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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Thanks all for the birthday wishes and here's to the next 854 million miles (the distance the Earth travels around the sun in a year). I was reminded that I share my birthday with Ringo Starr, he was on the radio when I was listening in the car. I've still got another 8 years to do to catch up with him. Its also Bill Oddies birthday today (79) but he seems to have been in hibernation for the last five years, I hope all is OK with him. The wheelbarrow is still in its box, I was preparing to construct it a while ago but it was raining. I have made arrangements for the printer to be seen too. Its going to cost £130 + £70 for a new magenta cartridge, OUCH! I would like to point out though that the cartridges on my printer are rather large, about four times the size/capacity of an HP one.
  2. Found this film of test firing of a French gun 1937.
  3. Another cheap job-lot with potential. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Realtoy-Diecast-Joblot/274419610144
  4. I wonder if the van that was on the top was facing forward it would have cleared the bridge.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for all the birthday greetings, I can't remember if I offered the same to Simon at the time so just in case happy belated birthday wishes to Simon. Not doing much today, a fodder run as I'm out of almost everything and thats about it. Time for another muggatee, be back later.
  6. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've found a local company (Wickford) that can hopefully fix my printer. Having recovered and checked my paperwork I found I'd purchased it more than 8 years ago. Its still on the original ink cartridges though I'm getting a 'magenta is low' warning, which might be the cause of the problem. Tomorrow will mark my 72nd circuit of Sol, I wonder how many miles that is? I just looked it up, 584 million miles every year.
  7. But before becoming CEO he takes on additional responsibilities as Head Of Liaisons Executive and becomes an Assistant Resident Senior Executive and Head Of Liaisons Executive.
  8. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still a bit breezy here at the moment but I've got to get on with assembling the wheelbarrow. Question is where to put it when its finished? The lack of a shed is beginning to be a problem. Now my laser printer has a problem, its not printing. There is a faint outline of what I want to print but the ink is pushed to the edge of the page and is still powdery instead of being 'set'. It also is making a clunking noise when (not) printing.
  9. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/53998/no-silver-bullet-to-counter-second-per-lap-qualifying-deficit-ferrari/
  10. All a bit rusty? The drivers not the cars.
  11. I was told not to walk past Yates Wine Lodge if you were drunk as the doorman was likely to throw you IN.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Q mentioning his house being built on the foundations of an old pub reminded me of the Woolpack in Romford. Outwardly it was a typical mid Victorian building though there had been a pub on the site since the 16th century. Back in the mid 70's I knew the landlord who invited me down to see the cellars. They were probably the original cellars, the walls were of chalk blocks and the headroom was only about 5 feet. The building is still extant but now converted into flats. I had to look up clafoute as mentioned by Jamie. When I used to visit German friends the lady of the house Gudren who was from the Black Forest region served up a similar dish using plums rather than cherries, and not so much sugar.
  13. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I can still hear the wind blowing but at least its dry and hopefully will stay that way tomorrow. I might even get the wheelbarrow built if its not too windy. Time to get on with Farcebook, be back later.
  14. This is one job on the way to being CEO Assistant Resident Senior Executive.
  15. I didn't know what the yellow one was, thanks for the info. The black cab looks as if its an Oxford Diecast. The VW beetles and Transporters could also be Kinsmart.
  16. Interesting. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/53962/hamilton-collision-with-albon-felt-like-racing-incident/
  17. The bigger supermarkets usually have a restaurant attached and most are pretty good. They do vary a bit even within the same supermarket chain but are generally quite good.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Haven't attempted to construct the wheelbarrow today, still blowing a hoolie. The sun is shining though so I ventured out to remove the dead wood from beneath the California lilac. That will be passed through the shredder later this week. That will then be mixed with the moss and dead weeds/grass removed from the path and patio, placed in a rubble bag and left to compost. Back to the wheelbarrow, the second company didn't want the faulty one back. Obviously because it wasn't worth sending it back to wherever it was made (somewhere in East Asia), they told me to keep it. I will keep what is useful (the wheel, nuts and bolts, possibly the tray) and scrap the rest. This has made me think about what happens to models that are returned as faulty? I know that Oxford Diecast sell their diecast returns off at knock down prices, a £ for models from their 'standard' 00 range. I picked up a completely faultless undamaged model van this way with a damaged perspex box and some other ones suitable for code 3's. Of course something more complex such as a model locomotive cannot be pushed out this way but surely the 'good' bits can be recovered for spares?
  19. I had a look in e-Bay for key rings and found this:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Joblot-Mini-Vehicles-Diecast-keyrings/392860825218 £5 the lot + £3:10 postage so I had to grab it. Two each of the pick-up and Ford woody and no less than three Chevy Corvettes. Going back to look for more shortly.
  20. A couple of US traders had them in their ads in Railroad Modeller about 10 years ago but they sold out pretty quick. The PT Cruiser was illustrated with the others in the range and looked to be 1/76 scale or very near. I obtained mine at a toy fair (pick up and Ford woody) about the same time as the ads.
  21. I will not enter a Weatherspoons pub on principle. And not only because of their treatment of staff.
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