and Burma, via South Africa by the army. He actually met up with my mums cousin out in Burma. My mums cousin was flying Daks in and out of Imphal were my dad was stationed. Another family friend travelled across Canada courtesy of the army and for a short part of the journey they were locked in the train as it detoured through the USA which was neutral at the time. Not sure where this was but I've no doubt someone will enlighten me.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. More than a bit windy here but at least theres no dampness. The next door neighbours left just before Christmas so the landlord decided to repair the flat roof of the extension. The builder started early this morning but had to give up due to the wind. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  18. A few years ago when Tornado was about to take to the rails the Railway Magazine ran an April fools day spoof that the A1's named after the pre-grouping constituents of the LNER were intended by the new British Railways to be finished in the appropiate livery to the names that they carried. Great Central, Great Eastern, Great Northern and North Eastern. I would like to revive the idea in model form but the wallet says no.
  19. Problem is those that use a disproportionate amount of the worlds resources are those who are most likely to avoid the consequences (us).
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Welcome Lantavian, you'll find us a good bunch if a bit mad at times nearly allways. A tad late this morning, the SEERS chairman e-mailed this morning saying he needed a cash tin for the door at our show this Saturday. I have such a tin so I offered it too him and then went in search of it (it hasn't been used for a couple of years.) I looked in its normal place but couldn't see it so I started hunting high and low for it after about an hour I moved another item and then I spotted it, in its usual place but covered by something else . At the moment I can only find one key but I will have to check various key rings for the spare. Indeed, that is why if I ever have a dog it will be a Jack Russell, the only breed that they never mucked around with.
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