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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Don't have any problems here with rats or mice. The foxes and cats see to that.
  2. We had one like that many years ago on a course. He found a pint of water in front of him instead of beer.
  3. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Temperature indoors lunchtime was 28.5 C. so I put the fan on. Temperature now is 29 C. though the output from the fan feels a lot cooler. Time to put the dinner on, using the microwave so not adding too much to the heat.
  4. Almost forgot, no news on the abandoned puppies found in Rochford but here's a pic of one.
  5. That must be a fantastic family tree you've got there, I can only trace one branch back to the 1530's on my family tree. Mind you that includes a couple of ancestors who would be millionaires by todays measurements and a spy.
  6. The rain I mentioned this morning might as well not have happened. The only evidence of its passing is its even more humid. I'm hoping for a downpour so that I can check the new shed for leaks. I also forgot the old vacuum cleaner that I use for cleaning up after drilling and cutting, such things as brick dust and sawdust. Tea is brewing so its be back later.
  7. Morning all from Estuary-Land. There's something wet falling from the sky this morning, I wonder what it is? Seriously we are desperate for rain but no doubt it won't be enough. Oldest kitchen appliances? The cooker is 31+ years old, the washing machine is 37 years old and to top the lot the filter coffee machine is 46 years old though that has been used very rarely as I'm a tea drinker. Off now for a dunk in the bath, be back later.
  8. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Still 28:5 C. here indoors despite windows and doors being open. Still catching up on Farcebook so Goodnight all.
  9. Yes it is, the bow fronted building stands out.
  10. No doubt team managers have taken note.
  11. If modelling 1960 onwards the Airfix/Dapol JCB is ideal. In fact I saw one still in use in about 1985.
  12. I had a wasps nest in the brickwork of the house. They'd got in through a tiny gap in the corner of the bathroom window sill. Fortunately they never got inside the house, only inside the cavity wall, but I made sure the bathroom window stayed shut. Once they had gone I got the builder in to seal the gap and do a bit of re-pointing. It probably wouldn't have been a problem in subsequent years as wasps change their nest sites every year but I was taking no chances.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Another hot one today, so nothing done outside. My new reading glasses arrived this afternoon so I've been testing them out. Everything seems to be OK but I'll still be keeping the old reading glasses as neither the new glasses nor my distance glasses are any good for watching TV, the screen (10'/3 metres away) only appears clear through the old reading glasses. What seems remarkable is that my distance vision has little changed in almost ten years. I popped into the big green shed this afternoon for some screws, I'm sure I had some somewhere so they're bound to come to light now.
  14. The first official world speed record was held by an electric car.
  15. I had a Hornet in the house a couple of years ago, well I think it was a hornet, it might have been a queen wasp looking for somewhere to make a nest. I quickly dispatched it with a fly spray.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I am going to attempt to put the gazebo up sometime today, I really must get on with sorting out the new shed and as the shed is in full sun for most of the day I need some protection. I just hope that the gazebo is still usable as its not been used for some time. But before that I will have to visit the DIY emporium as I seem to have run out of screws of the required size. I've probably got some hidden away somewhere but the only sure way of finding them is to buy some more. Tea has brewed so its be back later.
  17. Just proves that a mistake can be made by anyone such as Mercedes over tyres.
  18. Early this afternoon I went out into the garden and nearly tripped over a fox as it shot out of the shrubbery. It had made itself a 'nest' and had probably been sleeping when I disturbed it. Also there was a slug who had attempted to cross the patio in full sun yesterday. I spotted it yesterday and it was still there this morning somewhat dry and shrivelled up.
  19. Evening all from Estuary-Land. No afternoon from Estuary-Land, I was sat in my chair when eyelids demanded inspection, when I woke up Arthur Itis gave me a kicking. A brace of codeine and an application of voltarol gel is sorting him out. Mention of our furry friends bought to mind this local news report:- https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2020-08-09/cyclist-finds-three-abandoned-puppies-left-in-cardboard-box-in-essex?fbclid=IwAR3ognyVGRiQtzFDyldOlcmtpLHD077yULb1c7JGrtKIshky9S-nyOv0zA4 It makes harrowing reading and it appears that they have been smuggled in to the UK, I hope that they recover and no doubt a suitable loving home will be found for them.
  20. Back in the 50's there were several large plant and machinery operators in the vicinity of where I lived. Mostly involved with gravel extraction. They were usually in corporate colours, usually a single colour such as grey or green.
  21. Perhaps the 3D printers could come up with some body shells to represent some of the other stock that ran with this stock. Not only the 'Standard' stock but such as the 1960 Cravens DM's.
  22. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations to Dave and Mrs. H. What makes the masks more uncomfortable is my hay fever, breathing through a blocked up nose as well is very uncomfortable. There is an up side as when I breath through my mouth my glasses don't steam up. Does it have that effect? I would lay off the plum crumble if I were you.
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