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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. I don't no whether to laugh or cry at that.
  2. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been a bit annoying today. A brace of Ibuprofen should put him in his place. Managed to fit a few hooks into the new shed this evening, tomorrows job is fitting a few shelves.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Managed to assemble the wheelbarrow, sort of. I found that there was a shortage of nuts and washers and that the tray had a big dent in it. No problem as the tray from the one with the faulty frame was 'straight' and it had a full compliment of nuts and washers. I followed the destruction's in assembling but they're next to useless as I had to loosen and remove some bolts to fit the wheel but then some wouldn't go back. I will try to replace them with 5 mm bolts and washers. To top it all I managed to trap my thumb when trying to assemble it when the tray slipped as I was trying to insert a bolt. I now have a very sore thumb. Now dinner is ready, be back later.
  4. Even the weather is predicted to be the same.
  5. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I used to take my main meal mid-day, when there was a canteen at work. But the management decided to close it so I went over to a packed lunch. The canteen served up some very good grub even though the menu was limited (steak and kidney pie so it must be Wednesday). Not long after it closed I started putting on weight and I put it down to having my main meal of an evening. I still have my main meal at evening time despite being retired for more than 12 years.
  6. Be afraid, be very afraid. A new awl has just been delivered.
  7. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Ian, I hope you get Whitney checked out by a vet. Brake fluid can be nasty stuff especially to dogs. I will have to get going on the new shed tomorrow. Although I've measured up for the shelves and brackets I'll do it again before cutting anything. First of all got to get a few fittings from the old shed to transfer over to make the new shed more secure.
  8. But he's got almost 52 laps to go.
  9. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Rather quiet this afternoon, I think its due to 22 blokes kicking a bladder full of air around somewhere. Still haven't got off of my big fat a*** to do anything shed wise. Within a few minutes of my venturing out the hay fever started to strike so I had to beat a retreat. Dinner has been consumed so now to tackle Farcebook.
  10. Bottas on pole. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/55044/bottas-serves-qualifying-notice-by-taking-final-practice-honours-ahead-of-hamilton/
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I have had a continuous stream of scam e-mails about my Amazon or Lidl accounts which I do not have. I have disposed of them in the same way as Q but not before blocking their e-mail address. All of them seem to have come from Eastern Europe. One thing that really bugs me about these scams is the use of premium charge numbers. These numbers must have been provided by a telecommunications company so surely they should check that its for a legitimate purpose? If I had my way if a premium number was used in a scam the company providing that number should be required to refund any losses due to that number being used in a scam. Best wishes to Pete, at least the injuries are not serious and you now have a legitimate excuse to get out of doing the washing up.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. It got rather breezy this afternoon and I did think we were in for a storm but the wind dropped without any wetness. Its still warm and sticky but better than it was. I forgot the eggs today so its a yogurt for breakfast tomorrow (made from oats, none dairy).
  13. More Ferrari Woes? https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/55028/vettel-frustrated-by-disruptive-day-as-ferrari-endure-more-woe/
  14. Here it is in the centre. https://www.gaugemasterretail.com/magento/model-railways/tiny-signs-brand5/tiny-signs-tsoo79.html
  15. There is a series of photographic reproductions of signs and posters called Tiny Signs and a notice, or something very similar to the above is in the range. They are reproduced photographically and only need to be cut out and glued in place.
  16. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Apart from a visit to Tess Coes this afternoon most of the day has been spent doing sod-all, apart from a bit of eyelid inspection. Its just been too hot to do anything. Now its come over very cloudy and there was a few spots of rain but that evaporated almost as soon as it touched the ground. There is now a cooling breeze from the S-W thats also carrying the sounds of distant thunder. The seaweed twirlers are predicting that the heat is going to be pushed eastward so Dominic and Robert its heading your way. Congratulations Ian and missus on your anniversary and best wishes.
  17. Morning all from Estuary-Land. As mentioned its going to be a hot one today. The clearing of the old shed will proceed at an appropriate pace, dead slow. Large items first and 'fitted' into the new shed to test for size/measuring up for shelves and brackets.
  18. Woe is Ferrari:- https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/54973/ferrari-predict-a-demoralising-double-header-at-silverstone/
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