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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Four pages of ER's since I posted this afternoon, its taken me 2 hours to read and rate all posts. I've parcelled up the wheelbarrow for return to the sender, its quite big but Parcelforce can handle it. I've ordered another wheelbarrow from another company. That company is only five miles away so in the unlikely event of similar problems I'll be able to sort things out a lot easier.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. In some modelling circles Dettol is used as a paint stripper. It will remove paint from many diecasts. Its big advantage is that it doesn't have any adverse effect on plastics. I feel a need now to do a little eyelid inspection, be back later.
  3. Nearly forgot, a pair of parcels arrived this morning, models, but not the sort that run on parallel strips of metal. Mention of fans reminded me that I have such a device, in fact I could see it sitting on the shelf from where I am sat. Its now merrily spinning away.
  4. Weren't they both styled by Mitchelette?
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke at 5:30 this morning, couldn't get back to sleep again so I came down and switched the TV on at 6 for the breakfast show. On there there was a GP talking about taking care in the heat and sun. He mentioned heat stroke one of the symptoms of which is feeling very tired. A couple of evenings recently I have felt very tired after being out in the sun and I'm wondering if it was mild heat stroke. I seem to have recovered now anyway. Yes its an EFE, at 1/76 scale somewhat smaller than the Dinky Foden which IIRC was 1/48. It doesn't seem to work for me, I run the cursor over it and the arrow of the cursor becomes a vertical line.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. BIN day tomorrow so I've put the green garden/kitchen waste wheelie bin out already and just got to put out the pink and black bags before I go to bed, next job is to put the kettle on, be back later.
  7. Sixteen feet long https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.models.scale/kqLO5ygw9ts
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I received a reply from the vendors of the wheelbarrow and they asked me to photograph the fault. I told them that a pic would not show the fault, that the parts will not fit together. I went out to check the packaging and I found a return slip. The wheelbarrow had been returned by another customer as faulty! I have sent them an E-mail giving them 24 hours to sort it before I take the matter further. Now to get the hedge trimmer out to clear the path for the shed installers.
  9. There is/was a larger scale kit of the Nimitz produced. The scale was 1/72!
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was about to give the same advice to Chris as above, it sounds like bruised or even cracked ribs. We oldun's should have any unusual or new aches and pains checked out. A few years ago I started having back pains which I put down to sciatica. As it turned out it was a kidney stone, I only found out when it decided to leave, I was fortunate that no real damage was done. My brother though had the same problem and assumed like I did that it was sciatica. In his case however the kidney stone stuck and he had to have the kidney removed. Now his other kidney has failed and he will spend the rest of his life on dialysis three times a week.
  11. But before that only a single mirror was required and most car makers opted to put them inside the car. Many car derived light vans (Ford 300E, Morris Minor) had very small rear windows making the internal mirror virtually useless anyway, just as well that an additional external mirror was compulsory.
  12. IIRC they are not a requirement if the windscreen folds down. Washers are not required if the windscreen can be opened.
  13. The next door but one's (pre-school) grandchildren were screaming the other day about a 'snake' in the garden. It turned out to be a slow worm. Interesting fact about snakes (and spiders), they are the only two species that are 100% carnivore.
  14. The first kit produced by Merit was the grey Fergie tractor IIRC. Pocher kits are still available on E-bay but some kits attract a premium price £1,500 in some cases. The biggest model in the range was a Volvo truck which in 1/8 scale must be huge.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Haven't done any gardening today, its just too hot and likely to be the same tomorrow and Thursday. No news of the shed yet, it will be four weeks at the end of this week. The local foxes though there's plenty off them around are not such a great nuisance. Only when the Kebab shop down the road shut due to lockdown they started ripping into bin bags. Now that the kebab shop has re-opened they no longer need to rip into bin bags.
  16. Its easier than that as its an E-bay purchase paid by PayPal. I'll give them a couple of days to see if they can sort it out otherwise its going back.
  17. Outside mirrors were not compulsory on cars until the late 1960's, with the exception of estate cars and light vans were a load might block the view from the interior mirror. The requirement for a mirror (singular) was introduced in the 1930's. I had a 1968 Anglia estate, that had mirrors on both wings but in the paperwork it mentioned that the nearside mirror was an optional extra.
  18. Thats what I thought as well but they're treating it as terrorist related it seems because the perpetrator was on the security forces radar. It might be both of course as the organisations who promote terror are by and large homophobic.
  19. If its an unusual surname someone somewhere is likely to have researched it. One of the names in my family tree is Mogg. I'd traced it back to my 3 X great grandfather who was a farmer living near Yeovilton about 200 years ago. When looking at the Genes Reunited site it was evident that the surname was quite common around that area. So I took an old road atlas and highlighted where the others of the same name lived at the same period of time. I then contacted the owners of the family trees to ask if they were related. Almost immediately I got a reply from a lady saying her 3 X great grandfather and my 3 X great grandfather were brothers and would I like a copy of the family tree. That family tree goes back to the 1540's and almost to the present day.
  20. They came to Hornby with Riverossi IIRC. They were sold off by the hedge fund that ran Hornby in 2017. Production has now ceased altogether.
  21. At one time an older vehicle if it complied with the regulations current at the time of registration it was not necessary to update it. For example the requirement for two rear lights was introduced in 1955. London Transport's RT type buses, all registered before the legislation came into force only ever carried one rear light when in LT service.
  22. It was the same when I lived in Burnham-on-Crouch. The BBC London news carried items from Southend and the entire North Kent coast as far as Margate but north of the River Crouch was ignored. BBC East did occasionally venture that far south but not very often.
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