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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The face masks have arrived, I tried one on for size. They're a snug fit so just as well that I've got jug ears.
  2. Someone was asking about missing ER's this morning. I've just seen comments from Sherry about the coronavirus on Facebook (posted one day ago).
  3. I like almond milk on its own as it makes a refreshing drink on a hot day straight from the fridge. Also it is low salt and sugar thats why I took to drinking it instead of fruit juice.
  4. Today I will have been a member of RMweb for eactly 10 years according to my profile.
  5. I'm running low on skimmed milk for my breakfast porridge but I have almond milk in the fridge so I'm going to try that in a couple of days time when the skimmed milk runs out.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not much change to report but I have to go out soon for a few supplies. Hopefully the postman will be early rather than late. ChrisF did you see my links yesterday to Under Milk Wood? I can repost them if you like.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I hope the face masks I ordered arrive soon, preferably tomorrow morning. Apparently the Royal Mail are still delivering but they will leave any parcels on the front step, knock and retreat. I'm also hoping that the ultra-violet torch arrives soon, it will be effective on most surfaces as long as theres nothing to stop the light reaching said surface.
  8. Another source is the plastic military kits from such as Roden (and others). Though to 1/72 scale by careful placing they can be used. The most useful would be the Russian GAZ-AA, a licence built Ford AA 2ton lorry. It would be a simple matter to transfer the steering wheel to RHD. To find them go into E-bay military models and select trucks and 1/72 (and 1/76) scale.
  9. Many of my brothers health problems come from taking Ramopril. The kidney stone that started it all was probably caused by taking Ramopril, now he has renal failure resulting in sepsis that led to heart damage. I was on Ramopril but I decided to cease taking it due to the other side effects, as well as the cramps I had other side effects connected with poor circulation such as eczema, fungal infection on my toenails and it made my arthritis worse.
  10. Nearly forgot, Classix did a very nice late 30's Vauxhall H. Problem is that Classix have ceased manufacture but on the up side there's still plenty of old stock to be had.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nothing to go out for today so I'm staying in anyway. Luckily I have enough bread in, I found a loaf I purchased a couple of days ago the wrapper had split and it had started to go stale. Not to worry as I have enough dried fruit etc. to make a bread pudding. I agree with what KZ and Mike have said about the airlines, let the greedy b*st*rds sink. ChrisF, take your choice.>>
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been doing a bit of sorting of modelling bits in the spare room. I really will have to get rid of some stuff, in fact I could probably set up my own model shop. I keep all of the smaller items in those screw cabinets, I have about a dozen with an average of about 15 drawers each. Theres a lot of stuff I'd forgotten about as well as some items that I'd thought I'd lost.
  13. The Oxford range would be a good start with the Austin 7 and the Morris 8E. Motorcycle combinations were also very common as was the tricycle van. Slightly up-market was the Standard 12, Wolseley and Riley Kestrel also produced by Oxford.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The shopping trip to Tess Coes went quite well, there was even some wrapped bread stodge on the shelves. I also topped up my (proper) bread supplies. Still plenty of empty shelves but I found all I required. The kitchen cupboards need sorting, you may remember the suicidal pickled onions from last week. Well hiding behind them were some very ancient pickles, they're probably OK but they will be binned. Teas made, be backlater.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I plan to venture out for newspapers shortly, only bread is in short supply I'll have a look for substitutes such as crackers. Someone has already said thats impracticle. I need to use a trolley as otherwise it means hoiking the walker out of the car. Perhaps some of those billionairs could be made to pay some tax. They certainly couldn't be used for a number two.
  16. The Viirtual model railway exhibition has re-appeared as a Facebook group.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I will still have to venture abroad tomorrow for bread, if I can get some. Also the papers though if push comes to shove I can read them on-line. I want to get tomorrows paper because it has the TV listings but its a moot point anyway as they are printed a couple of weeks in advance anyway so they have been overtaken by events. One knuckle dragger was heard saying he had to stock up with more bread as all that he'd bought last week had gone mouldy, no kidding Sherlock!
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