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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Reflected light? Off of high cloud or possibly moonlight.
  2. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just as well I got in some fresh milk yesterday. The carton that I had been using had gone off this morning and had to go down the sink. I could never get the hang of checking my pulse by the wrist but I found I could find a pulse at the back of my jawbone just below the ear, at least I have a pulse. I have hundreds of slides and photographs that I would like to put in digital form so the tips about a scanner are very useful. I suppose I'll have to get on with the gardening now, I've run out of excuses not to, be back later.
  3. It seems to me that the track is a bit narrow in some places, OK for two wheels but not for four.
  4. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I agree entirely with John about face masks, there are whole groups of people going around without face masks and not socially distancing and the majority seem to be under thirty. I'm well aware that some like Rick are excused from wearing them but I can't believe that there are as many as I see about without masks, I watched the Formula 1 highlights, I switched over half an hour after the program started and as it worked out they were just about to start the race (for the first time) so I didn't miss anything.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Trying to avoid seeing anything about the motor racing at the moment but I understand there's been a bit of excitement, I'll catch up on Ch4 later. But a muggatee first, be back later.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=covid testing west yorkshire&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB904GB904&oq=corvid+testing+west+yorkshire&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.21262j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&sxsrf=ALeKk00QrMcn3r9-_lVIgsvn1iEHssU9wg:1600013678786&npsic=0&rflfq=1&rlha=0&rllag=53620843,-1570650,9338&tbm=lcl&rldimm=6281131929679342666&lqi=Chxjb3ZpZCB0ZXN0aW5nIHdlc3QgeW9ya3NoaXJlIgPwAQFaLQoNY292aWQgdGVzdGluZyIcY292aWQgdGVzdGluZyB3ZXN0IHlvcmtzaGlyZQ&ved=2ahUKEwibu9a3w-brAhUOYsAKHXOVCbcQvS4wAXoECBMQDw&rldoc=1&tbs=lrf:!3sIAE,lf:1,lf_ui:16&rlst=f#rldoc=1&rlfi=hd:;si:;mv:[[54.0060514,-0.9231833999999999],[53.3758206,-2.5800475]] Looks as if you have to make an appointment.
  7. https://hassili.com/desperation-is-the-best-teacher/
  8. https://hassili.com/delayed-confession/
  9. https://hassili.com/monkey-leave-card/
  10. Sadly its been scrapped, page down for list. https://www.railforums.co.uk/threads/pacer-withdrawals-the-list-reference.202149/
  11. On one of the links above I paged down and at the bottom was a series of geared motors, some down to 70 rpm. Problem is I now can't find it again.
  12. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday to Beth. Only just about to have breakfast/brunch, had a long lie in this morning and an almost as long soak in the bath. You've trained Ben well if he can make breakfast for you. I have to do my own so its be back later.
  13. They can be ordered here:- https://www.asiatees.com/display?Miscellaneous-All-Parts-Hop-Ups&brand=Miscellaneous&model=All&id=175702
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I popped down to Tess Coes to get some bread and I was pleased to find that they had some of my favourite bread left. I bought a few other things and checked the reduced to clear cabinet, it was empty but there was still some stuff left in the fruit and veg, some salad and some raspberries. The raspberries were still quite firm, sometimes when they're in the reduced shelves they get a bit mushy but these passed the flip test* with flying colours. *Flip the packet upside down and if any stick to the bottom put it back on the shelf. I hope things get better for our western ER's and the fires go elsewhere or burn out. Thats it for now, be back later.
  15. https://www.amazon.co.uk/KPD7C-0716-Coreless-Vibration-Vibrating-Bracelet/dp/B07TT7BJ2W/ref=pd_sbs_60_4/262-8677540-4679822?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07TT7BJ2W&pd_rd_r=ddfdea94-7565-4b8b-bb04-f35d5234691a&pd_rd_w=Hv4Ye&pd_rd_wg=cPspe&pf_rd_p=ab0f8dce-7f41-4f1b-a486-fa30b5d29eaa&pf_rd_r=JT55D14GQ11FA019GV3J&psc=1&refRID=JT55D14GQ11FA019GV3J https://www.amazon.co.uk/sourcingmap-10pcs-3500RPM-Pager-Vibration/dp/B016VQSZ7Q/ref=pd_sbs_60_5/262-8677540-4679822?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B016VQSZ7Q&pd_rd_r=ddfdea94-7565-4b8b-bb04-f35d5234691a&pd_rd_w=Hv4Ye&pd_rd_wg=cPspe&pf_rd_p=ab0f8dce-7f41-4f1b-a486-fa30b5d29eaa&pf_rd_r=JT55D14GQ11FA019GV3J&psc=1&refRID=JT55D14GQ11FA019GV3J
  16. I can see a pattern emerging, Hammy holds back until the final practice then nips in and grabs pole position. This has happened several times before.
  17. Actually I think it was these:- Or these:-
  18. There is a chap who scratch builds his own 009 locomotives and he uses motors from mobile phone vibrators, these motors are tiny, no more than a centimetre long and 3 mm diameter. They are proper motors as well not the 'make and break' type.
  19. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I remember the rind on cheddar cheese when I was a youngster. If you pulled the hessian off carefully it would come away clean. I like to rummage in the reduced to clear chill cabinet, fortunately much of the stuff in Tesco's is still usable a day after the use by date but in other supermarkets its already going 'off' in the cabinet. I now need to nip down to Tess Coes as I'm running short of bread.
  20. Morning all from Estuary-Land. I can vouch for the inaccuracy of BP readings. Fortunately in my case it was discovered that I have 'white coat syndrome' as well as a few other things that affected the reading. One of the things that I was not aware off was that drinking tea an hour or two before taking a reading will make that reading high, something to do with the caffeine in tea. Another thing that Chris might consider is an electronic scale. One that not only measures your weight but BMI and bone density as well. I purchased one a few months ago and it seems to be accurate as to weight though I don't have anything to compare for the others. Time to get on, be back later.
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