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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. There is a massive water main burst just a couple of miles from me. Slightly worrying is that its only a couple of hundred yards from our clubroom. https://www.essexlive.news/news/essex-news/live-basildon-a132-east-mayne-4362036
  2. If the address of the owner is found that should give an indication of the locality. In 1905/06 when the car was registered they would be unlikely to venture to far from home due to several factors such as the state of the roads, speed limits and few places where petrol could be obtained. The relevant records for Derbyshire are still extant as I stated it just depends on how complete the records are.
  3. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Another day nearly over and bu@@er all done. That is unless you count the Sudoku in the last couple of days papers. Glad to see you back Tony here on ER's and I hope to see GDB back before very long. Tea has been drunk, now to tackle and catch up on Farcebook. Be back later.
  4. It might have been for another brand. There is a couple of compilations of Hamlet ads, one is more than 12 minutes long.
  5. The registration dates it as 1905/06. The Derbyshire registration records still exist and are held by the Derbyshire records office in Matlock. That should give you the make of car and the name and address of the owner.
  6. Probably the same as the Black Dyke Mills brass band got when they toured the USA.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. There's still some light so it must be afternoon. Arthur Itis has been playing a tune for most of the day making it difficult to concentrate so I took a bit of eyelid inspection. As a result nothing got done in the garden today, using the weedkiller was a bit doubtful anyway as its been a bit breezy. I would add a few others to that list but I'd be verging on the political/religious. Happy birthday Lurker for last Wednesday.
  8. I have Newsthump delivered by e-mail, very funny satire.
  9. Not surprising considering the Corvid-19 situation in those countries.
  10. You forgot people talking about their sex lives.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Mathematics was my best subject at school, I was always at the top of the class in that subject, pity most of the other subjects did not follow suit. I found my old school report book a couple of months ago, it made interesting reading. I had forgotten that in my first term at secondary school I came top of the class. I was then moved up to the next stream where I spent the next five years bobbing along mid stream. I've only just realised in the last few years the reason for this ability, I'm mildly autistic! A feature of autism is a need to have everything in order which in my case manifested itself in a talent for making rapid mental calculations. It also showed up in the other subject I was good at, technical drawing. I am in good company, it is now thought that Isaac Newton was autistic. Apparently with autism the brain is 'wired' differently but in mild cases such as mine people can go through life without they or anyone else realising that they have autism. I only realised that I was autistic when a mother explained that her young sons actions were due to autism. The lad wasn't misbehaving in any way at all but was playing in a little world of his own, much the same way that I did when I was the same age.
  12. Tony, the local company that sorted my printer, Print Copy Tech Ltd. I can highly recommend. Call 0800 009 6425.
  13. IIRC that has appeared here on RMweb maybe even on this thread. The problem was that the driver was about a mile away and wasn't aware that something was wrong until the air lines split and the brakes went on. It took a few hours to get the train moving again after uncoupling the errant cars and it took several more hours for the recovery crews to clear the tracks and the crossing.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The sore ankle is quieter this evening but Arthur Itis is a bit grumpy. A bit more to do in the garden tomorrow, zapping weeds and making sure that there is clear access for the shed to be delivered and erected next Wednesday. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  15. Thanks for that, as an old Romfordian I will be following the blog with interest.
  16. I was born in Romford and lived there for the first 36 years of my life and from 1964 within a stones throw of the station. As I recall the steps on the down side of the station building had been removed by the early 70's and the openings either bricked up or converted to windows. There used to be a few coal offices in South Street fronting the goods yard. Moy' s had a large double fronted one resembling a 1930's bungalow, as I recall part of which became a sweet shop towards the end of its existence. Another feature of the goods yard was the ex GER coach body used as a bothy.
  17. In some American communities one train a week is not uncommon.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Shopping has been done but a few items such as milk will be got later, I have sufficient at the moment but if I get too much I end up throwing some away as its gone off. I suspect that my kidney stone is back as I'm getting the back aches as before that seem to ease when I take a drink of water. I'll have to get it checked out soon as. Now time to put the dinner on, be back later.
  19. Surprise visitor to my back garden just now. A young fox, healthy looking if a bit thin but fit enough to jump a six foot wall to get out of the garden. A bit unusual in broad daylight.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. BIN day today and all the bags have been collected, must be on a bonus or something. Had a good nights sleep last night, no trouble from the sores on my ankle most of which have disappeared. Trip to Tess Coe's is required as I'm out of almost everything then the G word raises its head. I only just missed petrol at 99p. a litre but when it went up to a £ I filled up and I still have just under half a tank left. Thats it for now, be back later.
  21. Chinese GP off, Spain doubtful but Nurburgring a possibility:- https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/54737/chinese-gp-off-nurburgring-malaysia-in-talks-spain-on/
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