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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Yes it was. The ventriloquist Peter Brough was said to be so bad that he could only succeed on the radio.
  2. I'm not sure myself what exactly it is, the lads description of what it is and what it does is a bit garbled, we'll find out tomorrow.
  3. If you watch the film you will see that the train only hit the bonnet of the car not the passenger compartment which remained intact. If he'd been a foot or two further over the tracks it would have been a different story.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Dry and sunny today so able to get a few things done, but nowhere near what I intended to do. Won't be doing much tomorrow, a young persons birthday coming up next Tuesday, he wants something called a 'curved ball'?? I suspect its a ball that veers off course if it is kicked or thrown, I'll find out tomorrow.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. No ones mentioned Radio Luxembourg yet. I suppose its because it was almost impossible to listen too let alone record anything off of it. The signal used to go up and down like a yoyo, one minute blasting away and the next barely audible. What finally finished it off was the pirate stations. Living in Estuary-Land at one time we had a choice of Radio Caroline, Radio Essex and several more stations to listen too. Some of those other stations were a bit dodgey to say the least. They were probably more of a danger to themselves rather than other shipping with several sinkings fortunately with no fatalities. ChrisF, theres a bit about the Navy Lark here.>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Navy_Lark
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I restocked with bog rolls last Sunday before the panic began. I tend to buy as many packs as I can fit into the cupboard because it saves extra journeys just to purchase them. Just placed an order online for more tea as I'm running a bit low. I also ordered a couple of diecast models from Hong Kong, its cheaper to buy them in ones and twos to keep them below the threshold for customs duty. Thats it for now, be back later.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still pouring with rain but not as heavy now. Feeling tired so time for a bit of eyelid inspection.
  8. Its also quite wide for a K8. Perhaps with the K8's narrow track it couldn't pass the tilt test?
  9. I understand that Flybee was the main operator out of Exeter airport as well.
  10. A bit like that other red team, Manchester United. You either love them or hate them.
  11. Question is if it had been another team that was banned because of the coronavirus would FIA have done the same?
  12. I had a look on street view and it appears to be in good condition.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Very sorry to hear your sad news Andy. I once went to view a house with a small back garden, made even smaller by a wartime pill box taking up a lot of the space. The owner had made good use of it by using it as a tool shed and installing steps outside to use the flat roof as a sun lounge. A subsequent owner demolished it and found it easier than he expected due to 'concrete rot'.
  14. There are certain newspapers I would certainly not let anywhere near my posterior.
  15. More Australian wildlife.>> https://www.theepochtimes.com/australian-man-films-horrifyingly-large-huntsman-spider-carrying-dead-mouse-up-the-fridge_2981194.html?fbclid=IwAR3dCyEHqNfHWVgsWsJxqbloU3wm75r9qFV8pe6cOw9eP9L4goh_fV3NmSk
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The local council sent a gang out this morning to prune hack to death the shrubbery next to my house. They have effectively removed almost all of the new shoots, what pillock decided that they should be pruned this time of year?
  17. Plenty of private (and nationalised) industrial lines though.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. ChrisF's mentioning of the LCGB talks made me think of the similar talks we have at our SEERS meetings. We even have some of the same guest speakers though our guest speaker next week is more local, railway author Peter Kay talking about our local line the LT&SR. Last year we had a very interesting talk from Simon Kohlner about the ups and downs of Hornby over the last few years. I haven't noticed many discussions going on even when one of our own members are giving a talk.
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