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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much happening at the club tonight, still topsy-turvey from the building repairs/alterations mainly clearing out rubbish so I bought a carload home and its now in the skip. And the English version A-R-S-E-K-I-S-S-I-N-G gives you 122%
  2. The previous photographs posted in July 2016 are no longer visible.
  3. What I meant was that perhaps the trailer being light was riding a few centimetres higher and that made the difference between hitting the bridge or passing bellow it.
  4. It says in the report that the containers were empty. I wonder if that had any bearing on the accident?
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The weather seems a lot quieter this afternoon. Little wind or rain so over the next few days I'm going to clear the shed while the skip is still here. There are a few of my dads old tools down there I might be able to rescue if the damp hasn't got to them. Its on the River Chelmer between Chelmsford and Heybridge and that area is a flood plain so its no surprise that its flooded.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The lurgie came back last night with a hacking cough. Not so bad this morning, only coughing up sixpenny pieces instead of half-a-crowns. A venture outside seems to do the trick. The weather forecast is for more rain this afternoon which will leave us with a dry and warm weekend. Thats the local forecast, it might be a lot different elsewhere. Tea needs to be drunk, be back later.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a very good talk from Adrian Wright on GER branch lines at SEERS this evening. A broad subject indeed with some interesting facts. One of the branchlines covered was the North Woolwich branch. The only branch line in the country to have four tracks. (up and down passenger and up and down goods. Another interesting fact is that Stratford is the only railway station in the world with four different current collection systems used by trains using the station. OEL, third rail, four rail and underrunning third rail.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just had a heavy downpour, it was over and done with in 15 minutes. Only thing is it bought Arthur Itis out to play so a couple of paracetamols are putting him back in his box. SEERS meeting tonight so must be off, be back later.
  9. Looking at the vessel it would make a good 00 scale model for a dockside scene. Easy to scratchbuild, the only curves are the bow and 77 metres long translates to 1.013 metres, 3' 4".
  10. At one time I ran two vehicles. A Mk. II Fiesta and a Suzuki SJ10. The Fiesta had a 1117cc engine and the Suzuki a 970cc engine. In the budget one year the tax on cars under 1100cc was reduced as an anti-polution measure. The extra 17cc of the Fiesta meant that it did not qualify but the Suzuki did. What made the situation more ridiculous was that the Fiesta only used half the fuel that the Suzuki did. The Suzuki weighed 1.3 tonnes, was lower geared and had the aerodynamics of a brick.
  11. Is that a frock? I thought it was a wide belt.
  12. The Riley 1.5/Wolseley 1500 was basically a Morris Minor in a posh frock with the 1500 B series engine.
  13. In many cases its impracticle to follow the book. The classic case is the Hound of the Baskervilles. In the book the villain coated the hound in a substance to make it glow in the dark. In reality the substance used would have left the poor pooch dying in agony.
  14. The Wolseley company also had strong Australian links but they didn't produce any cars there. They made sheep shearing machinery but the car part of the business separated before WW1.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The builder is busy fitting a new back gate, he is also painting the six fence panels from the front garden while he's about it, £300 for the job, not bad as it includes all the gate fittings. I don't seem to have suffered any side effects from yesterdays exertions moving about 50kg of stone chippings. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The lurgi has come back with a cough as well as the blocked up nose. Extra reinforcement of the Lem-sip tonight required. I found the owners letter reminiscent of one of those e-mails from Nigeria telling you that you have inherited millions of dollars. Apparently it has been drifting around the Atlantic for 15 months, the crew were rescued by the US Coastguard in October 2018.
  17. Curiouser and curiouser. https://www.maritimebulletin.net/2019/09/04/12702/ Some sort of scam?
  18. Its surprising what storm Dennis has thrown up. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ghost-ship-african-coast-washes-21511055
  19. Great that they built a special 7/8ths size version to run on British rails.
  20. I thought Jenny Augutter was only 15 or 16 when they made 'The Railway Children' which would have made Sally Thomsett about 17 or 18. I recall that Sally in an interview a few years later complained that the wardrobe mistress on the film told her that a breast band wouldn't be neccessary. I must admit that I did at one time have the hots for her, perhaps my ears were to big (She first appeared in a TV ad for hot drinks as a girl stood up on her first date).
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A tad late this afternoon as my internet went down for a while and I had to reset a few things. Spent the afternoon filling the soakaway, all twelve feet of it. It might be long but it is only about three inches wide. I found an old bucket dumped in the skip and that came in very handy for carrying and pouring the stone chippings. Also in the skip I found an old broom head that was handy for tidying up the spilt chippings. The lurgi keeps coming and going but it appears to be going at the moment. Thats all folks, be back later.
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