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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. My GP's surgery doesn't do blood tests either, in fact it has never done them. The hospital is only about half a mile away and like GDB's hospital used to operate a walk in service but that stopped long before Covid-19 reared its ugly head. Problem is that as I've got older my mobility has got worse and its not such an easy walk to the hospital. Going by car is not an option due to parking charges and there is no direct bus service.
  2. Thanks for that, the trains accompanying the guns were of a varied mix of vehicles including French and Hungarian ferry vans 'trapped' here.
  3. The same applies to Farcebook. At one time all ones groups were in two columns in the centre of the screen with an indication of the number of posts made since you last looked at that group. About a year ago they changed it to a narrow column on the left hand side. What is more they no longer tell you how many posts have been made, only a dot that informs you if there is a new post, not if there is an answer to an existing post. What is more you can only scroll down about a dozen groups before you come to a notice saying 'more groups' which you have to click on to continue. Now here comes the rub, if someone answers a post or there is a new post or someone rates a post a notice pops up in the bottom left hand corner, right were the more groups notice is. Quite often when I intend to click on more groups a notice pops up beneath the cursor and I find myself looking at a post I read and rated last week. Its usually quite simple to go back to the list of my groups but its back to the top of the list and I have to start scrolling again. Another delight is that most groups are in 'Newest first' order so you just have to go down until it says older. Some groups however are in 'Top posts' order which IMHO is a fancy name for sh!t order. Problem is that they will suddenly change some groups from newest first to top posts. Obviously they don't understand the meaning of the term 'User Friendly'.
  4. Thats good news that Grace is out of the ICU, not so good is they apparently couldn't organise a p!ss up in a brewery. Lets hope that Grace continues to improve and can go home soon.
  5. A rider was not so lucky earlier when he hit a downed bike.
  6. As for this type of stock in military service, as they're generic a liberal application of rule 1 will be applied. I want a couple of riding vans to go with my Oxford Rail rail mounted gun. Its only a question of which types are most suitable.
  7. It has several Citroen features, the bonnet side louvres on a raised panel and Michelin pressed steel wheels are the most distinctive. Enlarging the picture reveals more details such as the central spotlight between the headlights.
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Will have to get my @r$e into gear today and get on with the shed. The 'missing' screws have not turned up yet. Whats the betting that they'll stay in hiding until I open the packets of new screws? Q, those branches that broke off of the plum tree I hope are big enough for the wood burner, when suitably dried and seasoned of course. According to the forecast we might get the odd thundery shower but mostly dry, same for tomorrow but Wednesday is going to be a wet one. Thursday however the wetness will be sweeping away northwards and it will be mostly dry. Thats it for now, be back later.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Used my printer for the first time since it was repaired this evening, worked perfectly as it should. Weather predicted to dry up by the end of the week so should be able to make progress on the shed, fitting of the hasp so it can be locked and secured and tools can then be transferred from the old shed. Then demolishing the old shed can commence, if it doesn't fall down first. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Spotted a couple of weeds sprouting from what I laughably call a lawn when I went out this afternoon. A couple of them were about to set seed so a good pull got them out roots and all and then straight into the green bin with them. Now for a bit of eyelid inspection, be back later.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Surprise, surprise, there is a strange yellow orb in the sky but the clouds not too far away are suggesting that its not going to last. But it does take practise and I think I need more practise at it.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not much to report this evening. Catching up on Farcebook as the amount of traffic on there is back to normal levels. Another pot of tea is brewing (as usual) and is waiting to be poured.
  13. It is indeed a Powerdrive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powerdrive They even tried a 4 wheel version (page down) https://smallcarsclub.com/catalog/powerdrive/powerdrive/
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Nothing much doing outside today, too much wet stuff falling from the sky and it looks like the same tomorrow and for the next few days. I might take some tools into the garage though and measure up and cut and drill some timber. Teas brewed so its be back later.
  15. Morning all from a damp and dreary Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Andy, it doesn't seem that long ago that it was my 45th birthday but that was more than 27 years ago! Fingers still crossed for baby Grace and hope the improvement carries on. Our exhibition at the end of October still hasn't been officially cancelled yet, but its extremely doubtful that it will go ahead. Thats it for now, be back later.
  16. Thanks, that reminded me that I've got one (1/72) stashed somewhere unmade. I'll have to get round tuit and find a suitable base. Even in 1/72 its quite sizeable. Mostly laser cut card with corrugated plasticard for the roof.
  17. Love the hanger, is it a kit or scratch-built?
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I don't watch a great deal of TV nowadays so I cannot comment on the Scandinavian or Italian detective shows. Back in the day I used to watch Inspector Morse and New Tricks which was about the last ones I made a point of watching. Nowadays I prefer a different form of detective work in such programs as A House Through Time. This afternoons rain cooled things down a bit but now its getting close and muggy again, according to the weathermen we might have a thunderstorm and then we might not. There is tea to be drunk, be back later.
  19. And perhaps they'll take on SV as well.
  20. Afternoon all from Estuary-Lane. There's some wet stuff falling out of the sky at the moment, can anyone explain it please? Seriously though its very welcome after about six weeks without any significant rain. Now no hay fever, irritation from eczema and even Arthur Itis is taking a nap. Will this do? There's even an Emoji, or a few.
  21. Christian Jihadist's? https://www.patheos.com/blogs/progressivesecularhumanist/2020/08/christian-parents-call-wisconsin-school-districts-face-mask-requirement-satanic/?fbclid=IwAR2AIGK3glroK_kYFcfqCd5Nzd2Us0Pjt8A4m7OTJAvYQ4qwzWF_7XUXs3w
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