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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Armstrong Whitworth did design a diesel locomotive for the GWR in the 30's. It never got any further than the drawing board. It was a 4-4-0 box cab with a short bonnet over the leading bogie which IIRC contained a smaller diesel engine for starting purposes. If anything it looked like half of a Swiss Crocodile.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Too cream crackered last night to have that long hot soak in the bath, just as well really as it was a lot cooler this morning. I'm not bothered about peanut butter or Marmite, I've not tasted either since I was in short trousers. I am overweight for sure but I can't tell how much as I broke my scales the other day, no not what you think. My bathroom faces south and gets full sun for most of the daylight hours. The scales have a plastic cover that had become brittle in the sunlight and I managed to punch a hole in it with my big toe. The replacement (glass-topped) was acquired yesterday and will be placed in service as soon as it arrives.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Managed to do a bit more in the garden this afternoon. I pruned back a large fir tree at the bottom off the garden, only the bottom branches as they were almost touching the ground. Firstly I had to find my loppers and spent 20 minutes looking for them only to find them right under my nose. I also made progress in cutting back the brambles but still a bit to go before I apply the glyphosphate. Now for a long soak in the bath.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Happy silver to Andrew and Mrs. C. Will be going out shortly to move a couple of items into the garage in case it rains and then wheel the garden rubbish bin out for collection tomorrow. But a muggatee first. Be back later.
  5. Its still available in the US as is 19mm gauge (American 00) principaly for NG modellers, 3 foot gauge in HO scale and American O scale (1/48).
  6. When I was learning to drive, over 50 years ago I was taught to go to whatever gear was appropiate when changing down (Ford 105E, 4 speed box). On my modern car its easier to flip through the gears. Often its 5-4-3 without releasing the clutch so that 4th is not engaged. My first car was a 100E Ford with a 3 speed gearbox. First was only used for starting and steep hills so in normal driving you effectively only used two gears.
  7. British railways were not that far off the pace. The LNER were planning and preparing for both the Woodhead and Shenfield electrifications and the GWR were seriously considering diesels west of Exeter. Both projects were disrupted by WW2.
  8. Would not 3mm to the foot (TT scale) 1/100 be better? The indian BG scales out at 16.5mm in that scale.
  9. Is that 00 gauge or scale? In TT scale, 3mm to the foot 16.5mm is 5' 6", the standard gauge on the sub continent.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Chris I'm a Queen fan and I agree entirely. My other favourite artistes are Tina Turner and Meatloaf. I won't be doing any gardening today, its already to warm, I just have to make sure that the stuffed full garden waste bin is put out for collection in the morning. But how often do you change the water?
  11. Its going to be officially announced tomorrow that Colonel Tom is to receive a Knighthood, well done sir! He's been taking an anti-malarial drug that is reportedly useless against Covid-19 and may in fact make things worse.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. After yesterdays exertions I'm cream crackered. I still have one ant hill to dispose of problem is that its almost all clay and with the lack of rain its like concrete. Hopefully theres going to be some rain on Thursday so I'm just going to open the top to let the rain in and if that doesn't work add some more water and let it soak in. Disposal is not a problem as theres plenty of room in hole left by a rotted out tree stump.
  13. Oops nearly forgot, many happy returns to Sherry.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still a fair bit lot to do in the garden, removal of the grass revealed two or three ant-hills, a couple of them were used to fill a hole where a tree stump had been and the other will follow shortly. Also there was the remains of a slow worm that had been caught in the mower blades, that had gone this morning curtesy of Mr. fox who also left his calling card, I found this when looking for something else on Google. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp0rL5h4ikM Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. Wasn't there an Irish DMU with a similar arangement? A six wheel power unit articulated to a coach either side.
  16. Yes, the Midland Mafia had to spoil it by putting their own ill matched tender behind it.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. As I mentioned earlier the lawn got its haircut today, the first in about 20 months. My neighbour gave me a hand with his industrial size mower. I discovered that the shed is now in a worse state than ever, the side that gets the worst of the weather is disintegrating rapidly. I intend to get a (smaller) replacement and position it in another part of the garden so I have to prepare the ground first so the bits that were in the shed will have to go in the garage for now, that is what is not thrown away. The ground being Essex clay in the weather we have had recently is like concrete so preparations for the new shed will have to wait for a few months. A few forgotten items turned up that made me wonder why I had got them, for what reason did I obtain eight pink marble floor tiles? They are about 15" X 15" and an inch thick! The lawn I intend to replace with stone chippings, easier to mantain than grass, I also intend to fill some of the space with shrubs, which reminds me, the mystery plant has turned out to be a chrysanthemum though the flower is now past its best.
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