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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just eaten dinner, toad in the hole, delicious. Earlier the garden wheelie bin went for a walk despite the bricks holding it down. Duly recovered and placed in a corner out of the wind. Only slight problem is that the corner in question is designated for the new shed when it arrives so it will have to be moved elsewhere. But are the blinds vertical? Its only vertical lines or blinds that work. What a splendid word, I won't say any more for fear of getting too political.
  2. It could have been the hotel being demolished. That would make the date 1931.
  3. A different colour would be better surely? But are some birds colour blind? A contrasting colour would be better.
  4. This might amuse you, especially the ex military ones amongst you and Dave in particular who spent some time driving their products. I do hope the author remained anonymous and I would have loved to be a fly on the wall of M-D's boardroom when they discovered it.
  5. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/coleen-rooney-didnt-want-go-22260309
  6. Further to my post above. The lights to the right rear are Blackfriars Station (the photographer is facing north east). It was as I surmised a steel framed building Unilever House built in the early 30's, built on the site of De Keysers Hotel demolished in 1931. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Keyser's_Royal_Hotel
  7. Its possibly a steel framed building under construction it's certainly no airship. It is near Blackfriars Bridge the lights of which can be seen in the background and the distinctive passenger shelter is on the left. The tram tracks take a sharp right onto the bridge behind the tram.
  8. John Deer colours are green and yellow but so are BP's.
  9. Nearly forgot, had a quick look at the papers this morning, it looks as if the WAG* wars are hotting up. *Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy FYI.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up earlier this morning to the sound of heavy rain but its stopped, for now. There's a bit more to come according to the weathermen but should be dry tomorrow. Douglas, there is a way of stopping birds flying into windows, I think I posted it here on ER's a few few months ago. It consists of painting a series of very thin vertical lines on the inside of the glass 4-6 inches apart. You can use something that can easily be removed but the lines can easily be replaced after window cleaning. If you don't want anything on the glass vertical blinds can also be effective. Most birds will not fly through what they see as a vertical gap unless it exceeds their wingspan somewhat. Now off to run a bath, be back later.
  11. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ConcreteWarmAnglerfish-mobile.mp4
  12. There's a lot of intricate detail on modern bus models. They come with mirrors, handrails and even on some models printed moquette pattern on each seat.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Despite all the threats it hasn't rained yet, its just hot and sticky. The seaweed wranglers have promised rain for tomorrow, heavy showers. I e-mailed about the shed, they apologised for the no show of the shed. I'm going to give them another week then I'll cancel my order and go elsewhere.
  14. Came over very dark about half an hour ago and the wind was rustling the leaves, but no rain though.
  15. Won't take long to stop if you drink that stuff, stop dead!
  16. Thats not unusual. There are some model buses that are over £1,000 apiece. Usually special limited editions.
  17. Just checked my e-mails. The original trader who sent me the first wheelbarrow has just e-mailed to say that they have sent a replacement and I can do what I please with the other one.. The problem is that I have cancelled the order and arranged for the original wheelbarrow to be returned and ordered a similar wheelbarrow from elsewhere. I best reply to that effect but seeing as its a weekend I doubt if I can get to them in time. It looks as if I'm going to end up with two barrows with plenty of spares assuming they will fit (they don't fit together which was the original problem).
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The window man turned up on time and replaced the hinges on the bathroom window and alls well. The fanlight is closing properly and sealing. I get the same effect but in an opposite way. By opening the fanlights in the north facing downstairs hallway and the south facing bathroom upstairs I get quite a noticeable cool breeze through the house from downstairs to up, it seems to cause a change of air in the bedrooms as well. I had a cherry tree in my garden that had to be removed over 15 years ago but I'm still finding the remains of cherry pips in the garden though theres no cherry trees near.
  19. Thanks Tony, I've already found a window fitter and he's coming round at three this afternoon. As I surmised its a replacement unit the only down side is they have to be replaced as a pair. Its only £50 + VAT so not too bad.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I heard the rain this morning about one o'clock then I went to sleep. This morning it was apparent that there was a lot of rain last night, luckily I remembered to move the wheelbarrow in its cardboard box indoors. I've now got to get it down to the post office, I think it might just fit in the car. The sun is now shining but its still muggy sticky after last nights rain. I will have to call the window man in, the fanlight in the bathroom was looking a bit lopsided and on closer examination the pantograph mechanism on one side wasn't working properly. I have identified the cause, a plastic slide that moves vertically has split. Hopefully it can be repaired though it will probably mean the replacement of the entire pantograph unit. The window concerned is over thirty years old and the company that installed it (Zenith) went bust the mechanism looks pretty standard as windows I've had installed within the last five years have almost identical fittings. ChrisF, great to hear that you have no serious injuries from your fall but you will have to care until the bruises heal.
  21. Or it could have been a breakdown needing a drag.
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