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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. They've compiled that data from their members all over the globe.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I like kippers but if given the choice I'd have smoked mackeral instead. I received notice this morning that some Milliput that I ordered a couple of days ago is on its way. I need it for a couple of modelling projects not involving parallel strips of metal. Time to do battle with Farcebook, be back later.
  3. It needs a bit more bashing, preferably with a big hammer.
  4. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns KZ. I'm with Flavio with regards baked beans for breakfast, or for any other meal for that matter. I'm not that happy with those other new world items either, tomatoes and potatoes in various shape or form for breakfast. Marmalade should have chunks of peal in it, the bigger the better, preferably as big as chips. Not to fazed about it on toast, my preference is on a doorstep of brown bread without any butter or margerine. The best thing on (hot) toast is beef dripping, with plenty of the jelly. As I mentioned tomatoes and potatoes were unknown in the Old World until after the discovery of the Americas. That didn't stop the author of one historical novel having the emperor Nero eating a tomato. I can't now remember the title of the novel or the author which perhaps is not surprising. Pedant mode on. Because there's to much distance between them (Arctic and Antarctic). I'm more interested in the unofficial ones.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I broke the bathroom scales this morning. They still work perfectly but they now have a hole in the top. The hole matches the ball of my right foot, what happened was that the bathroom gets sun all day and the sunlight has affected the plastic top making it brittle. So its a new pair of scales next time I shop. I thought we were promised unicorns by Nigel Farage. Stupid bird doesn't realise that its dry under the roof. You've had a bit of practice over the last few weeks. Seriously though it will feel strange for the first couple of months until you settle in to retirement. Best wishes for a long and happy one (retirement that is). A pot of tea has been made and some Belvita biscuits will accompany the mug(s) of tea.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-sussex-52487203/eastbourne-man-builds-railway-in-his-garden?fbclid=IwAR3tU-Vg8a8jW_SG7-ywazNG16fGFJWSCNcdxozkLc5ocrRLYy7JVzMgFlU
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. There's a suggestion that Captain Tom should receive a Knighthood, indeed theres a couple of petitions going round to that effect. I'm all for that and hopefully once it is safe to do so from her majesty. Most Knights recently have been dubbed by Prince Charles standing in for his mother but in the circumstances and being of the same generation I'm sure her majesty would be only to glad to do so.
  8. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/720224165396295303/
  9. LT never used a cut down RT. What you probably saw was one of the cut down front entrance country area STL's that they used up until about 1960.
  10. Got to the end at last. All of the layouts are splendid and set a very high standard. My favourite has to be Treneglos, modelling of the highest standard.
  11. I wonder if something like vertical blinds or a beaded curtain would work just as well.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The other day I decided to sort out my 'day out' bag. A shoulder bag in which I carry items such as tote bags, folding umbrella, pens, notebooks, spare glasses and other items deemed neccessary. Among the items was hand sanitizer, I'd forgotten completely that I had it. Its in the form of a pen like dispensers so they don't hold much but I have four at 50p the lot. I found them in Tess Coes battered boxes, normally they would have cost a £ each. One is now in the car, another in my pocket and two are back in the bag. Same as the Y as in Ye old Tea Shop. Y was used as shorthand by Victorian typesetters instead of 'th' so it should be pronounced 'thee' and not 'yee'. Hippo's and fairy lights don't usually come to mind at the same time.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still not quite made the 3000 members yet but only 5 to go. A vestage of when they had legs. In the same vein, why do we have an appendix?
  14. Foxes will soon deal with the rat problem. Haven't seen a rat since the foxes moved in.
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