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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Isn't that a bit underscale and too modern for what was required?
  2. As you are probably aware Bachmann are introducing powered versions of the EFE tube stock under the EFErail label. A lot of this stock (1938/1959/1962) operated with other stock. Notably with the 1960 Cravens DM's and various pre-1935 'standard' trailers. There was also the 1935 experimental streamlined stock from which the 1938 stock was derived. The chassis of this stock was dimensionaly identical so is it possible for a 3D print to be made to fit on the chassis of this model? The 1960 Cravens DM's in particular as only a few were built were used and modified for experimental and engineering use.
  3. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Commiserations to John (CB) re. his friends cancer, the big C is a bu@@er. Warming up here quite a bit, the thermometer in the coolest part of the house is reading 21 C. and where I am sat its 25 C. Not much will get done today then except moving some stuff from the garage ready for when it gets a bit cooler. Same with the passport and tax office thats despite there only being a few of the former and the latter being miles away (though you could always take a query to the local tax office and they will deal with it.) The nearest passport office to me was Peterborough, once when my passport needed renewal was when my parents were living in Peterborough so it was easy to pop in when visiting my parents. Although I worked for a London borough the tax office was (and still is) in Middlesborough.
  4. A 1960 Cravens DM would be nice. They ran with 1938 stock trailers and the preserved units still do.
  5. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is playing up again, no sign of rain so it must be the humidity. A good application of the Voltarol gel should sort it out.
  6. I'm no expert but I have seen pictures of a six wheel full brake in Great War military service.
  7. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. The day seems to be disappearing fast, where has it gone? Nothing much done today except keeping out of the sun and it will be even more so tomorrow. I will have to venture out to Tess Coes tomorrow for a few bits and pieces and to stock up on food. One thing I want to get is some clip on sunglasses, not to look cool but the optician advised me that it would be a good idea to wear them in bright sunlight. This is because I have mild cataracts. I've had them for at least ten years and they have remained the same so its just a case of making sure that they don't get any worse and one of the ways to do that is to avoid bright sunlight. Thats it for now, be back later.
  8. On motorised conversions the box to accommodate the motor bogie is just below the bottom edge of the windows. Steps can be taken to disguise the box such as painting it a dark colour or most effectively adding passengers. There might have to be compromises with keeping the motor/bogie boxes smaller and clearance. A centrally placed motor and cardan drive would solve both problems.
  9. The two cars at Mangapps have been cosmetically restored and are now under cover. They were restored for a film set IIRC in the 30's or 40's. I can't recall the film title but no doubt someone will be able to tell me. Maroon doors were part of the UndergrounD group livery up until the formation of London Transport in 1933.
  10. When I was at school history lessons ignored the previous 50 years. I left school at the end of July 1964 so anything concerning history after July 1914 I had to find out from my parents, grandparents, books and TV programs. My grandparents were understandably reticent about the Great War, my parents only a little less reticent about WW2. I gained much more from TV programs such as 'All Our Yesterdays' and 'The World at War'. Since those programs were produced attitudes and opinions have changed about many aspects. Appeasement is one such aspect, Baldwin and Daladier were roundly criticised over appeasement but now it is realised that Hitler played on their fears of another war and WMD's such as mustard gas being used on civilian populations.
  11. You forgot the Commissar to report back to the party any deviations from the party line.
  12. A few years ago a young magpie hereabouts was not so lucky. It had been caught by a cat and despite the noise and fuss being created by the parents the cat was calmly walking away with its victim firmly clamped in its mouth.
  13. No, some Liverpudlians paid a visit to India.
  14. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another application of the Voltarol gel last night before bed kept Arthur Itis quiet and he hasn't woken up yet. Better get on with the things I intended to do yesterday, and last week/month/year. I need some more round tuit's.
  15. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis is starting to grumble again so I'm going to rub in some more Voltarol gel when I go to bed tonight. Be very careful when spraying deodorant's on such delicate parts otherwise you might find it an eye watering experience.
  16. One livery that they didn't do was the 'Starlight Express', the '59/62 stock in 1920's livery of red and cream. Had EFE bought that livery out I would be first in the queue to buy one.
  17. Probably the pre-covid launch date. Add another 3 months at least on to any release dates.
  18. I was in the lucky position of being in payroll and having the necessary details at my fingertips to calculate to within a few pence what my pension would be after tax. I left at the end of March but due to accrued leave I didn't work that month and I also had another months leave due so there was double pay for that month.
  19. On the tube stock as produced by EFE the wheels are right up inside the seat boxes. When you sit on those seats your family jewels are only inches away from a sharp spinning wheel flange.
  20. A nice model but the blade will need to be replaced with a bucket.
  21. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. None of the G word or work on the shed has been done today, Arthur Itis has seen to that. As I got out of my chair it felt as if I'd been kicked by a horse. I could barely put one foot in front of the other and had to crawl upstairs on hands and knees. I took a brace of co-codamols and then tried some Voltarol gel rubbing it in to the affected joint. That seemed to ease the pain considerably. Its still giving the odd twinge but now its not to bad. I take it she was fully clothed. Simon, there is stuff available for cleaning oil and petrol from water tanks. Its for use in motor homes where the putting of diesel or petrol into water tanks is quite common.
  22. I've just ordered 5 tonnes of concrete.
  23. I have some static models of French EMU stock like the EFE tube stock. The plastic seating unit has a shallow moulded 'box' over each bogie to accommodate a motor bogie if you wish to motorise. The box is about 6-8 mm high and barely noticeable.
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