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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Baz and more of 'em. Weather as Tony reported, the rain seems to be passing us by, but its still very muggy. There's plenty of plants that we grow in our gardens that can produce all sorts of drugs. Foxglove for example from which digitalis is produced. Even the apple produces arsenic, in its seeds. There was a case a couple of years ago of a young man who became very ill after chewing on apple pips. Though don't worry if you swallow an apple pip as its designed to go through a mammals digestive system. Rhubarb leaves as well are highly toxic. I have a plant in the garden, I can't remember its name but when cutting it back the other day I got the milky sap on my hands. I knew that I had to wash it off straight away though because otherwise I'd have a nasty rash. As for the poppies, others have called them opium poppies but it might be a name applied to the variety which has pinkish purple flowers instead of the usual red. The eczema on my ankl has gone from being itchy and dry to red, sore and raw. I've applied a hydrochloride dressing which has eased the pain somewhat but not a lot of the G word is going to get done today.
  2. The triangles only have to be plain red and I'm pretty sure they are not required for articulated trailers.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. There's a serious shortage of round tuits here at the moment. I still have to put the wheelbarrow together but my attention keeps getting diverted. I dead headed the poppies in the front garden today, they are opium poppies. I noticed one of the unripe seed heads had been nibbled by something. Whatever that something was it would be as high as a kite if it ingested the contents. I put the nibbled seed head in the green bin, the others were put in a paper bag to collect the seed.
  4. Try this:- http://www.essexbus.org.uk/ They also have a page on Facebook.
  5. It was a white letter on a black background same as number plates. The letter T however had a series of small red reflectors across the top bar and the upright about an inch apart. These reflectors were about the same size as those used on cats eyes. The number used depended upon the size of the T sign.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The rain is predicted to arrive here in the early hours tomorrow and hopefully it would have cleared by lunchtime. The remaining component for the repair of my printer arrived today so I'll contact the engineer on Monday to make an appointment. Time for dinner, chicken and bacon pie and chips, be back later.
  7. That Eastern Counties single decker was almost certainly a Bristol J or L type. Eastern Counties not having that many hills to contend with fitted them with the least powerful engine that they could, the Gardner 4LW.
  8. I seem to have lost Google Translate. Not sure if its just gone though as I recently had my lap top revamped and a few other things were lost.
  9. I know of a few shopkeepers like that.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. When I was at secondary school there was only one African boy in the whole school. All the other pupils were Anglo-Saxon/Celtic. He also had tribal markings on his face that made him even more exotic. I remember being envious of the boys who's class he was in. The rule of thumb I apply when I hear things like the n word is 'is it deliberately intended to offend' and I react accordingly.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The leg is getting sore again but if I walk up and down a couple of times it seems to get a little less sore. Now that I have a delivery date for the shed I can prepare a few things for it such as shelves, well the materials anyway as once its up I can get the tape measure out and measure up.
  12. I hope someone's taking notes so that we can claim royalties from the 007 franchise.
  13. It started loading last night just as I was switching off.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wass on your anniversary. Good news is that they've given me a date for the delivery and construction of my shed, 29th July. I found out yesterday that the optician is doing eye tests, my distant vision is OK but I need new reading glasses. Now to get a bit more of that walking exercise by going down to the chippy for chish and fips. Be back later.
  15. Don't forget the 360 degree rotation before Bonds car lands on its wheels.
  16. Forgot to mention, I think I may have phlebitis. Late last year I noticed swelling of my lower left leg when getting ready for bed. There was no pain and the swelling had gone by the morning. It happened a few times afterwards and when I attended the Warley exhibition I was expecting my leg to swell up like a balloon but unexpectedly there was little if any swelling despite my having walked what must be a couple of miles. Up until lockdown there was an occasional swelling but as there was no pain I hardly noticed. Now though the swelling has returned and the leg is sore and tender. I have done far less walking since lockdown and I understand that plenty of walking is advisable for those with phlebitis so thats what I intend to do. I haven't been able to get through to my GP's surgery for an appointment yet but as its only 400 metres away I will probably call in there on Monday to make an appointment.
  17. Sadly today is the 5th anniversary of Jules Bianchi's death. If that hadn't happened where would Vettel be today? https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/54473/five-years-on-formula-1-remembers-jules-bianchi/
  18. I hope they didn't try to drive that double deck bus through there.
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