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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. IIRC the City and South London Railway only had five stations at first and two of them were termini. Also each 'padded cell' had a gate-man one of who's duties was to call out the name of each station.
  2. Many powders are flammable or explosive.
  3. Actually they had a couple of fanlights in the roof over the luggage compartments. The guards compartment was in the centre and was fitted with duckets and not much more than five feet wide, the width of the door and ducket combined so there was no room for any extra windows anyway.
  4. That depends, in some instances the only light in the guards compartment was through the door drop lights (Metropolitan) whereas others had well glazed ends (GER).
  5. There was, 23 in all, converted from 2 door saloons for the Nairobi police. Only one is known to survive.
  6. Another conversion I've heard of is a 100E to 107E conversion. All it needed was a 107E cross-member and a few mods to the transmission tunnel. If you used the 105E back axle though the spring mounting pads had to be altered.
  7. I had an Anglia 1200 estate, it out performed many larger 'sporty' models except in top speed.
  8. I think you've been living in Yorkshire for a bit too long.
  9. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning and very little if any wind. So no excuses for not doing some of the G word. As its predicted to be dry I'll zap some more weeds and once they're dead it will be time to mow the grass, still waiting for it to set seed to cover some of the bald patches. Thats it for now, be back later.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. A quarter of one of the bread puddings has gone already, somehow I doubt it will last until Friday.
  11. There's no guarantee that any drawings are 100% accurate anyway. Modifications could have been made without consulting the drawing office.
  12. The radiator looks more reminiscent of a 1920's Halley to me which would suit the enclosed cab.
  13. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went to Tess Coe's this afternoon for some bits I'd forgotten to get yesterday. One of the items was eggs which in the Pitsea store are alongside the bakery. As I passed the bakery I espied a fresh batch of bread pudding so I grabbed one and upon seeing the use by date of the 4th of September I grabbed another. I now have to consume half of a bread pudding every day for the next four days, life is hard. That was my thought as well.
  14. FIA investigating loose wheel. https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/56217/fia-to-investigate-concerning-giovinazzi-loose-wheel/
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Overslept this morning, only by about half an hour. That was due to the eczema driving me mad last night with the itching. Scratching only makes it worse but application of a damp flannel calmed it down enough for me to get some sleep. Not having seen any spiders for a while I had to remove a couple of large ones from the bath this morning and I've seen a couple of others scuttling around. I don't mind spiders, especially as there seems to have been a plague of moths recently that now seems to have disappeared. I consider the benefits of spiders outweigh any disadvantages. No news from Dave yet, hope that its a case of no news is good news.
  16. I've been doing that for years. I also put the newly washed and aired ones at the back of the sock drawer at take the ones from the front for use.
  17. Evening all from Estuary-Land. This afternoon I nodded off while doing a Sudoku but the pen slipping through my fingers woke me up. So I went to look for the pen but it was nowhere to be found, it was as if it had disappeared into thin air. So I got another pen and finished the puzzle. Later this afternoon I was looking down when I spotted the missing pen. It was standing vertical against the leg of a table alongside my chair.
  18. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear of Dave's trials and tribulations. Just to say if all the rescue missions turn up at the same time there's no fear of them running out of laxatives. Time for dinner, just got to see what the use by date lottery turns up.
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