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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The pain in my knee seems to be subsiding, hope its gone by the morning. After a blood test a couple of years ago my doctor asked me if I drank a lot of alcohol, I said quite truthfully that I was practically teetotal. The blood test had shown that I had a fatty liver.
  2. And improved fuel consumption.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. After doing a bit of shopping this afternoon I was going to continue with clearing the garden shed but my knees said otherwise. Instead I have spent some of the afternoon on eyelid inspection. The knees are calming down so hopefully I can go to the toy fair at Rayleigh tomorrow. Now its muggatee time, be back later.
  4. Several, all crimes against music.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite sunny here but the wind is blowing a hoolie. You should never burn softwood except perhaps in an open fire. The resin can stick to the chimney and subsequently catch fire. If you use the wood from fruit trees as it burns it gives off the scent of the fruit so if you burn logs from an apple tree for example you get the scent of apples. Yesterday when I had cleared the brambles I came across my nature woodpile which in the curcumstances is still in good condition, I only need to add some more logs to it. I had my loft insulation topped up when I had the drop down loft ladder installed by the same people who installed the ladder, IIRC it cost an extra £30.
  6. Do you have a branch of BigClobber near you? Give them a try if you do. If not they also do mail order.
  7. I haven't any pics but I cut'n'shut an old Hornby-Dublo horse box body by removing the horse section and fitted it to an Airfix cattle wagon chassis.
  8. They did and look what happened to them..
  9. Is that hole in the right hand side where you insert the key?
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Made a start on clearing the garden shed this afternoon. First I had to clear away the brambles and then had to prune a fir tree before I could get to the shed. Due to the mild wet winter so far the brambles were rampant and have been putting down suckers everywhere. I have removed most of them but will have to see if anything sprouts in a few months time, but I'll be ready with the weedkiller. I had the loppers out for the fir tree as the lower branches were also obstucted the shed door. The end result is that I didn't even open the shed to start clearing it. The brambles and branches have made a pretty good job of filling the skip anyway. The drainpipe has also been directed into the soakaway, I expect it to be tested over the weekend if the weather forecast is anything to go by.
  11. I would have thought a simple cam mechanism attached to the steering column would perform the same function as pulling the steering wheel back and forth. For that matter though wouldn't the efectiveness of the system be affected by tyre wear?
  12. I wonder if Merc or someone else will come up with a way round the ban?
  13. I agree, perhaps as it is on private property and not on the public highway it was missed. But then again oversize loads would have been taken in and out of the docks many times over the years so they should have been aware of it.
  14. What usually happens is the Planning Department puts in an objection, the builders reach for an expensive lawyer and the Planning Department hasn't got the resources to match so they drop the case.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit windy this a.m. but is reckoned to stay mostly dry. I should be able too make a start this afternoon on clearing the shed. That only applies to the official redundancy list. Where I worked there was at least three more. These were unofficial of course and almost certainly illegal as many were based on sex or race. There was an unofficial 'hit list' which I apparently didn't quite make, perhaps they thought I'd cause much trouble. Then there was the senior managers merry-go-round. There was a continuous line of senior managers whose posts were being done away with and the post occupants being made redundant. Almost as soon as they'd gone a 'new' post was created identical to the redundant post except in name and a hike in salary. Another senior manager was appointed to the post only to be made redundant about 18 months later.
  16. This talk of HR and assessments and I found this. >>
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Where has all the time gone? Its almost 9 and I've done nothing of what I intended to do today. I hope you didn't think you'd had an accident.
  18. Well it would be after the lorry hit it. Hat, coat and G-O-N-E...
  19. Well put the seat down first.
  20. I was in Pitsea Tesco's this afternoon when a Transit van drew alongside me and the passenger leant out and asked me in a strong Irish accent if I wanted to buy a generator. I declined but I did note the registration and reported it to the police.
  21. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns ChrisF, hope its a good'n. I will reach the same milestone in July, fortunately there are no shared adverse anniversaries to ponder. The diminishing stamina of growing old is a buqqer but as Dave said little things like walking down to the shops helps keep your fitness up. I was surprised a few days ago that after moving about 100 kilograms of stone chippings I have not suffered any extra aches and pains though I don't intend to make a habit of it. Weather permitting I'm going to make a start on emptying the garden shed, most of whats in it will be going in the skip/left out for the metal faries, though there are a few things that might be rescued.
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