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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Don't worry it isn't you as Natalie said she has blocked the person concerned so if you were the one you wouldn't be able to see her post.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As was said it will probably never be confirmed as to whether or not our human ancestors were semi-aquatic. But DNA analysis is providing some surprising details about our forebears. This is interesting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheddar_Man Apparently he had curley hair and dark skin, and blue eyes. The Neanderthals were not the only race of humans occupying Eurasia when the Cro-Magnon came out of Africa, in fact using DNA it has been established that there was up to six different species living at the same time, the most significant were the Denisovans who were closely related to and interbred with the Neanderthals. Sapiens also interbred with these other species resulting in one in eight modern humans having Neanderthal DNA. There is naturally many theories as to why these other human species disappeared over a very short period of time , the most likely IMHO is that Sapiens carried with them new diseases that the other species had not experienced and therefore had no resistance to. EDIT A bit more information here. https://qz.com/1367826/our-prehistoric-ancestors-all-mated-with-one-another/
  3. I hope your not suggesting cannibalism.
  4. The car is a Henry J. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_J Sadly being small and light many ended up as dragsters and not many survive in original condition.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Haven't ventured out yet but the sun is shining and it looks warm. My take on vegitarianism is that we are omnivores and its perfectly natural to eat both meat and veg. Having said that the type of meat that we eat has changed over time. I was a great fan of Time Team (and other archeology programs). In many when ancient human remains the bones were tested and this revealed the diet of the individual. Quite often fish featured quite strongly with red meat rarely if ever. This was often backed up by the finding in rubbish pits of the food remains of shellfish and other fish remains. Add to that that a piscean diet is healthier even than a vegetarian diet, a vegan diet is actually the unhealthiest. This leads me to conclude that our ancestors diet was fish based rather than red meat. The taste for red meat probably comes from the Neanderthals, 12.5% of us has their genes and 60% of their diet was red meat. At first I read 88C as BBC, if that was so I'd love to listen in on that conversation. Talking of the BBC, tonights offering was supposed to be the Eurovision Song Contest which I detest. So as a replacement they are putting on an ersatz version so I'll have to get painting so that I can watch it dry whilst its on.
  6. The mind boggles https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/could-cromer-and-sheringham-crab-lobster-festival-go-vegan-1-6652724?fbclid=IwAR0aSXxfkvK4piGZ7x9arWKdwEqN8pv_ApjN2yBtw4HpjjOpCb8Qm4HMsE8 Well it is Norfolk.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much ancient stuff has come out of my current garden except for 7d in pre decimal coinage, 4d of that was the current monarch and the oldest was her grandfathers reign. Not surprising as the house was built c. 1960 on a greenfield site. When I lived in Romford the house was of similar age but on the same site there had been two or three previous houses. Also at the bottom of the garden was Romford signal box and where the garden was only a few years after the line was built a map from 1851 shows some flooded pits either side of the embankment. These subsequently were filled in with Victorian rubbish. As a result I often dug up odd bits of broken china and plenty of Victorian bottles. I went down to Tess Coes this afternoon as I needed some milk, I noticed that petrol is now 99.99p per litre, I'm going to need topping up soon so I'll fill up next time I go there.
  8. But they all showed me how to undo the rubber buttons.
  9. The ROD in WW1 had some narrow guage 4-6-0's (Baldwin?) but later orders were for 2-6-2's.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Last weigh in I was 110 kilograms, not so bad as after Christmas it was 114. I've allways been big, my brother is 16 months older than me but when we were youngsters when I outgrew my clothes they were often passed down to him. Idealy I should be 100 kg or below but I don't think I have the willpower, it'll be a struggle to lose another 5 unless I starve myself. Like ChrisF and ID I'm used to being on my own so lockdown hasn't affected me except that there's nowhere to go and that is making things tedious. Another niggle is that at my age (71) I notice that my stamina is slowly declining as the years pass, hopefully I will still have the stamina next year to do what I can't do this year.
  11. Panty girdles were a bit more diffcult. And no I didn't wear one.
  12. The link worked when I quoted it. Interesting micro-car in the first pic.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Unhealthy dinner tonight, toad in the hole and chips, use by dates rule. I should exercise more during shutdown, I've put on less than a kilogram but the swollen ankles are back. I found that the more walking I do the less my ankles swell. The walk down to the newsagents helped this morning and theres only a little swelling at the moment. The thing is theres no pain at all and I only noticed the swelling when I undressed for bed. Getting back to the family history my surname originates in Bazzers neck of the woods were it is very common but I've traced my ancestors back to the 16th century and they were allways based in and around Gravesend where generation after generation were watermen. The 'spy' was on my mums side of the family, certainly no 007 but was sent to report back on the poet Wordsworth after he (W) had expressed sympathy for the French revolution.
  14. Are all three figures actual people photoshopped on to a photograph of the model?
  15. Morning (just) all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade as I had to nip down to the newsagents this morning. They had delivered the wrong newspaper(s). Instead of my usual Daily Mirror and I I received the product of a certain ex Australian. I have plenty of loo paper anyway and I wouldn't even use that particular rag for that. Researching your family tree can be both fascinating and frustating, I even have a spy amongst my anticedants. I also have a direct ancestor hung at Wapping for piracy. Thats where the frustration comes in, he was hung in 1584 and most of the records were lost in the great fire of London in 1666. Luckily for me many of my ancestral names are unusual which makes tracing them much easier.
  16. That would be about the right heat. But I would advise wearing gloves as well.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Haven't ventured out today been on the keyboard mostly. Farcebook isn't as hectic as it has been but still busy. That reminds me of a works 'do' back in the 70's. The pub in question was a bit of a dump and had a bad reputation. I went with several other colleagues to the bar to get some drinks and that included several 'short' pints. This was pointed out to the barman who insisted that that's what the manager told him was a full pint. After a bit of tooing and froing the barman was still adamant. So we got him to call the manager who confirmed that it was a full pint in every glass. It was then that one of my colleagues showed his ID. He was a weights and measures inspector. The glasses were duly topped up and my colleague positioned himself near enough to the bar to see the pints being pulled. My colleague did report it to the brewery and very shortly after the manager was gone. The pub after only a couple of years closed and is now a Tesco's mini mart.
  18. Cyano is hydroponic so perhaps soaking in warm/hot water might loosen things up.
  19. How did that students police career go after that little incident?
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