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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Great news NB. I hope he behaves himself unlike my older brother. He's high risk but still wont stay indoors.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still doing battle with Farcebook but this time of the evening its quieter and I should catch up. I did check some of my groups, one turned out to have no admins, they'd all left the group.
  3. 45156, I usually place a couple of sheets of kitchen paper on the rotating dish of my microwave. It catches all the spills and makes cleaning a lot easier.
  4. I think you might have done this.>> http://www.cs.rhrp.org.uk/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=2204 A body only option perhaps as they were built as 6 wheelers but were later transfered onto bogie frames.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I'll have to give the spare room a sort out, there was a loud crash half an hour ago, a couple of boxes had fallen to the floor. No damage was done and it was soon cleared up but it is getting a bit cluttered in there.
  6. I never throw away timber offcuts. At the moment I'm looking at a 4 foot by 9 inch piece of 12mm MDF and imagining a micro layout.
  7. Most of those failures were after the war when the Americans started testing captured/confiscated rockets.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was born in Romford when the town was well and truly in Essex and it niggles me when the media describe it as 'Romford in East London'. I run a Farcebook group called 'Old photographs of Essex' and for that I include anything east of the River Lee which was the ancient border between the East Saxons and the Middle Saxons. It gets a bit awkward in the north west of the county where bits have been swapped between Essex, Cambridgeshire and the Southern Folk where the rule of thumb is if it has been part of Essex at some time its allowed. It helps that Essex has the second longest coastline in England, 7/8ths of its borders are defined by water.
  9. So is my california lilac but you almost cant see the flowers for bees.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Can't stop, still playing catch-up with Farcebook. I think I will have to cull some of my groups especially those that no one has posted on for ages.
  11. Two kingdoms and a principality to be precise nit picking.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Happy anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Stationmaster. Went down to Tess Coes this afternoon as bread was running low and they didn't have the bread that I want so I got the three cheese bread instead and some salami to go with it. I counted only two cars, and two locomotives, rather excessive power.
  13. Because the Channel Islands and the I-o-M are not part of the UK but are considered part of GB. IIRC some Olympic contestants have originated in the I-o-M and the Channel Isles.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. FYI St. George was Turkish and probably hadn't even heard of England if indeed it had existed in his time. GDB, I found that using a stick helped my hip problem being able to take the weight off of the hip. Even better is the walker as it has a seat so that I can take a rest whenever I like, and it keeps you fit IMHO. Now to do battle with Farcebook, be back later.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Farcebook has been manic today, hard work keeping up with it. Not helped by Farcebook making it as user UNfriendly as they possibly can. Its bad enough squeezing your groups into a narrow column on one side where you have to scroll down several times to view them all now they're putting the posts in some groups into what they call 'top posts' which I call sh!t order. They don't seem to understand that most users would prefer to read their newest posts not one they read and rated last week. Now to get back to it to try to get through the posts this evening.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Weather as yesterday but a bit warmer and slightly less of a breeze. When I went shopping yesterday when I first started the car it seemed a bit reluctant but subsequent starts have been OK. I will probably take it for a run later to clear the cobwebs and boost the battery. Your miles away from Sarthe otherwise you would have been able to compare notes with Olddudders.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Membership applications are still coming in for the local history group at a steady rate. I've had to turn down a few such as the Nigerian gentleman offering financial services.
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