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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Heads up, theres a pogram on railway achitecture on at 8 this evening on the Yesterday channel. Going to watch it now, be back later.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Opened up Farcebook this morning to find 182 applicants to the local history group! Thats why I'm here a bit late. I usually check the groups that the applicants belong to as this often indicates that they are local and one had several shared groups with myself but none of them local, mostly railway groups (he was local anyway). It took well over an hour to induct them all into the group which is now approach 3500 members. The Milliput that I ordered has arrived so a bit of modelling may commence, though not involving parallel strips of metal. A couple of dioramas for displaying some car and lorry models. The airline industry has been in decline since 9/ll. Not only did that event discourage many from flying but people realised that by the clear skies when there were few aircraft flying how polluting air travel was.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Nearly caught up with Farcebook, the local history group has acquired 10% more members in the last few days but still keeping up.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been playing catch up with Farcebook this afternoon, getting there slowly. Just had dinner, toad in the hole with broad beans and very nice it was too. Its interesting to see that many governments are not bailing out the airlines, I think that air travel will probably be the last industry to recover after Covid-19, if it ever does (or is allowed to). People are getting used to the cleaner air and politicians of all colours realise that. On Facebook someone has shown a mini 'lockdown layout' only 16" X 7". It even has a Bachmann Wickham trolley running up and down. I might have a go at doing something similar myself though I'm planning a slightly bigger 'lockdown layout' at the moment.
  5. But the stresses could cause failure at a later date, when you are doing 60mph on the freeway.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. The Farcebook group had nearly 200 applications for membership in the last 24 hours. Some other groups that I am an ordinary member of are experiencing a similar rush including one called 'Disused Railways' whereas other similar groups are static where new members are concerned. You should use copper grease applied generously to both wheel and hub every time you change a wheel. As has been said getting underneath a car supported by just a jack is extreamly dangerous. Hard braking with the wheels loosely attached is not recomended either. This will put an enormous strain on the studs and could cause them to fracture later.
  7. The Rootes group were experimenting with additional cylinders on the TS3 engine. Indeed there was a TS4 engine up and running when Chrysler took over and squashed any further developement. Five and six cylinder versions were being considered. A 'TS6' would easily fit under the floor of a DMU. The main drawback of two stroke diesels was noise levels.
  8. Having visited a milking parlour when in action milk isn't the only thing that comes out of the cows. You certainly don't want to put them on a centrifuge.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Not done much today, in fact I've done s*d all. Now to tackle Farcebook, starting a bit earlier and hope to get through it all before bedtime.
  10. Mention of toasted sarnies reminded me that I haven't had cheese on toast for a while. I lightly toast the bread then cover it with thinly sliced cheese slightly overhanging the edges. (No butter or margerine, it makes the toast soggy.) I then added a layer of chopped onion and covered it with grated cheese. Grill under a low heat until the cheese melts and turns a golden brown.
  11. Austin was also working with Junkers to develope a diesel engine for their lorries. A two cylinder 2-stroke opposed piston unit. They had built a prototype ready for testing in August 1939 but then it had to be dropped for obvious reasons.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Many happy returns Stewart. Slept in rather late this morning, it is still morning (just).
  13. There has been diesel aircraft engines. The WW2 Blomm and Voss flying boat was powered by three Junkers diesel engines. To keep the weight down they were opposed piston 2-strokes similar in principle to the Commer TS3.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The madness that is Farcebook continues. The local history group has topped the 3000 mark and then some. Other groups to which I am a member are also rapidly expanding. Back to the fray, be back later.
  15. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A package arrived today from Hong Kong. A couple of diecast Ford Transits, a police minibus and an ambulance, both in 00 scale. Only thing is they took nearly 2 months to arrive as the Chinese authorities only allow essential items to go air mail at the moment. I placed a second order for some other models a few days ago, this was a larger order and I was keeping my fingers crossed that I wouldn't get stung for customs duty/VAT but it looks as if I've no need to worry as the customs declaration gives the cost of each model as 19HK$, a bit under £2. Done a 'big shop' today, the fridge was nearly empty, its not now. When I was in the store one of the assistants told me I was wearing my mask upside down, I wasn't even aware that there was a right way and a wrong way to wear a mask. Once I turned it over though I did notice a difference, my glasses didn't steam up.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up until two this morning trying to catch up on Farcebook then my eyelids demanded inspection. Think of it as practice for retirement, its always like that when you're retired. I bet that caused a stink. Its the word 'bull' in front of it.
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