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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been delving into Farcebook and found some more local groups including one just for the estate where I live. Speaking of Farcebook there has been no end of complaints about their new page layout. If anyone prefers the old layout you can keep it by using this. https://oldlayout.com/?fbclid=IwAR3nAn7Lsv7l_zDFK6TB9aagwwp38d7jT0H9xbBv7FfXv5DSTKTTfD0a1Is Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.
  2. Thats got to win the prize. I doubt very much if its still there, isn't Kia Tak now closed?
  3. I wonder what is the furthest travelled platform trolley.
  4. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Just zapped a few more weeds this afternoon. Most of them are in what I laughably call a lawn, more weeds and bald patches than grass. The grass hasn't dropped all its seed yet so once it has the remaining grass will get cut and next spring it will get re-seeded. It certainly is, I also received a tidy sum in PPI and I only realised that I was due anything when I found an old statement. Sadly the deadline for claims has past.
  5. With the new 70 registrations coming in the DLVA have issued a list of banned numbers. https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/hundreds-number-plates-just-been-22665769#source=push
  6. Probably easier to get going than one of the modern computerised tin boxes.
  7. Ferrari's brake problem:- https://www.gpfans.com/en/articles/56682/vettel-lucky-after-surprising-monza-brake-failure/
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite bright this morning if a bit hazy but comfortably warm. Not a lot to do today so no excuse for not getting on with the gardening. The longest journey I have undertaken in one day was from Ostend to Ludwigshaven in Southern Germany, I'm not sure of the distance as back then (1973) they were still in the process of building some of the Autobahns. The route took us via Brussels and Cologne then we followed the Rhine valley down to Mannheim, our destination was on the opposite bank of the Rhine. I was sharing the driving with my dad with a few food and comfort breaks, and a some delays as we had to pass through Brussels as the by-pass ring road (a sort of Belgian M25) had not been built then. The whole journey took about 14 hours and I was absolutely knackered. Though the driving was shared it was the first time either of us had experienced driving on the continent and on the 'wrong' side of the road.
  9. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've been sorting through a pile of books and found a few that I'd forgotten I had. One thing that I must do is get another bookcase, or maybe two as I think one will fill up rather rapidly.
  10. Isn't there one somewhere that required single deck buses with specially shaped roofs. I seem to recall that the buses were Bedford VAL's and later Bristol RE's. After that a new road was built and the route diverted away from the bridge.
  11. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I was prepared to do a bit of the G word today but Arthur Itis said no. So I went down to Tess Coes for a few bits and the new Railway Modeller. So thats what I'll be doing this evening reading the said magazine.
  12. The sign on one side of the bridge was obscured by vegetation as shown on this evenings BBC news.
  13. Its been pointed out on another thread. With social distancing it may have been thought prudent to put a larger vehicle on the service. In many cases a double deck bus in place of a single decker. The bus must have been going at some speed judging by the distance it travelled beneath the bridge before stopping.
  14. Notice he didn't specify up or down.
  15. Oops, nearly forgot. Another member of the Honorable Society of Skip Divers. Over the years I have 'rescued' from skips a full size solid oak table, a Workmate, more than a hundred antique bricks, about six square yards of tongue and groove flooring and on one occasion enough 1 X 2 to build the frame for a layout as well as enough off cuts to fill a timber yard.
  16. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin day today including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. Yesterday I gave the weeds on the patio a dose of glyphosphate and the effects are beginning to show already, except for the one or two I missed. A bit more gardening will be done later.
  17. Report here. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-winchester-crash-children-seriously-22659275#source=push It is indeed the same bridge, which beggars the question how on earth did the driver not realise that a double deck bus wouldn't fit?
  18. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see Ian back and I hope we hear soon from the other missing ER's. Arthur Itis is still hanging about, he seems to like the humidity, hopefully the seaweed twirlers are right about a hot dry weekend. Bin day tomorrow so I've got to get them out for tomorrow morning.
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