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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Tony and I hope your up and around soon. My only experience of hospital food was approx. 68 years ago. I went into hospital at about age 4 for a tonsillectomy. At the time sweets were still rationed and that included ice cream. Due to the operation the only 'solid' food I could eat for a few days was ice cream. In fact when they performed the op they found I had a quinsy so I was kept in hospital over the Christmas period while it was treated. Actually Basildon hospital has a good reputation for its food. They have a restaurant in the out patients unit that is open to the general public and I know of one or two people who use it although they are not patients. Profits from the restaurant are used to subsidise the hospital catering. ChrisF, A few years ago Tesco's distributed a leaflet listing all their stores with catering and fuel facilities in close proximity to the motorways. I have a copy somewhere but it will be way out of date by now. Asda's do a very good English breakfast as well. Thats it for now, be back later.
  2. https://oldlayout.com/?fbclid=IwAR3nAn7Lsv7l_zDFK6TB9aagwwp38d7jT0H9xbBv7FfXv5DSTKTTfD0a1Is
  3. Looks as if he stalled on the crossing. Roemond, Netherlands.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been catching up on Farcebook, not helped by it being user unfriendly. They are changing the system soon to something that appears to be even worse. I'm not the only one of that opinion either going by comments I have read. All is not lost however as someone has come up with an app that enables you to keep using the old system which I have installed. Hope things go well for Tony, be back later.
  5. The Ipswich trolleybuses had a destination blind box so small that it could only contain the ultimate destination and a single digit route number. But they had 10 routes so the trolleybuses going to the railway station, route 10 displayed 'Station X'.
  6. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Still grey and overcast but still dry at the moment but wetness is predicted for tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to be dry if a bit cold so hopefully the G word will be attended to. Muggatee awaits, be back later.
  7. Post has just arrived with an invitation to take part in a Covid-19 antibody test. Not sure whether or not to do so as it says its no proof as to whether one has had the bug or not.
  8. As well as the smoking/none-smoking signs would not some compartments be designated ladies only? Usually some of those adjacent to the guards compartment. I appreciate that this will require a bit more research as it probably only applied to certain companies.
  9. I think its a six wheeler and there should be a wheel there.
  10. Indeed he was, and Fleming's nephew was at school with a cousin of HB.
  11. Certainly not Harwich, possibly Felixstowe.
  12. Something to do with the name Blofeld?
  13. Didn't the Americans have a steam turbine electric running in the 1950's? Found it here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GE_steam_turbine_locomotives
  14. I can't be certain but I think its Tilbury Docks. If it is then they are probably bound for the Low Countries.
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Rick and Simon and I hope that things go well for Tony. A bit grey this morning but dry. Isn't the September full moon the harvest moon? It was rather bright last night but I thought that was normal for a harvest moon. Both worked for the secret service but different parts of it. They both also had the same publisher, Johnathan Cape.
  16. Many years ago (1979) I took a holiday in Barbados. The hotel was the main building/restaurant set in a large garden with bungalows for the guests set around the garden. Fresh mango was one of the breakfast options, they had a few mango trees in the grounds and if you wanted a mango for breakfast the staff would go and pick one off of the tree for you.
  17. All are included except turnpike, and its not the USA.
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Here's another couple of questions. Ataulfo, Alphonso and Keitt are varieties of which fruit? Which country has the greatest mileage of motorways?
  19. You beat me to it, they made (still do?) push bikes as well. Then there's also the Belgian FN.
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