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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Massive queues in Tess Coes this lunchtime, mostly buying loo rolls and tinned goods. It seems more than likely our meeting this evening will be happening, I'm looking forward to it. Tea is ready, be back later.
  2. Does anyone know how to download an image from Streetview? I want to post an image of the last evidence of the wagon lift that gave access to the Romford brewery from the Eastern Counties Railway.
  3. The roundabout that I mentioned above where the incident took place is not a good choice anyway. Drivers turning right often signal late or not at all and those who do are not easy to spot due to a bend. I use the roundabout sometimes more than once a day and I am allways cautious when approaching it.
  4. And on current maps its spelt Asheldham.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It was a bit windy last night, a cardboard box that I put out for the recycling was all over the garden this morning but was soon gathered in. The bin wagons dawn chorus is yet to start but I hear the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon in the distance. I had a few applicants for some Facebook groups that I run this morning. One of the groups is called Code 3 models, one applicant this morning was from a voluptuous young lady from South Carolina, all I can say is it must be very warm in South Carolina going by the way she was dressed. As I mentioned I before have water penetration in the brick built shed attached to the house, porosity of the brickwork could be a reason. IIRC there is a coating that can seal brickwork, probably some sort of polyeurathane. Ooops picked wrong post to quote.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Decided not to go to the model railway club tonight. Stayed in and caught up on a few things. Good to hear that your brother is improving Mick, hope things keep going in the same direction.
  7. But the insurance companies can afford expensive lawyers.
  8. So its all OK now is it. You have discouraged some of the best modellers on this thread from posting for the pleasure of other modellers and now you are just going to walk away? It would be better perhaps if you kept walking away until you have left RMweb. I have had my doubts about some models that have been posted here but I keep those doubts to myself. I see that you have chosen not to illustrate any of your modelling efforts here or anywhere else on RMweb as far as I can see so what gives you the right to criticise others efforts?
  9. Its spelt Assenden with e's instead of u's, the one in Essex that is. You won't find any evidence of the battle, the site became a gravel pit and later a rubbish tip.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was targeted by some 'crash for cash' scammers yesterday but fortunately I was suspicious of them and managed to avoid them though it meant making an emergency stop. More details in the driving standards thread. MR club tonight, be back later.
  11. Please keep posting on this thread. I and many others enjoy your models which are amongst the best on this thread.
  12. The only dimensions that could be taken and with a degree of accuracy would be the distance between the buffers, and then not 100% as even that can vary by an inch or two.
  13. I nearly became a victim of a 'Crash for cash' scam yesterday. I was approaching a mini roundabout when I saw a car approaching from the opposite direction. He reached the mini roundabout just before me but giving no signals. He then stopped on the roundabout and as I reached the roundabout he suddenly put his right turn indicator on and swerved across in front of me forcing me to make an emergency stop. Just as well I was watching them as something just didn't seem right. The way they approached the roundabout and the way the driver and passenger were looking at me. Unfortunately I was unable to get the number of the car which was an old black Audi.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've just seen a centipede scuttling across the kitchen floor! Before I could intercept it it disappeared beneath the sink unit. I've no doubt though that the spiders that reside there will appreciate the early lunch. It probably got in when the back door was open when I was doing a bit of tidying up of the patio, I may have inadvertedly brought it in myself. Thats even without the coronavirus.
  15. Modern batteries are not very heavy, in fact their light weight is encouraging the current (no pun intended) interest in electric vehicles. Lithium batteries are so light that some electric buses carry them on the roof and still pass the tilt test.
  16. Why should it need filtering out? There is unlimited space electronically so there is no need too.
  17. That was my thought. There is software that can turn such images into two or three view plans available but you need at least one measurement to produce a good plan. Its the little details that have to be added, even on a 3D print. You may have noticed the corrugated (iron?) roof and it is equipped with sanding gear. It appears to be symetrical going by what is visible of the windows at the far end.
  18. Not to worry, it would be an easy scratchbuild with a gestimate of the dimensions. The main problem that I can see would be where to hide the motor.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The local Tess Coes had bread pudding in today, so I grabbed some. When I mentioned the Guiness tankers I was refering to the floating variety. Jamie mentioning milk stout reminded me of the early episodes of Coronation Street with the three old biddies sitting in the snug of the Rovers Return. Ena Sharples, Minnie Caldwell and Martha Longhurst, the name of the actress playing Martha was Lynne Carol who was my aunts next door neighbour in North Shore, Blackpool. A lot of the actors and actresses from Coronation Street lived in Blackpool as well as from other programs. John Comer (Sid the cafe owner from Last of the Summer Wine) lived just around the corner.
  20. That immediately made me think of Les Dawson (Slough of despond).
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