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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Been looking at garden sheds, even a small one that I require assembled and erected is just shy of £500, even more for pressure treated timber which will not be necessary as it will be easy to paint with preservative.
  2. I am using my 'back-up' computer at the moment and it hasn't got ad blocker installed. On RMweb I have it switched off anyway as I do on other 'free' sites most of whom use advertising to finance the site.
  3. No, it was last nights chicken vindaloo.
  4. In all probability there will not be that many second hand traders about once the Covid-19 crisis is over. Most depend on exhibitions and swap meets for their business. A few are on E-bay but many are not and also those who don't depend on the income from selling will just discontinue trading.
  5. I've ordered the LNER version, a friend has the dynometer car model. It would be interesting to see them running together.
  6. Nearly forgot, I'm getting mens clothing ads on the side bar now, only thing is they are more for 17 year olds rather than 71 as I am.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Managing with the back up computer but there's still a lot of stuff on the old computer that I will need to access at some time in the future. In fact this computer is in many ways better than the old one. I should have used the external hard drive that I have still unused in its box awaiting a round tuit, I think my old computer has had its day, hopefully when the computer shop is open I can get it sorted. Now to spend a bit more time sorting out the garden shed, I have to do it in short spurts before the hay fever kicks in.
  8. I may have posted this before, apologies if I have.
  9. My original computer has gone on strike, its just 'frozen'. Just as well I've got this back up.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Well the garden shed is well and truly knackered. Its doubtful that much if anything can be recovered. As I removed a storage box it revealed a great big hole at the back of the shed. The reason for it is that a pile of sand was left up against the back of the shed. I assume that it must have been left by the fence installers who fitted a new fence about 3 years ago to the property at the bottom of the garden about a foot behind the shed, Not only has it allowed the damp to penetrate the shed but its stopped the concrete slab the shed stands on from draining properly and the rear two thirds of the shed floor are also rotten, its like walking on an air bed. Luckily the tools were stored in the part of the shed that remained dry. You will be pleased to learn that the Dunkirk veteran is now at Mangapps being restored.
  11. Breaking news, Brian May (of Queen) has been rushed to hospital following a heart attack.
  12. Sadly it doesn't include the exhibits at Transpo 73.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning, its hard to believe its a bank holiday. Luton and Southend designate themselves as 'London' airports. Approved by whom?
  14. Could the answer be trains leaving in opposite directions for the same destination? And with that goodnight all.
  15. I've checked with the Facebook group and they have confirmed that ratchet straps were rarely if ever used. It was allways ropes or chains. Chains were used for such as steel pipes and castings and other items with hard edges that could cut and chafe ropes.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. It was fish pie tonight for dinner, not my first choice but compelled by the use by dates. Tidied up the patio this afternoon, quite a bit of moss had accumulated between the paving blocks but was easy to remove as it had dried out. Its now in the compost maker mixing with the grass cuttings. Tea is ready to be drunk, be back later.
  17. A couple of hours ago there was a terrific noise outside. It was three magpies having a fight.
  18. Roping and sheeting was still in common use then but ratchet straps were just starting to be used. If your on Facebook a group called 70's and 80's trucking would be a good place to ask.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I notice that a couple of robins are still raiding the demolished ant nests. I also noticed evidence of a fox digging one of the ant nests, rather strange as I don't think there would be anything for a fox there. Got to start clearing stuff from the shed, but after some tea, be back later.
  20. When I remove them from the washing machine my shirts go straight onto hangers to dry and therefore don't require ironing.
  21. Its quite common in the USA. Actually its 19.05mm, three quarters of an inch so spot on.
  22. And 19mm track that is made for 0n3 uses code 100 rail supplied by Peco. Not sure though if the actual web is also made by Peco. For that matter it should not be difficult to 3D print the web for your own track to whatever gauge you want and just puchase the rails from Peco. There is an RMwebber doing just that, not only plain track but points as well.
  23. You may think that you have a cross to bear. My mothers paternal grandmothers maiden name was Mogg, as in Rees-Mogg, and yes he is a distant cousin. I do have an ancestor on my dads side of the family who was hung for piracy, I like to think that as being one up on stealing sheep.
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