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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. When I went to purchase a brand new car the dealer had in his showroom a twenty year old Silver Shadow at the same price I was paying for my new car. I was sorely tempted but common sense prevailed and I didn't buy it.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Outside is wet and windy so apart from a bit of shopping I've stayed in. Its still nothing like mum used to make. My mum included a whole tin of Tate & Lyles black treacle together with the dried fruit and candied peel. Its a miracle we didn't get type 2 diabetes before we left school.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF, Tess Coes have been producing bread pudding for some time now. Problem is that supplies are intermittent and it flies off the shelves. Last time I managed to get the last one and it was still warm from the oven. When I was on blood pressure medication I was told not to use aspirin and use paracetamol instead. I've noticed that Lem-sip contains sodium which is the active ingredient in salt that raises blood pressure. Now tea is to be drunk, be back later.
  4. Fords provided E83A tea vans during the Blitz with distinctive bodies that extended only part way over the cab. One or two of these became ice cream vans. I remember these around Hornchurch in the 50's though I can't remember which ice cream vendor operated them.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Blowing a hoolie outside again but I can't hear any rain. Just made some tea now to catch up on 'Death in Paradise'.
  6. I remember Fella's, many of their E83W's were ex wartime NAFFI vans.
  7. If you boil a funny bone does it become laughing stock? and is that humerus?
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a rummage in the bent and battered boxes at Tess Coes today and came away with a couple of pens and a roll of selotape all at less than half price. Also the other day I came across a 4 pack of LED bulbs with one missing at a quarter of the price. Today I found an identical bulb also at a knockdown price because of the sllghtly damaged box so thats made up the 4 pack. Teas made here so all I need to do is drink it.
  9. IIRC some of those six wheel hopper wagons it was hauling were British made.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF's comment about none return of photographs rang a bell. Many years ago I too submitted a photograph to a magazine together with an sae for its return, needless to say it was never returned. Then much to my annoyance they published my photograph again a few years ago. I contacted the then editor and he informed me that they only had an electronic version of the photo on file and was looking into it for me. The editor then suddenly passed away and thats where it ended. The magazine in question has had several changes of editor and at least one change of publisher since I submitted the photo so I imagine it is now lost. Thats if they can read.
  11. A lot of these vehicles started out as conventional cars and were converted to hearses in the late 40's early 50's.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I got it wrong, the speaker was ex RN so I assumed that the vessel in question was also ex RN. The Endeavour in question turned out to be a Leigh cockle boat. Not any old Leigh cockle boat but this was the first one to be fitted with an engine from new in 1924 and was one of the Dunkirk 'little ships'. That it survives to the present day is remarkable especialy as it is largely constructed of wood.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. By lunchtime the sleet had disappeared and there was wall to wall sunshine. Not very warm though as the wind is from a cold direction (NW). Out this evening for a talk at SEERS, none railway for a change, its about a battleship (HMS Endeavour).
  14. This looks very much like the replacement for the Landrover I mentioned earlier. They were used on a beach and several of their predecesors had got stuck and caught by the tide.
  15. I still had the blank space on the right until just now when ads for an on line wargame appeared. They now seem to have disappeared.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I noticed the sleet/snow this morning but it now seems to have stopped and theres now no sign of it. The usual bin wagons dawn chorus complete with the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon, they were in and out quickly this week and the bags had gone by ten. Muggatee time, be back later.
  17. They are still being made in China. A possible source of spares?
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I am not a 'Gold' member but I do not see many if any ads, just a blank space to the right. Like many I ignore the ads anyway. When I left the club this evening there appeared to be a dusting of snow, it doesn't appear to be settling though. Final muggatee of the day to be drunk, be back later.
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