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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. That is actually true. It happened back in the 70's and there was a complaint made but as there were several British aircraft in the circuit the culprit couldn't be identified.
  2. Well they had steam heating boilers.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as Tony reported but I wont be out on my patio very much as the pollen count is way up, even more so than usual. On Farcebook yesterday was what looked like an official notice from HM government stating that lockdown was to be suspended for Easter for certain categories. It was when I read those categories that I realised that it was a spoof as the list included cockwombles, the brain dead, imbeciles etc. Its now been withdrawn almost certainly because it looked 'official'. You forgot that bit Bob.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a look at the moon earlier, no evidence of pink but by the time I looked it was too high. The moon has to be low in the sky to get the 'pink' effect caused by the light having to pass through more of the atmosphere. There was the remains of a high contrail as well when I looked out and despite the brightness of the moon, and the street lights quite a few stars were visible as well.
  5. Surely there would be a report somewhere about the incident?
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Plenty of sliced bread at Tess Coes, in fact it looks as if they sliced most of what came out of the ovens. I also decided to buy fresh contents for the pasta to be cooked in the slow cooker so I've got fresh mushrooms, onions and peppers with tomato puree and some fresh penne. I'd forgotten to change the sheets yesterday so I did so this afternoon and I managed to subdue both the duvet and its cover, no doubt they will try to get their own back later.
  7. A bungalow in Lancing for £425, yes please. (ad on signal box).
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. It seems I will have to venture out for supplies later, bread in particular. The bakery in Tess and Coes is still operating but the bread slicing service is understanderbly suspended. they do offer some ready sliced but that quickly disappears so I have to resort to the breadknife, this has resulted in doorsteps rather than slices. Hopefully there will also be some eggs to be had but I'm not holding my breath.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Her Maj does have a driving licence but has never taken a driving test as testing was suspended during the war. Both Charles and Andrew have pilots licences but Charles has given his up after he pranged an aircraft, Andrew is also licenced to fly helicopters, I'll refrain from remarks about him and his chopper .
  10. Not at all. The more you look the more differences become apparent. The slightly smaller windscreens, the high intensity headlight and even the handles on the hood access panels.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Once the early morning cloud had gone it was quite sunny here this afternoon. Now clouding over a tad but not too much. I'm sorting out some stuff to try in the slow cooker. I intend to make a veggie pasta dish, to that end I found a packet of pappardelle in the back of the cupboard, its in date but looks a bit dry so I'm going to cook it first before it goes in. I have some chopped tomatoes and other items for the sauce but I will have to wait until my next shopping trip to get some other items required. In the meantime now I have recovered the paints I'll be doing a bit of muddling. Ooops, forgot to mention, Flavio mentioned about the Brits only in the last few years discovering the cullinary delights of olive oil. There is ample evidence that the Brits, in southern England anyway were consuming olive oil and Mediteranian wines even before the Roman invasion, swapped for Cornish tin. At least garum is no longer on the menu.
  12. Theres a lot of differences as can be seen from the photographs.
  13. Interesting that the top of the hood is untouched and the side panels have been lowered. A similar pic from the front would show the radiator modifications.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Here I am HH and no ill effects and I stirred a spoonful into my porridge this morning. Another bit of good news, I've found my paint stash. I woke up about three this morning and I instantly recalled were I had put them. I went immediately to where they were to check and they were there. Only slight problem theres a few boxes stacked on top that will have to be moved. The papers have just arrived and are full of pics of the idiots sunbathing rather than exercising. I wonder how many of those do not have a garden where they could sunbathe? If I wanted to sunbathe I would do so in my back garden. In fact at the moment the only house that overlooks my back garden is empty and I could sunbathe nude if I so wished . No evidence of rain here this morning but the pollen level is way down so it probably has rained.
  15. A few mechanical items might have lived on in other locomotives but most would have been scrapped.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Searching through the cupboards I came upon a jar marked 'pear conserve'. The date on it was 2014 but when I opened the lid there was the reassuring sound of vacumn being released. So I tried some spread on a slice of bread, delicous. It has the appearance of marmalade with chunks of pear instead of orange peel. I'm going to stir some into my breakfast porridge tomorrow instead of honey.
  17. Dai the farmer hears a knock at the door. He opens it and sees s man standing there. "I'm a member of a traveling community." he says. "I'm traveling back to our camp but it's dark and rain is coming so I wonder if I could sleep in your barn?" "Of course you can stay" says Dai. "Us Welsh are noted for our hospitality. Forget the barn, come in, sit by the fire and I'll bring you supper and prepare your bed." The next morning the traveler offers to pay for his board but Dai declines. "Tell you what" says the visitor " What if I, using my traveler skills, have a chat with your animals and see how they're feeling. In lieu of payment?" Concealing a snigger, Dai agrees... Ten minutes later the traveler reappears. "We'll, your stallion is unhappy that you've recently changed his bit. The new one is digging into his cheeks." "Why that's amazing!" says Dai. " I did get him a new bit last week!" Ten minutes elapse and the traveler comes in and says "Your cows. They're all complaining that the new buckets you're using for milking are too tall. They're chafing their udders." "Wow! That's astonishing!" says Dai. I'll change back to the old size tomorrow. How can I thank you?" "All part of the service" says the traveler. "Now, I'll finish off by having a word with your sheep.' "Don't believe a bl**dy word those lying ******* tell you" says Dai... A joke that will resonate with all Welshmen
  18. I want to start some modelling but can I find my paint stash, no I can't. No doubt they will reappear at some time having been right under my nose all the time.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Dinner is on the go, a 'TV dinner' of roast chicken with all the trimmings, and it only cost me 44p. I found it yesterday in the 'reduced to clear' freezer cabinet suffering from a battered box. Forty plus years ago I visited some German friends, Hans and Gudrun. Gudrun hailed from the Black Forest and done her own baking, including Black Forest Gateau, I've never tasted one as good as since. The microwave has just pinged so its time for dinner.
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