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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Many years ago when i lived in Romford I heard a strange noise in the garden late one night. When I went to investigate it was a pair of hedgehogs mating.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I hope the Virtual Members day goes on for a bit longer as today seems to have disappeared while I wasn't looking.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been catching up on Farcebook, nearly there but its like painting the Forth Bridge, you think you've finished but then you start all over again.
  4. Some Spaniards are bending the lockdown rules to go out. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/24/world/spanish-residents-walking-pets-trnd/index.html
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Roundhouse, a shredder is a useful gardening tool, I have had one for years. Its so powerful that when I attached a plastic bin bag to collect the shreddings it spat them out so fast it ripped the bin bag to shreds so I resorted to a plastic bin. I then placed the shreddings into rubble sacks and after several months turned into a very good mulch.
  6. I mentioned a few weeks ago that the local council had hacked down some shrubbery next to my house. One of the bushes was hacked back so drasticaly that no new shoots have appeared, they've probably killed it off. This was the same bush that the tits and sparrows were nesting in evident by the remains of at least three nests. Fortunately this was before any eggs had been laid and the nests have been robbed of materials to make nests elsewere. On a brighter note Iobserved a very fat looking robin sat on my fence but he may have just been fluffing up his feathers.
  7. I thought that might be something like that as there are earthworks shown at the top of the map. I took a look on Google Earth and the course of the line into the Garrett works is still there and not built on.
  8. Talking of smoking, my dad gave up because of the cost and he said that he never had the urge to start up again. I do believe that the 'government doesn't want to loose the revenue' for not banning it altogether is a falacy, no government would be prepared to take the political fallout. The NHS spends far more on smoking related illnesses than the revenue gained. My personal solution would be to raise the tobacco duty considerably as a way to stop smoking, a £1 or even more on each cigarette. Figures are coming out that smokers are far more likely to contract the corona virus than none-smokers.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Last nights oil refinery explosion/fire was at Coryton. That surprised me as I thought that refinery had shut, more about it here. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/coryton-refinery-explosion-fire-crews-21927552 He hasn't had a car for 11 or 12 years neither has he driven in that time. He's not happy about driving on the (pre-lockdown) roads today but as I said its only a precaution if I am incapacitated in some way. My dad gave up smoking before I started school though I do remember him smoking. It didn't prevent the big C from getting him though it wasn't a cancer caused by smoking. It was a cancer associated with but not always with asbestos but AFAIK he never worked with asbestos.
  10. About an hour ago there was a strange noise outside, like a jet engine but static. All was revealed by a post on Farcebook. There was/is a fire at a refinery in Tilbury and it was a pressure valve 'blowing off'.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorting through some papers just now I came across last years car insurance renewal. A couple of years ago I had made enquiries about adding my mate onto the insurance just in case we were out and I for some reason became unable to drive. When I enquired the extra cost was such that I dropped the idea. When I read the renewal notice I saw that they'd added his name. I will have to check on that on Monday.
  12. Someone should put his brain in gear before engaging mouth.>> https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/man-dies-drinking-cleaner-thought-21924827
  13. Depends on how you count them. France with a similar population has similar figures. Other countries such as North Korea* won't even release figures.* Just had a news flash, Kim Jong-un has died.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have worn various styles of facial hair over the years. Late 60's early 70's it was all about the chin but a bare top lip, think Manfred Mann. Then in the later 70's it was the other way round with a Zapata tash to go with the flares, great times but the next two and a half decades it was out with the razor until retirement. I still have the pics from my hols back then, I didn't realise I was so skinny back then.
  15. Heres the map as a link so that it can be enlarged. http://lwr.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Long-Shop-Leiston_0001-1.jpg
  16. I've been looking at this 1927 map of the Garrett works at Leiston. There appears to be a spur curving away from the down side east of the station. There is no apparent connection shown. Does anyone know if the spur was connected and where it went to?
  17. Her awlship doesn't have a beard.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Dave and many more of 'em. A bit grey here at the moment but sunshine is predicted for later. Its been reported that theres two things that are in plentiful supply that no one has panic bought are chewing gum and mints suggesting that with social distancing fresh breath is not a priority. As I don't like mints or anything containing mint and never use chewing gum it makes no difference to me. My fizzog and a razor have been social distancing ever since I retired 12 years ago and for the last couple of years the scissors as well. Problem is that I was already in need of a haircut when lockdown started. I will not be attempting DIY as I need my ears to hang my glasses on.
  19. Words fail me. Hopefully he'll get a jail term.
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