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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope to venture into town later, my excuse will that I'm going to get more toilet paper from 'Savers' but as they are only a few doors down from smiffs I might as well pop in there for this months Back Ttrack. Flavio, does Gear Acquisition Syndrom apply to model railways or is there another name applied to it? That reminded me that back in the late 60's early 70's Romford there was a chap driving around in a WW2 Daimler Dingo scout car. You couldn't miss it, it was hand painted in gold Valspar.
  2. This came up on Farcebook.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent a little time sorting out my modelling 'bits' box. It looks as if I can create a few structures out of the bits of plastic kits I have accumulated over the years. I have a few odd plywood and MDF offcuts so I might make a diorama or two.
  4. I heard a bird this morning but I've no idea what it was. Its call was a high pitched tweet-pause-tweet-pause-tweet. Its not a bird call that I have heard before thats why I noticed it.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coes at lunchtime and there was no queue. When I mentioned it to the security guy at the door he said that the queue had only just cleared. It took me about 45 minutes to do my shop and when I came out the queue had reformed, just lucky I guess. Its been mentioned that some supermarkets are roping off some sections but not Tess Coes at Pitsea though they could easily close off the upstairs section that holds clothes, electrical and household items such as bedding, nothing absolutely essential. Tea is brewing, be back later.
  6. I see the Hatton's Genesis 4/6 wheel coach thread has been woken from its slumbers. Its only the same person kicking off about them being generic and saying he won't be buying any. Then why bother stiring it up again? He's been firmly put in his place and now things seem to have quietened down again.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Will have to make the journey to Tess Coes today, I would normally be going tomorrow but I'm running short of fresh veg and as most supermarkets are shut on Sunday they're bound to be busy tomorrow. No relation to Ted Bundy? As Flavio said I wouldn't want to wish this virus on my worst enemy but I might make an exception in this case except for the fact he could get it and pass it on to an innocent third party.
  8. Registration issued in 1958 so quite a late model.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see Pete back again and keep coming back again. Exactly the same in local government. Then they got (more capable) lower minions to do the work that they were paid for, and in many cases passed it off as their own. Though I do know of one of those lower minions who deliberately made a hash of some work shortly before he retired knowing that the person in charge wouldn't have a clue about what to do about it. Teas brewing, be back later.
  10. Whats worrying is that they've sold 15!
  11. Oops nearly forgot >> https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/giant-pandas-finally-mate-after-21834732#source=push What did they think would happen? Few would want to do it with the world and his wife looking on.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I did remember to put the bin bags out last night only to find that I was mistaken about the foxes disappearing as one had ripped open the black bag. This is the first time this has happened as anything likely to attract foxes is triple wrapped at least and all the fox was able to do was pull out a couple of plastic bags. Now to get the sheets out to dry while the suns still shining, be back later.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report Farcebook has been very busy during this coronavirus outbreak. Two groups that I run have doubled membership over the last couple of weeks. I've had dealings with British gas and I wasn't even one of their customers. I kept getting letters to my address from BG to someone who I'd never heard of which I returned marked 'Not known at this address.' Then I got a letter from my energy supplier saying they're sorry I was transfering to BG which was news to me! It turned out that someone had tried to open an account with BG using my address. My own supplier told me that I would have to contact BG which I did. They were completely unhelpful telling me that I will have to sort out their mess. As it turns out when I mentioned returning their letters marked 'not known' their reply was that they bin them without checking them. That was all of twenty years ago, I see BG has not changed.
  14. That explains it, only problem is that I cant remember what I wrote.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Weird, I posted about 40 minutes ago and my post has disappeared?
  16. Well he's got 100% feedback and he offers free postage.
  17. Heres a few more, starting with a Fiat 146.
  18. Don't golfers wear gloves? Though I don't play golf I have a pair of golfing gloves as they give a better grip on my walking stick than ordinary gloves.
  19. I'de like to see a picture of the engine installed in it. By the looks of the cabin interior its mounted traversely in the passenger footwell and using the motorcycle gearbox. Chain drive perhaps?
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