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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. And if its a mobile home make absolutely certain its the right tank.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The printer engineer has called and the printer is repairable at less cost than replacing it. The fault lies with the imaging unit, one of the rollers (black) has worn out but as is usual the whole unit has to be replaced. The engineer gave me the parts numbers and suggested I find them on e-bay which I did. It works out cheaper and quicker than him ordering the parts himself. When they arrive all I have to do is give him a call and he'll come and fit them. After he'd left I went to do a bit of tidying up in the garden and now I'm cream crackered. Muggatee and then an eyelid inspection is called for, be back later.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Got to wait in this morning for the printer repair man but I now have the papers delivered and the fridge freezer is well stocked so no need to venture out. I checked up the company, they have recently renewed their fleet and have only just retired their 146's. Interestingly the 146 was the biggest selling British airliner and several interesting military versions were proposed including a carrier borne version. One version was one with a tail loading ramp with a kicked up tailplane rather like the Andover, one was actually built to show to military chiefs but it never flew. This was in conjunction with Grumman who carried out the alterations to an existing airframe. Also proposed was a marine patrol version and a carrier re-supply version equipped for deck landing on a carrier. As it had a relatively short range a large fuel tank was added on top of the fuselage above the wing roots. However Grumman were taken over by Boeing-Lockheed and the project was scrapped. Those at Norwich are probably on their way somewhere to be refurbished/updated, Shorts in Belfast specialise in refurbishing 146's so thats likely where they'll end up. I wear a face mask when shopping, I have a couple of washable ones and a pile of the 'once only' ones. Though they only reduce the wearers risk by about 10% they do prevent the wearer from spreading the virus if they have it by a greater margin. Those who refuse to wear face masks are just being selfish IMHO.
  4. And its goodnight from him, goodnight all.
  5. I can see a Farina Austin A60 on the red one but what cars are on the darker one?
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had my hair cut this afternoon so I'm feeling a little light headed. I have disposed of the extra wheelbarrow, talking to a neighbour he mentioned that he was on the lookout for one, so I offered it to him for what I was owed for sending the other one back and he accepted.
  7. Will anyone want the Ferrari's?
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Busy afternoon and for the next few days. Booked in for a haircut this afternoon, in Tesco's. Not actually Tesco's who just lease a small part of the floorspace to an independent business. Tomorrow the printer repair man is due to call and Wednesday the car goes in for a service/MOT. I received a package this morning from Hong Kong, a diecast model. Delivered via Deutsche Post, Frankfurt with no mention of Hong Kong anywhere on the labelling. I,m not sure what the arrangement is but it means the goods arrive in three weeks not three months as they usually do at the moment. Thats changed a bit since I retired 12 years ago then, just before the banks crashed so thats probably the reason for the changes. They still haven't sorted out another anomaly, if you have a private pension tax becomes payable on your state pension. If your private pension is small you can find nearly all of it going on tax.
  9. One of the auctions mentioned last week had two bidders pushing the price to ridiculous levels. The bidders were, 6***5 and 6***9.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still not put the wheelbarrow together, perhaps later this week. I've got a few things to tidy up in the garden ready for the arrival of the shed, if it arrives. Thats looks like one heck of a climb for adhesion only.
  11. There's quite a few, best to put in 'model trucks'. I run a group called 'Code 3 models' you can always join and put your question there.
  12. Not sure about N scale but its been done quite often in 00 scale. There are several examples on Facebook worth a look.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Having spent 30+ years doing payroll I find the talk on income tax interesting. When I started doing payroll pensions and low earners paid very little if any tax. This was due to the none taxable allowance. This meant that someone on average earnings would only pay tax on about a quarter of earnings, the rest being tax free. The allowances were usually raised in line with inflation. Then starting in the 80's tax 'cuts' were all the rage but the government had to get the revenue from somewhere so the tax allowances were frozen, in the middle of a period of high inflation no less. Despite subsequent changes of government that has not been properly dealt with so the end result is now the tax allowance is only about a quarter of average earnings. There is talk of giving those who still carried on during the Covid-19 crisis despite the very big risks involved some sort of financial award then how about a 'Social Allowance' added to their tax code (permanently i.e. for life) for all those from dustmen to doctors to recognise their efforts during the crisis. You can tell how much you can earn in a year before tax by taking your tax code and replacing the letter at the end with a 5, so if its 600L it becomes £6,005 that is how much you can earn before tax. If it hadn't been mucked about so much by the politicians tax allowances would be between twice and three times what they are now.
  14. Have you got the trilby hat and trench coat to go with it?
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Again a bit nippy this morning, enough for the central heating to fire up, and its July! Jamie mentioning riding tandem reminded me of when my brother was a teenager he had a motorbike. He didn't like me riding pillion because I was 'too rigid', my retort was 'from fear'. His motorbike riding and later his driving left a lot to be desired. That probably explains why Hattons and some other traders use boxes far to big for the items enclosed within, though I imagine Hattons fill several containers in a week. I will need to visit Tess Coe's for a few more items, I discovered a few more things that I've run out of. Now for that muggatee, be back later.
  16. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Turning a bit cool now, this morning the central heating kicked in. One advantage though is the towels were nice and warm from the heated towel rail.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The cottage I had in Burnham when first built had an outside privy. Though it was long gone by the time I moved in its site was marked by the vigorous growth of plants (and weeds) where it stood halfway down the back garden. My grandparents house had a basement of sorts, only about four feet high and only intended for storage. When my grandparents had the house the basement was sealed off, my grandfather only discovered it when he had to lift some floorboards, the first thing he found when doing so were some steep wooden steps. The cellar had an earthen floor and today many of the houses have had the cellars deepened.
  18. O gauge layout 200 feet long! What exhibition hall is big enough? It takes three full size articulated trucks to transport it.
  19. Ian, were you able to view gp fans on Facebook?
  20. My current house was built in 1959 and is not too bad, no major problems with the construction. The house I had in Romford that was built around the same time was better in some respects but that house is scheduled for demolition to make way for those ghastly little boxes as mentioned by Flavio. Six of those boxes replacing a family house and garden. The best built property I have lived in was the aforementioned 1862 cottage.
  21. When it comes to old houses I would mind living in one of these:- https://www.abroadintheyard.com/12-buildings-today-around-when-richard-iii-on-throne/ I always thought that number 2 on the list was the oldest.
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