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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just called my sister for a little chat. My brother turned 73 in March and due to his health problems he had to have a medical including a scan before his driving licence was renewed. The scan revealed that he'd had a mini-stroke so his driving licence will not be renewed. He hasn't driven for more than a year now anyway so it won't make a great deal of difference. My leg problems seem to have subsided though the affected areas are still a bit tender. The G word calls tomorrow, I will be getting the shredder out tomorrow to make a bit of mulch out of the prunings and trimmings. Tea has brewed, be back later.
  2. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nice to see RMweb back up again. Looks slightly different somehow, as if someones just ran the vacuum cleaner over it. Have an appointment with the printer repair man 9 am Wednesday. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  3. Good morning from Estuary-Land. Had a good nights sleep last night, the first for a couple of nights. See you all after the shutdown.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. My sore foot is still sore but not as sore as it was, hopefully it will let me sleep tonight. Thats it for now, be back later.
  5. The one in Essex is growing it for the production of cannabis oil. IIRC its a variety thats not very good for smoking which doesn't mean that some will try.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The cannabis farm here in Essex is sometimes noticeable especially if your standing downwind on a warm day. You certainly know if someone's been smoking the wacky baccy, the smell is like cat's pee. Just a thought, what if Sir Walter Raleigh had bought back cannabis instead of tobacco would it be legitimate and tobacco illegal? Microwave has pinged, its Tandoori chicken from the use by date lottery menu.
  7. There is also cannabis grown commercially here in Essex (duly licenced of course) the site is secret but I recognised the farm in question.
  8. Great to see you back Debs. AWLS INCOMING!
  9. Hopefully Hornby would consider an inside cylinder Peckett 0-6-0. The two Metropolitan examples come to mind.
  10. As long as you don't model yourself on Auntie Wainright.
  11. I noticed one guy in the film clip, about 1:46 go off of his board flat on his face. That must have hurt.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Baz and more of 'em. Weather as Tony reported, the rain seems to be passing us by, but its still very muggy. There's plenty of plants that we grow in our gardens that can produce all sorts of drugs. Foxglove for example from which digitalis is produced. Even the apple produces arsenic, in its seeds. There was a case a couple of years ago of a young man who became very ill after chewing on apple pips. Though don't worry if you swallow an apple pip as its designed to go through a mammals digestive system. Rhubarb leaves as well are highly toxic. I have a plant in the garden, I can't remember its name but when cutting it back the other day I got the milky sap on my hands. I knew that I had to wash it off straight away though because otherwise I'd have a nasty rash. As for the poppies, others have called them opium poppies but it might be a name applied to the variety which has pinkish purple flowers instead of the usual red. The eczema on my ankl has gone from being itchy and dry to red, sore and raw. I've applied a hydrochloride dressing which has eased the pain somewhat but not a lot of the G word is going to get done today.
  13. The triangles only have to be plain red and I'm pretty sure they are not required for articulated trailers.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. There's a serious shortage of round tuits here at the moment. I still have to put the wheelbarrow together but my attention keeps getting diverted. I dead headed the poppies in the front garden today, they are opium poppies. I noticed one of the unripe seed heads had been nibbled by something. Whatever that something was it would be as high as a kite if it ingested the contents. I put the nibbled seed head in the green bin, the others were put in a paper bag to collect the seed.
  15. Try this:- http://www.essexbus.org.uk/ They also have a page on Facebook.
  16. It was a white letter on a black background same as number plates. The letter T however had a series of small red reflectors across the top bar and the upright about an inch apart. These reflectors were about the same size as those used on cats eyes. The number used depended upon the size of the T sign.
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