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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I got one of those 'Something went wrong with your TV licence payment' e-mails the other day. I can't believe people still fall for this rubbish. Apart from the spelling and grammatical errors the date was given as 06/16/2020. Its now in the spam folder and the sender blocked. I've ordered my new wheelbarrow through e-bay, £60 including p&p. Now to do a bit of shed clearing, be back later.
  2. Happy anniversary Simon and Mrs. G.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. This morning if it wasn't for Corona-19 I would be in Ipswich for the Transport and Model Festival. An event I have attended for the last several years and I introduced my friend Richard and his lad to a few years ago, well there's next year to look forward to. The parcel that came when I was out has been identified as there was an 'out on delivery' notice, an old plastic kit (50's/60's) for a couple of cars. No chance of a lie in this morning as the neighbours opposite were having a tree or trees removed, those chipping machines are noisy! Thats it for now, be back later.
  4. Unusual tourist attraction, or it was. https://news.yahoo.com/wild-bus-removed-alaska-wilderness-092457160.html
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Made another attempt to go to Homebase before going to Tesco's but the queue was even bigger than at the weekend and what is more there was no social distancing going on, they seem to have confused metres with centimetres. The other extreme at Tesco's, no queue whatever. When I got home I had a card from Royal Mail saying they tried to deliver a parcel, about 5 minutes before I got home. Booked a re-delivery for Monday. Now to tackle Farcebook, be back later.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but dull here this morning and a bit windy. I will have to venture out for supplies today, completely out of bread. Still no news of when the new shed will arrive, I'll have to get on to them on Monday, in the meantime I'll have to put some more stuff out of the old shed into the garage. I have noticed that the pine tree at the bottom of the garden is heavy with nuts which is attracting the pigeons who are getting very fat (pigeon pie anyone?). In fact a lot of the local wildlife seems to be doing very well this year, including some of the less welcome ones such as ants which reminds me that I have a couple of ant hills still to deal with.
  7. Actually fracking is used to release gas rather than oil. It has been used for a long time to extract gas from offshore gas fields such as the North Sea. The oil and gas reserves in the North Sea has been known about since Victorian times but the technology (and the money) to extract it wasn't there. A lot of the oil produced in the UK before 1939 was shale oil.
  8. The $64,000 question is, does it make a good bread pudding?
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see Baz and Andrew back and hopefully Chris's problem is nothing serious. The poppies are blooming all over the place, I'll have to keep an eye on them to collect the seeds as I want them in another part of the garden. Tomorrows gardening job, if it stays dry is to dig out the ants nests in the rough pasture lawn. Time for tea, be back later.
  10. More likely the track circuits were left intact and 'live' after most of the track was lifted and something has connected across the two rails giving a false reading of a train on the line.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Bright sunshine here at the moment, not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Arthur Itis has predicted more rain for later though. Time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  12. Happy anniversary Aditi and Tony.
  13. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin wagons have been and gone with only the distant call of the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. It really persisted down last night but the garden certainly needed it but the back lawn is still very brown. I felt too knackered last night to catch up on Farcebook so I will have to catch up today. Thats it for now, be back later.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Spoke to my brother about an hour ago, he's lost a quarter of his weight, 40 Kg in two months. The hospital is going to give him a whole body scan soon so fingers crossed they don't find anything serious. No doubt there is a lot of hot air being caused by the cancellation of Warley. Not at all surprised with social distancing in force meaning fewer exhibitors and traders in a given space and strict limits on the numbers of punters allowed in would not make many exhibitions financially viable. Closer examination of the Matchbox shop has revealed how it is held together, three tabs on the roof panel that fit into slots on the main body. Still can't find a way to dismantle it though. Just taken the bin bags out for tomorrows collection and its raining, not heavily and the ground is so dry it certainly needs it.
  15. Pocher? http://www.scaleautoworks.com/Pocherproductionlist.htm
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Not been out to get that wheelbarrow yet, still done a bit of tidying up in the garden but forced in by the rain which then stopped as soon as everything was put away. According to the forecast its going to persist down in the early hours locally.
  17. Pocher? Their model kits are 1/8 scale and put together with screws and nuts and bolts. https://www.pocher.com/uk-en/ They were owned by Hornby for a time but are now out of production. Prices are from £500-£1,000 or more. They used to make kits of 1930's cars as well.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. A couple of parcels arrived this morning. One contained a couple of reusable/washable face masks and the other the Matchbox shop. I tried one of the face masks on, nice and comfortable and more importantly my glasses didn't steam up as much as when wearing the one use disposable ones. The Matchbox shop is as described but its the first time I've looked at one close up and there's quite a few surprises. The 'brick' sides for example are stick on labels and how is it constructed with no apparent rivets or clips? I wanted to dismantle it for repainting and I might still yet, when I find out how.
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