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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. The solitary bees were sunning themselves this evening on the west facing wall of next doors extension. Hope to see plenty of bees over the next week as my Califonia Lilac is just coming into flower.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. No fewer than four magazines landed on the mat yesterday. All but one are looking a bit thinner than usual. I might add that only one (Back Track) is railway orientated, and thats the one thats normal size. A couple of smaller local shows have been defered rather than cancelled outright. The South Benfleet show has been put back to September and the show held by the Canvey bus museum has been defered but no specific date yet. Now to catch up on some reading, be back later.
  3. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/dog-steals-set-false-teeth-21877119
  4. Do you mean allowed? Or perhaps with eight small children you'r using the right spelling.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. My first ever curry was a fish curry, lobster of all things. I don't remember what sort of curry it was but it was mild enough for the taste of the lobster to come through. Unfortunately the resturant had to close not long after as the premises were demolished to make way for a multi-story car park. The resturant did re-open but several miles away and definitely not on the walk stagger home from the bar. Bin day today, delayed one day by the bank holiday but as yet no bin wagons dawn chorus.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations grandad Neil. Went out and clapped for the NHS at 8 this evening, some idiots were letting off fireworks but were some distance away. However it set off some dogs barking which did spoil it a bit. I hope your not going stir crazy John.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. RMweb didn't go down AFAIK just after lunchtime but was so slow that it kept timing out so I gave up and went shopping. I needed milk and bread but I've enough other stuff to see me over the weekend. I used to like a hottish curry but as I've got older my taste buds seem to be going the same way as the rest of my senses, but I still like a tandori.
  8. Apparently scavengers are having a hard time of it due to the reduction in roadkill.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Nice to here from Dom and glad to hear that all is well. I too got the 522 error last night but a few minutes later RMweb was back (at 01:00 precisely). I had read Johns blog though as I have it sent to my e-mail address. The other day I looked at my profile here on RMweb and it said that I've 'Won the day' 16 times. Apparently on 16 days I have achieved the most number of likes, I assume thats since the last upgrade. Now time to run a bath, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a healthy dinner tonight, poached salmon with a selection of green veg, no potatoes or rice or any other carbs. Don't worry though, tomorrows dinner will be steak and ale pie and chips. Now to do battle with Farcebook.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was surprised earlier when the window cleaner called round. Anyway I now have nice clean windows. Quite a few C-130's have been spotted flying around and as I mentioned a C-17 done a touch and go at Southend airport a couple of weeks ago. I'm with Dave on jumping out of a perfectly usable aircraft in fact I much prefer one with the wings firmly attached rather than spinning round above my head.
  12. There's been a lot of such flights recently. Taking advantage of the (almost) empty skies.
  13. Is the lorry an actual model or is it painted on the backscene? If its painted on the edge of the 'shadow' is a brilliant way of creating an invisible scenic break.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Finally caught up with Farcebook, at two this morning. Problem is at the moment keeping up with Farcebook is like painting the Forth Bridge. Now for that last muggatee, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still getting a steady stream of applicants for the Farcebook group but not the numbers of the weekend. Giles drew a cartoon about them, I've searched but I can't find it. I've seen pics of rock formations like the piece of wood illustrated. Just before I retired the was a notice sent round about NVQ's for dustmen!
  16. Some people are finding self isolation really boring..... (But they found a use for all those toilet rolls!)
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