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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Didn't they ship it from Dublin to the UK in a tanker? I like beetroot, cooked but with no vinegar. The purple poo was a bit worrying until I realised the cause.
  2. I'm not sure if it still has a WI. The village of Loose near Maidstone still has though.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR0lOtdvqyg
  4. As modelled by Hornby, if you don't want to re-livery one yourself suggest the livery to Hornby. They might even consider a weathered one as in your pic.
  5. At least no one can point out that its a wrong number.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but grey outside and blowing quite strongly but warmer this morning than it was all day yesterday. Glad too see that most organisations are treating the coronavirus outbreak sensibly. At SEERS we are discussing it but not helped by one committee member going into full Corporal Jones mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR0lOtdvqyg Now its time to light a fire under MilkandMore. I've found the head honcho's e-mail address and he will be receiving an e-mail shortly.
  7. Mick, having just gone through a similar experience with my brother I know what you must be going through. I hope your brother pulls through as my brother has.
  8. A possible subject. A battery electric trolley built in 1927 for the army testing ranges at Shoeburyness.
  9. Road rage.>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppvfFTeHc5Y
  10. If you find yourself at the back of a long queue just say "I've had this cough since I returned from Italy." and you will soon find yourself at the front of the queue.
  11. And in the garden of England, Pratt's Bottom.
  12. That would be the Railway Modeller, just celebrated its 70th birthday. I suspect it being foreign had something to do with it. Mags like Model Railroader are more likely to be taken if offered on this side of the pond as well.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Mike, the tax scam that you mentioned has been going on for years but 42% is being greedy, even the 'We will claim your PPI back for you' shysters only charged 25%. I've had sniffles on and off since October as I have had for the past few winters. Its a normal part of growing old, I'm now 71. The symptoms are very much the same so how will I know?
  14. Isn't that how Americans pronounce it?
  15. A few have done that themselves. In the USA one driver went under an artic whilst texting, they found his head on the back seat of his car.
  16. Here goes.>> https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/152297-exotic-place-names-in-the-uk/
  17. On another thread a discussion ensued about exotic sounding places in the UK. An example is there are one or two places called California.
  18. But they'll only get another phone. The only way you are going to deter using the phone while driving is a mandatory ban as in drink driving. Even then it wouldn't deter such as the above mentioned who obviously has contempt for the law.
  19. We seem to be wandering way off of topic. Perhaps the odd place names should have their own thread?
  20. One point, on most Garratt locomotives, as in the model the cylinders were at the outer ends. This was because it was found that with the cylinders at the inner ends with one set beneath the cab the cab got very hot. Having moved the cabs to the outer ends of the locomotive perhaps it would have been better to have the cylinders at the inner ends.
  21. Or perhaps inbreeding helps build up resistance.
  22. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny at the moment but predicted to cloud over. No more new cases of coronavirus have been reported locally but more will be inevitable. Here is a list of the number of reported cases by district/town. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/coronavirus-area-area-breakdown-uk-21657815#source=push The largest number of cases tends to be in areas with an aged population as you would expect. Its daring enough in the shadow of the awl.
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