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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. When Q mentioned a Walmart tartan I just had to Google it. It indeed does exist and you can buy products in Walmart stores in their tartan. As it is 'exclusive' I presume that they have established some sort of rights to that particular tartan. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about it is its not even garish as one might expect such a tartan to be. It piqued my interest because my surname is the same as the founders of Walmart so I went looking. It turns out my family name has its own tartan, a variant of the Campbell tartan.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just spent a couple of hours in the garden. It looks a lot better after a haircut and so will I when I can get one. Have to nip down to the newsagents as no papers were delivered this morning. Be back later.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As a couple of ER's have recently divorced this is probably a little to late. Now time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  4. Not the incident but I found this.
  5. What will you save them for?
  6. Thanks for that information. The class 52 was mentioned on Farcebook. It must have been quite a job to recover the loco as I doubt it could be moved on its own wheels after that.
  7. BBQ anyone? https://www.facebook.com/arthur.keyter/videos/2558585727580156/
  8. Enforcing social distancing German style.
  9. This is how they're enforcing social distancing in Germany.
  10. This is a strange one, natural causes or suicide?
  11. Tony, its all explained here. https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/what-is-a-huckleberry
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. It was morning when I started reading the last two and a bit pages. Happy birthday Rick and many more of 'em. I noticed that the 'official' group despite having fewer members has 50% more posts. I just wonder how many are relevent to the subject in hand. I'll have to remember that so 42 and Pi it is. (Or in HH's case pie.)
  13. I prefer Billy Conolly's take on that. "Never trust a fart."
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