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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been discussing the Coronavirus with other SEERS members. It could be a problem as many of the members fall into the category most affected by it. male and over 65. The first case hereabouts has just occured in Southend, not just getting closer but here already.
  2. Only in America. https://www.broadstreetbeacon.com/family-cited-for-viking-funeral-on-local-lake/
  3. And don't forget North Pole.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nipped down to Tess Coes today, still plenty of people laden with loo rolls going out the door. At least they found some paracetamol to put on the shelves so I bought a couple of packets, not stockpiling, my supplies were running low. Now its time for dinner, be back later.
  5. They should be rolling in it.
  6. One car I owned, many years ago was first registered in the year I was born. It was an Austin A40 Devon and would be 71 years old now.
  7. I hope no one on the train was hurt, any more details?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. One shelf that had been emptied at Tess Coes yesterday by panic buyers was paracetamol! That will be a lot of use against a virus I don't think. I hear that Tess Coes are rationing certain items in some stores, after what I saw yesterday afternoon I'm not that surprised.
  9. We may well have Australia in Essex. After all we have Holland and Ostend and no doubt those who's geography is better than mine can add a few other exotic names.
  10. Richmond, London 50 years ago. https://www.londonsscreenarchives.org.uk/title/653/?fbclid=IwAR1pHN2tZnWwh6qqbGgIqNz6ankXosQI1-uhqwvADBi__0QCS2e5njc6nyA
  11. London 50 years ago. https://www.londonsscreenarchives.org.uk/title/653/?fbclid=IwAR1pHN2tZnWwh6qqbGgIqNz6ankXosQI1-uhqwvADBi__0QCS2e5njc6nyA
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The curve-ball is explained, its just an ordinary football with 'curve it' emblazoned on the box. One was duly purchased together with a few other items but they are staying in their boxes until the actual birthday on Tuesday. Well thats what his dad has said, we shall see. Afterwards we popped into Tess Coes for a few bits. I gave up counting after seeing six trolleys laden with toilet rolls. One not only toilet rolls but a dozen each of loaves of bread and bottles of water . Dinners ready, the microwave has just 'pinged', be back later.
  13. You missed a trick there KZ. You should have bought him a train set as a birthday present 9 years ago and taught him the mantra "I want granddad to take me to the model railway exhibition."
  14. When are they going to rename FIA Oganization Todt? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organisation_Todt
  15. I found that the A4 size boxes used by Scalescenes to send their kits out in make ideal storage boxes for my 009 stock. They mostly use A5 sized boxes that are also useful, both boxes being about 5 cm deep.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. NB I hope your brother gets better soon. As you may recall my brother was in a similar situation over Christmas. He has now recovered and this Thursday just gone celebrated his 73rd birthday, spending most of it on dyalisis. Thats it for now, time to run a bath.
  17. Just heard, there was a suicide at my local station (Basildon) this evening. Some poor soul jumped in front of a train.
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