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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Just hope he's left enough space under his decking for a fox. A vixen and cubs on a warm day nice!
  2. I'm ploughing my way through the layouts thread (up to page 12 now) and I wondered Is there a best in show award?
  3. Here we go again. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-double-decker-bus-ploughs-21947570#source=push
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Not much happening the Farcebook group has more members but not quite hit the 3000 yet. The song is free, you can get a half decent bottle of wine for £8.20 but what sort of woman would you get for that amount?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Heres a conundrum. Why do men have nipples? I've heard two reasons, one is that from conception for six or seven weeks every foetus is female and the other is that the developement of a foetus is from the top down (the organs developing in order of importance, brain, heart and lungs first). A friends 8 year old grand daughter has asked the question, hopefully Flavio might have the right answer. Now to get to grips with Farcebook which is getting manic.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Membership applications keep coming in for my Farcebook local history group. A few months ago it had less than 300 members now its rapidly approaching 3000. I like to checkthe bona fides of all new applicants but the odd scammer has managed to slip in under the radar but as soon as they show themselves they find themselves out and blocked.
  7. Just been announced that the post office is to temporarily cease Saturday deliveries.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Like Tony's rosemary my california lilac is swarming with bees this time of year but not today, Too cold and wet for them at the mo. Muggatee waiting so I'll be back later.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Didn't do much in the garden yesterday as the ground was rock hard so the rain today is welcome though it will take a lot more than one days rain to penetrate the Essex clay I fear. At the moment it is bucketing down, hopefully it will ease off later as I need to do some shopping though there might not be any queues. Play the 'Ride of the Valkaries' at full volume at 3 am. We cant block you on RMweb. Do you normally speak like that?
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Virgin Media seems to be behaving itself so now to tackle Farcebook.
  11. If I win anything how will I know as my e-mail has gone down? It seems that all of Virgin Media has crashed.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A parcel arrived this morning, nothing that can't be mentioned here on ER's, a new pair of slippers. I see that RMweb went down for a while this afternoon but not for long.
  13. Nearly forgot, happy birthday Andrew P. Looking into bits for the lockdown layout I found I need rail joiners, I have some somewhere but where? No doubt as soon as I order some more they will reappear.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Time to do a bit of gardening today, before the rain arrives and then I might if I have time start on a new layout. Nothing fancy but I found in my collection of off-cuts a four foot by nine inch piece of 12mm MDF. I have a point and a couple of yards of Peco streamline and a suitable controller, I just need to find the timber for the frame. It will be a 'lockdown layout', I wonder how many others are using the lockdown to start new layouts?
  15. I envy you, we haven't seen any around here for at least twenty years. A combination of being an 'island' surrounded by busy roads, urban foxes and nearby badger setts sees to that.
  16. The female flattens her spines and spreadeagles herself from what I saw.
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