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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Computer is OK this morning but still gave the warning about overheating. It looks as though the fan is kaput so I'll just have to keep testing the temperature and shut down if it gets too warm. Had a communication from the shed suppliers about preparing the base. It turns out that the hard area I was intending to use needs levelling, it has a distinct slope, not readily visible to the naked eye and a dip in the middle so I need to get the builder to scree it, I recall back in the 70's when I lived in Romford we had a visit from our twin town in Germany. One of our interpreters learned his German in Austria and thus spoke with a distinct Austrian accent. This as it turned out was the equivalent of one of the Germans speaking English in an Irish brogue. As in Germany the Austrians were sometimes the butt of 'stupid' jokes same as the Irish were in England.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've been using the computer for most of the evening without any problems so far and no sign of it even getting warm. The computer shop guy said I wasn't to use a vacuum on it as it could cause other problems but he recommended raising the back of the computer to allow air to circulate which I've done. Very sorry to hear your sad news Neil, offering condolences never seems to be enough.
  3. I'll have to get a haircut, and trim the beard.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I thought I'd give the computer shop a call though I expected a recorded message at best and someone answered! After a chat I decided to take my old computer in to see if it can be sorted. The computer chap said that the problem with the other computer was probably that it just needs a clean inside so when the other one is back I'll take it in. In the meantime I will have to use it sparingly giving it a break every hour or so.
  5. Its a new battery in this computer but thats not the problem, its the cooling fan. Its always been noisy since I've had the computer and the warning was about the cooling fan liable to fail. I'm not sure if my old laptop has a fan. I am only using this computer in short bursts and switching it off if it starts getting warm. I will try to sort out my old computer first before messing with this one.
  6. I used to have a cherry tree in my back garden. The birds invariably got to the fruit first.
  7. Computer hasn't shut down (yet) but battery is getting low. On the subject of gearboxes. My car like most others today has a 5 speed gearbox. I did have occasion a few years ago to drive a Transit minibus with a 6 speed box. The only problem I encountered was that the Transits 6th gear was in the same place as reverse on my car and on a couple of occasions I selected that thinking it was reverse, no damage done, only a stalled engine.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I might not be posting so much here as I had a message this morning when I opened up that the cooling fan on this computer is not working properly and it will shut down if it overheats so don't worry if I don't post. It seems to be OK at the moment nothing getting warm and the fan only seems to operate when the battery is on charge. Apparently international cricket (in the UK) is to start on July 8th. But only at certain grounds where there is hotel accommodation attached. This means that both teams can stay isolated at the ground where there is a lower risk. This could be the reason for the delay in county cricket. Limiting the physical contact with the outside world. Whereas footballers play their matches and usually go home afterwards cricket matches are often played over a number of days and going to and from hotels would increase the chances of infection.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Attacked the large ant-hill in the garden this evening just before it got dark. Due to the lack of rain it was rock hard but that lack of rain also helped as by inserting the spade into one of the cracks in the dried out clay I was able to break open the ant hill. Managed to get the printer linked up to this computer this afternoon but most of what I want to print is on the old computer so I'll have to wait until the computer shop is open.
  10. "I think we're wasting our time with this one."
  11. You don't mean 'Well oiled hippo in yellow brides outfit' do you?
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I have been wearing shoes with Velcro fastenings for several years now so I'm not sure that I can still tie shoelaces. At one time I could happily tie a bow tie as I used to attend several 'bow tie' events every year. Nowadays I do not wear any ties, I hate the bl@@dy things.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Well its afternoon now but I've just spent more than half an hour talking to my sister on the phone. My niece visited my brother at the weekend and was shocked that he'd lost so much weight. He was overweight back in February at about 20 stone but since then he's lost about a quarter or more of that. Today he's on dialysis but tomorrow when he's at home I'll give him a call. And if its Ryanair the connecting bus will be from Timbuktu.
  14. I mentioned Wowcher just now, Now I'm seeing ads for summer shirts made out of striped deck chair material. Perhaps they're camouflage so that you can sit in a deckchair on the beach breaking lock-down without being spotted.
  15. Evening yet again from Estuary-Land. The ads that I get are also linked to my searches and to discount companies I have made purchases through such as Woucher and Groupon though the latest is garden sheds, not unexpectedly. The bargain sites are remainder mail order outlets and have quite a few bargains.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spent part of the afternoon preparing the hardstanding for the new shed. Followed up with eyelid inspection. Now to make some tea, be back later.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit to do today, I've decided to order the new shed so I have to clear the hard standing where its got to go. Shouldn't take too long but the hay fever is making itself felt already. Then there's the fodder run, queues hopefully will be as short as they have been recently. Surprisingly I finished Facebook quite early last night. I didn't realise how slow the old computer had become before it went belly up. The only problem with this 'new' computer is its very noisy. Thats it for now, be back later.
  18. If the are to be used on the underground they would be fitted with collector shoes. The existing battery locomotives charge their batteries from the conductor rails whenever they are on electrified track.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I got the new scales set up this morning, and since I last weighed myself I've put on 3 pounds. It can also give my BMI and a few other features when I get it set up properly. Its not a spring balance scale but works by passing a very small electric current through your body but it seems to be accurate.
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