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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Again time has flown past, in fact it seems that last weekend was only a couple of days ago. I do hope some of the garden centres will be allowed to open as I had plans to plant a few more shrubs. I inspected the existing shrubs the other day. Many of them I planted 20+ years ago several feet apart but now they have all grown into each other and one looks as if it will require moving otherwise it will be choked by the others. There is also a small rose bush that has mysteriously appeared. I certainly didn't plant it and its not a dog rose. Its just about to flower and is a deep red colour. Don't tempt him, its going to take an awful lot of cake to bribe him not to.
  2. Elfin safe tea are having kittens!
  3. Steam Dreams have only cancelled the first half of their program (up to July) so far. If you want to push the boat out (and if you can afford it) Inside Track run 'steam railway' holidays in the UK and on the continent.
  4. HH in a thong? NOOOOOOOOO!
  5. Most East Anglian beers are very good as are many Kentish ales. East Anglia produces the malting barley and Kent produces the hops. Also the hard water is ideal for brewing beer.
  6. If anyone offers you Omega-3 capsules that have 'fallen off the back of a lorry' be careful because he might be a slippery character.
  7. Compressed air locomotives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed-air_vehicle
  8. The pre-war Riley's were crossflow as well. With twin cams in the cylinder block and hemispherical combustion chambers.
  9. Back to the oldest structures (even if off topic). https://www.oldest.org/structures/ruins/
  10. Suffolk ales can beat Yorkshire ales at any time. Now to retreat to the bunker.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have a T-shirt that says 'Original grumpy old man'. I've lost count of the times ladies have asked me where can they get one because they want one for their partner. Slowly catching up on Farcebook, hopefully theres no rush of new members for the local history group like last weekend. As much as I appreciate the new members its taking up a lot of my time. Thats it for now, be back later.
  12. There was a compressed air driven locomotive designed for the 1890 Channel tunnel. It was a 2-4-2 with air tanks resembling a gas tank wagon with a drivers platform at each end.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Quite possibly. The aircrews and aircraft used were from a couple of OTU's , the aircrew had completed their training and were awaiting allocation to an operational unit. There home base was in Lincolnshire and they had flown out via Lancashire and then flown south crossing Anglesey. Either my mums cousins aircraft had climbed or the other aircraft had dived is not certain but the other aircraft managed to make an emergency landing at an airfield in the west country with severe damage to the inner port engine and the bomb bay. Both aircraft were Halifax III's that had been withdrawn from front line service and well past their best. Why waste rocks and the effort of throwing them when you have this:- They seem to have plenty of hose to deliver the contents. Talking of 'lucky' transfers from ships that went on to sink with great loss of life. I had a colleage who was a Royal Marine aboard HMS Prince of Wales. He was put ashore at Singapore to help reinforce the garrison there and ended up on the Burma death railway.
  14. It works out at less than £3 per vehicle so worth a try.
  15. I know of someone who did the same with an Allegro estate, all 7 litres of Chevy grunt. Best of all from the outside it looked perfectly normal and gave many a boy racer a shock.
  16. When they had the Dagenham Town Show the portaloo's were supplied by a company called Cox Cabins.
  17. Its a genuine registration, according to the DLVA its a MAN.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Apart from the Red Arrows (for thats who it was) flying over this morning its been a quiet day. The only relative to my knowledge that was lost in action was my mums cousin. He was lost over Cardigan Bay when the Halifax he was piloting collided with another aircraft. Details of what he was doing there are a bit sketchy but it was two months before D-day and I gather they were testing a ground based radar that our commandoes had recently relieved the Germans of, all very hush-hush.
  19. What made the early BMC B series a bit wheezey was that the inlet ports were squeezed in between the pushrods. As the engine was developed it went from 3 to 5 main bearings and the block was stretched to accomodate them. This gave more room for the inlet ports which were duly enlarged, this is why the MGB is better in this respect. Fords done the same with the Anglia 105E engine, originally three bearings but when the crossflow came in became five bearing and therefore longer. Fords reverted to three bearings for the Fiesta because a shorter engine was required to fit in the space available.
  20. In standard form they all developed about 30 bhp. The biggest problem with the BMC engines was their breathing, they were always gasping for air.
  21. Sorry it wasn't a 100E it was the preceding 10hp, a 1948 Anglia (E93A?) that had at some time been fitted with the 10hp engine.
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