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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The ankle seems to be settling down now, the inflammation is receding/being replaced by itching which I daren't scratch in case it becomes inflamed again so I'm resorting to the aqueous cream that reduces most of the itching. Too hot to do anything much in the garden today and not much will get done tomorrow. What will be done is measuring up and fitting shelves and brackets to the new shed. Its about one third of the size of the old one but that contained a workbench and was used for storing things for the house such as paint that I now keep elsewhere. There's also only one key for the new shed so I'll have to get another cut.
  2. A certain SV looking for a drive?
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was going to do a few things in the garden today but its too hot to do anything. Even doing nothing in this heat is tiring. My cottage in Burnham-on-Crouch was built in 1862. I was trying to find the date when I espied a wall plaque on the larger end house that read 'Crouch 1862 -.......- The last word had been obliterated but I could just make out the word 'terrace'.
  4. Interesting thought Flavio about 00 becoming the predominate scale rather than H0. In fact right up until about 1950 in the USA 00 predominated over H0. It was mainly due to Riverossi producing cheap American outline models in H0 scale. The big difference between American and British 00 was the gauge, American 00 was 3/4 inch (19 mm). They also used a scale of 1/75 in those pre metric days. By the mid 50's production of American 00 had ceased or the makers gone over to H0.
  5. You have to do it yourself but you cant just use any old felt, it must be identical to the original. If the original felt is no longer made you will have to pay to have some made and it will probably give you cancer.
  6. Watch F1 for free? https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/54945/how-to-watch-the-british-grand-prix-free-online-live-stream-and-f1-tv/
  7. Nicked this from another thread. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/formula1/52641917 I found the spectators cars more interesting than the racers.
  8. At least the traffic jam has some interesting vehicles.
  9. Nearly forgot, I have a similar pile of old bricks alongside my old garden shed.
  10. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Like Chris I too had a call a couple of weeks ago only this was from where I bank. It was an automated call, a female voice with an oriental accent. Not only that 'she' mispronounced my name. I immediately thought scam and put the phone down. Only thing was that the call was genuine and a payment I had made was to a dubious account and they wanted to check that I had made the payment. It was only when I made another payment that was rejected that I found out. Give the bank their due it was all sorted very quickly. My old garden shed is in similar condition, only thing is its still almost full of 30 years worth of junk that has to be removed first. I didn't think of rodents when my new garden shed went in yesterday. Shouldn't be a problem though with the number of cats and foxes around here.
  11. Evening all from Estuary-Land. The sore ankle is back, I've realised now that a lot of it is due to the weather, not just that its warming up but its getting very close and sticky and that seems to set it off. Tomorrows task is to start clearing the old shed, A lot of items are to be thrown out but some shelves will have to be emptied so that said shelves can be fitted to the new shed. I also have to still assemble the wheelbarrow, I have just discovered that a couple of nuts are missing, not a problem as I still have the faulty barrow that they didn't want back so there's plenty of spares. I've put my battery drill on charge as it hasn't been used for almost a year but I have a new second drill that I can use that will also be on charge tomorrow.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I went to do a bit of eyelid inspection this morning when there was a knock on the door at about 11:30, it was the guys with my shed. It only took them half an hour to put it together. I was fascinated by the 'hammer' that was used to fix the roofing felt. It had a conventional handle but the head was the size and shape of a packet of cigarettes. Every time he hit the roofing felt with it it inserted a staple, I thought its not a hammer that you would want to catch your thumb under. Time to put the kettle on, be back later.
  13. I looked up the Mehari's for prices. Surprisingly the later ones are the cheapest. The rarest ones, only just over 1200 built were some specials for the Swiss Army fitted with the 4 cylinder GS engine instead of the usual 2 cylinder unit. Swiss army vehicles were at one time mostly right hand drive I wonder if some of these were?
  14. Back again. I got a reply from the shed company, my shed will be delivered some time between 12 and 5 this afternoon so fingers crossed. I've checked the Virgin Media website, the breakdown is apparently local but they don't expect it to be running until four in the afternoon which in IT speak does not of course say which afternoon. I've got three can openers, all are pretty ancient and have rarely if ever been used over the last twenty years or so. The reason being that I now rarely if ever use canned food. I prefer fresh food wherever possible and the microwave is useful for cooking vegetables, only takes a minute or two. The other cooking item I use is an air fryer, mine is one of the top end machines that can double as a small fan oven. Another advantage of the microwave is that I use the grill quite a lot and sometimes with things such as fish it can be difficult to be sure that the item is cooked through so a quick 30 second zap with the micro makes sure that its cooked right through.
  15. The Flower class Corvette is available as a 1/72 scale plastic kit from Revell. It was originally produced by Matchbox many years ago but is still available.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will shortly be bending a few ears re. my none appearing shed, I have contacted the company and I'm expecting a call back shortly but given the company's (in)actions so far I'm not holding my breath. Its not helping matters that Virgin Media my internet provider is down and I can't access my e-mails.
  17. A few on here know Brian 'Wheels' Stubbles. He tried to boil an egg in the microwave but he didn't realise that you had to make a small hole in the shell. He had to disperse a few modelling tokens for a new microwave.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. While I was in Tess Coes this afternoon I saw by the door packs of three face masks for £3:50 so I decided to get a pack. I tried one on this evening and was pleasantly surprised to find that my glasses didn't steam up and sat on my nose correctly. It only shows if there's previous post in in the edit box. I am on a laptop, other devices may be different.
  19. I have just had to clear my editor, nothing to it just click on the bar that says 'Clear editor'. I noticed that items remain in the editor (or should I say don't clear from the editor) whenever you start a new page of the thread or someone else submits a post the same time as you. In both cases it takes a little longer for the post to be made so perhaps the system 'forgets' that the item has been posted.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Good news, I don't need new glasses, well no new distance ones anyway. I do need new reading glasses, that I was well aware of anyway. What surprised me that the optician said that they need to be weaker. I opted for two new pairs of reading glasses, one to carry around with me and one for use at home. One set of frames is by Land Rover, a match to the frames of my distance specs which are by Dunlop. I was pleased to learn that there has been no changes in my distance vision for seven years, even the slight cataracts that I have have not changed in that time. They were supposed to contact me today about my shed thats supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Not a word so I expect it will be no show tomorrow. If they don't show up by ten I'll be on to them.
  21. Does that include the travellers racing their pony carts on the A127?
  22. Its not easy practising the dark arts nowadays, have you seen the price of virgins recently? Thats if you can get them.
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